Gündüz Şatıroğlu, the grandson of Aşık Veysel, is getting ready to share his grandfather.

Gündüz Şatıroğlu organizes an archive of audio recordings, letters and diaries inherited from his grandfather. It will be shared with the public …

Gündüz Şatıroğlu organizes an archive of audio recordings, letters and diaries inherited from his grandfather. It will be shared with the public in 2023, which is referred to as the “Year of Aşık Veysel” by UNESCO.

One of the grandsons of the famous folk poet Aşık Veysel Şatıroğlu, Gündüz Şatıroğlu is organizing an archive consisting of audio recordings, diaries and letters of his grandfather inherited from his father, Bahri Şatıroğlu. It is planned to be shared in 2023, which is declared as the “Year of Aşık Veysel” by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Educator and editor Gündüz Şatıroğlu, who settled in the Urla district of İzmir and named after the famous poet’s line “I’m going, day and night”, has a large archive on Aşık Veysel.

Gündüz Şatıroğlu expressed that he was always honored to be born as the grandson of Aşık Veysel, who has established a throne in everyone’s hearts, and such a public poet. Emphasizing that he did not know much of his grandfather in his life, he underlined that his bond of love was very strong.


Aware of the responsibility of being the grandson of such a person, Şatıroğlu said, “My feelings are the two scales that go back and forth between admiration for a grandfather and a public lover. Like. He gave me pocket money. I was very young. All I remember is kissing his hand and giving me money. He patted all of us on the head lovingly. His eyes were his hands anyway.” He used his expression.

Gündüz Şatıroğlu stated that UNESCO declared 2023 the “Year of Asik Veysel” and said that he was happy to be personally involved in the process.


Underlining that Aşık Veysel has a throne in everyone’s hearts in terms of the intensity of his emotions, Şatıroğlu underlined that his eyes are invisible but his heart is more open than anyone else. Veysel’s, “Let’s leave you and the self, let’s be united.” He stated that we can only shape our society with good examples. In this context, he explained that the most exciting part was to be able to add something to people’s lives with the documents in the archive.