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See what happens when you read a book with your children

Our brain is a complex of circuits and signals, it is now a known and proven fact that we strengthen these signal and circuit networks while reading a book, in other words, we feed our brain. If reading a book is made a habit and a hobby from an early age, its sustainability is just as easy and enjoyable.

Have you ever calculated that a family that reads together for only 20 minutes a day, 7 days a week, reads more than 121 hours each year? the habit of combining these small amounts can have many benefits, some of which we have included in our content;

  • Allows you to form strong bonds with your children during special family time

Many families School has a busy schedule with work and other extracurricular activities, but spending just 20 minutes a day to sit and read together can create lasting bonds in the family. Remember, family activities are very valuable and it feels valuable.

  • You teach reading for pleasure and encourage a love of books

Children who see their parents reading for pleasure use it as a role model they are more likely to pick up and do it themselves, and when the whole family is involved this reinforces the message that reading is not just for school or work. This awareness lays the foundation of a sustainable reading habit with pleasure.

  • You will help expand the vocabulary of both you and your children

The more you read, the more you read, whatever your age. the better your vocabulary will be. Thanks to the readings you make together, your children grow up as individuals who have a rich vocabulary and can express themselves correctly.

  • Creates an opportunity to chat on various topics

Sometimes with your Children about difficult topics Talking can be difficult, but reading is a great way to introduce these types of topics to your family. This can encourage discussion among everyone in the family, which is a great way to share feelings and opinions and learn together as a unit.

  • Allows you to experience new experiences

One of the best ways to learn about something new is through a story . Life happens fast, but not all at once. Reading together will give your family the opportunity to ask questions and connect more with each other, giving them the chance to experience new things in books that children may not have yet experienced in real life.

  • You easily deliver messages about moral values ​​and feelings

Similar to the paragraph above, most of the books are a kind of lesson for the story or moral value, so this is a great way to explore these topics while reading together.

  • Helps reduce screen time

Today, especially for work and education Screen time is pretty obvious. Taking time away from the screens and enjoying a good book together will rest your eyes and give everyone time to relax and enjoy each other.

  • Allows you to use your imagination together

We all face real-world problems every day, so why take a break? Don’t we pick up a book and exercise the imagination muscle we all have? Embark on an adventure as a family with a great book and give your mind a chance to explore all the possibilities.

  • Offers a chance to do an activity together

Families don’t always have to read fiction, gardening for the whole family There are also great nonfiction books that feature activities such as crafts, cooking, outdoor activities for everyone to participate in. You can read and enjoy the application and have a great time.


family child development book

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