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Surprising elimination in Survivor All Star! The name that received the least number of SMS on May 3…

The name who said goodbye to the island in the elimination council of Survivor All Star 2022, where excitement and tension increased as we approached the final, surprised everyone. The contestant’s farewell came as a shock. Survivor 2022 All Star, which met with the audience on

TV8 screens, came to the screen with its 95th episode on Tuesday, May 3rd.

First, the red and blue team competitors faced off for the first prize game of the week.


Losing three immunity games, the red team wanted to be the winner of the award; The blue team also performed to get one more game.

The red team won the women’s fight with a score of 8-5, and the blue team won the men’s fight with a score of 8-0.

The pizza table award for the Best of race went to the blue team with a score of 3-1.


Evolution, who lost the first immunity game of the week, became a candidate for elimination and went to the island of absence .

Losing the second immunity game of the week, the red team sent Barış to the rim.

The third elimination candidate was Ayşe, while the fourth elimination candidate was out of the red team and Sude was sent to the basket.

Among the 4 qualifying candidates, Barış Murat Yağcı said goodbye to Dominik. Merve could not hold back her tears, while both the contestants and the audience were shocked by the elimination of Barış.

Making a farewell speech after his elimination, Barış said:

“I was waiting for this because I made a huge mistake and it was not a mistake that anyone could take away. I think it was very beneficial, I made a mistake and set an example for other Survivor competitions. I’m sorry if I have the right to both teams. Since I couldn’t show the real Barış as a Performance, it made me sad to get out of the crucible anyway. Trying to exist by not doing much is up to a point. I didn’t even have 3 out of 3, it’s a situation that I can’t fit myself.”

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