She hasn’t been hungry for a year! His life has literally turned into a nightmare

23-year-old Serhat Saltık, who lives in Denizli, is looking for a cure for his illness, which could not be diagnosed due to losing his sense of …

23-year-old Serhat Saltık, who lives in Denizli, is looking for a cure for his illness, which could not be diagnosed due to losing his sense of hunger about 1 year ago…


The 23-year-old young man living in Denizli is looking for a cure for his illness, which could not be diagnosed because he lost his sense of hunger about 1 year ago, by visiting doctor to doctor. The reaction of the doctors to the young man who lost his sense of hunger was as follows: “We have not read anything like this in the medical book, nor have I come across such a patient in my life as a doctor”.

23-year-old university student, living in Pamukkale, Denizli, Serhat Saltık, while everything was going well in his life, he suddenly lost his sense of hunger. Saltik, who applied to many doctors in Turkey in line with his own means to find a solution to his illness, was stunned by the answers he received. Doctors told Saltik that they had never encountered such a disease before, and that the situation was not even written in medical books.

After a while, Salty started to lose weight, and after explaining his loss of appetite to another doctor, he tried to hold on to life with food in the form of food. Surgical operation was performed and a tissue sample was taken from Saltık, who had an undiagnosed disease, and biopsy was performed on his body. The young man, who continues to apply to doctors, wants to regain his health as soon as possible and to continue his education, which he left unfinished.


He studied mathematics in Istanbul and went to many doctors in Turkey to find a cure for his undiagnosed disease. Serhat Saltık announced that he left his education halfway. Returning to his family and wanting to get rid of the foods he compulsorily consume at home, Saltik stated the following:

“It started with getting suddenly hungry and losing my appetite. Naturally, I started not to experience the hunger function that every person experiences every day. This process gradually increased, at first it went and came back for a certain period of time. After that, it would go longer and come back. As I progressed in this way, I was no longer completely hungry. It takes approximately one year. There are nutritious foods that doctors have given, I try to feed them. I also forcefully consume bread and water to survive. The answers the doctors gave me were as follows, ‘We have not read anything like this in medical books until now, nor have we come across a case like this throughout our life as a doctor. They said, ‘We are very surprised indeed. When my illness progressed so much, I had to go to the doctors all the time, so I started visiting the city, the hospital, the doctor. For this reason, I could not continue my education and froze my school and interrupted my education. I’m calling out to the doctors from here, if they believe that they can save me from this situation, if they believe that they can save me from this situation, please hold my hand and show me a way out. I would be very happy if a helping hand was extended to me.”

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