Summer is coming! Here are the foods that will make you smell good!

The smell of sweat, which is the fearful dream of social life, is one of the problems we are most disturbed by, especially in summer. You may …

The smell of sweat, which is the fearful dream of social life, is one of the problems we are most disturbed by, especially in summer. You may be exposed to stress or move too much during the day. For such reasons, your skin may smell bad. Don’t worry! Because we have a great solution for you. Did you know that you can prevent your sweat odor by consuming certain foods? You read it right, it is possible to prevent your sweat smell with foods. Let’s take a look at the details of the news right away!

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits, which are rich in antioxidants with both fresh and lively scents, are also perfect for preventing the smell of sweat ! It is beneficial to consume orange, tangerine or grapefruit at least once a week.

Jasmine tea

We’ve all heard of the positive effects of herbal teas on health. Jasmine tea has a wonderful effect on expelling harmful substances and emitting a pleasant smell to the body!


Rosemary is known to be good for skin problems as well as for removing bad odors from the body. Rosemary will be good for you if you have oily skin problems and the smell of sweat.

Lemon water

Take care to consume plenty of water during the day! If you don’t mind or don’t like to drink water, make it colorful. Lemon water will benefit both refreshing and cleansing your body. A simple and effective solution!


You should definitely consume yogurt, especially when you eat very heavy meals. While yoghurt cleanses the body of toxins, it will also make you stink less because you are purified from toxins.

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