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Proud news from the famous actress Selin Yeninci! Cannes traveler

A proud news came from Selin Yeninci, who is currently the leading actress in the TV8 TV series “Mother’s Secret, Child”.

Selin Yeninci, who played in the TV series Once Upon a Time in Çukurova, plays the character of Meryem in the “Mother’s Secret Child” series in the new season. It turns out that Selin Yeninci is preparing to go to Cannes now.

selin Yeninciü

Yeninci, who has played in many award-winning films and won awards at festivals, will appear on the red carpet next month. Emin Alper’s latest film ‘Arid Days’, starring Yeninci, became the only film from Turkey to be included in the official selection of the Cannes Film Festival.

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