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Selim Bayraktar’s mother longing was touched!

Selim Bayraktar, who gave life to the character of Alpagu Han in the epic series broadcast on ATV screens, was seen in Cihangir the previous day. Answering the questions of the members of the press, Bayraktar said, “I will go to my mother again during the holiday.”

Successful actor Selim Bayraktar, who took part in many successful productions, was seen on the streets of Cihangir the other day. The famous actress, who did not leave the questions unanswered, did not neglect to chat with the members of the press.

Selim Bayraktar


Bayraktar, who is widely talked about with his character in the epic series, “The series continues. The final 6 of the season continues. We have a department. We will continue until the second week of June, and then the holiday begins. First, a visit to the mother in Antalya. There is a gap for the next day, then continue on the set,” he said. After the conversation, the famous name made his way home.

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