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Seda Sayan lashed out at the age difference criticism! “Caglar has an 11-year-old son!”

Seda Sayan, who recently got married with Çağlar Ökten, who is 25 years younger than her, lashed out at the comments “You married a child at a young age” on social media. Speaking to the 2nd Page program, Sayan admitted that his wife had a child by saying, “Let them not call Çağlar ‘underage’. He is an 11-year-old man with a child.”

Famous singer Seda Sayan and musician Çağlar Ökten said “yes” to happiness with a simple wedding ceremony held in Beşiktaş on Sunday evening. Seda Sayan, whose happiness reflected in her eyes at the wedding ceremony attended by her close friends, lashed out at those who said the age difference between her and her husband.

Seda Sayan and Çağlar Ökten

Connected to the 2nd Page program by phone, Seda Sayan put the last point on age, which is on the agenda in social media. “Let them not keep calling Çağlar ‘underage’.” said the famous artist, “The man with an 11-year-old child. How can he be called a ‘little one’!” he expressed his reaction.

Seda Sayan and Çağlar Ökten got married

Social media users were shocked when they heard that Çağlar Ökten has a child.

It was learned that Çağlar Ökten has an 11-year-old son
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