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Olive branch from Prince Harry to his father Prince Charles! They had a secret meeting for 15 minutes.

Prince Harry, who made a great impression all over the world with his decision to leave the British Royal Family, had a secret meeting with his father, Prince Charles, for 15 minutes last Thursday. Queen II of the meeting. It is said to be the result of Elizabeth’s insistence.

Prince Harry left the British Royal Family in 2020 and decided to live in America with his wife Meghan Markle. Leaving all his titles behind, the Prince met with his father, Prince Charles, for the first time in two years.

The secret meeting between Prince Charles and Prince Harry at Windsor Castle on Thursday morning lasted only 15 minutes. Queen II of the secret meeting between father and son. It was claimed that it was made at the insistence of Elizabeth.

Since leaving the Crown, Prince Harry’s relationship with his father has been known to be distant and strained. A source close to the Royal, speaking to the Daily Mail newspaper; She said Prince Charles was “heartbroken” by what happened and that the Prince of Wales “still wants to keep the door open and continue talking” for his son.

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