How is Ramadan holiday cleaning done? Practical holiday cleaning in 9 steps

With the advent of Ramadan, all the wives were in a hurry to clean. Comprehensive holiday cleaning is done in the houses before each holiday …

With the advent of Ramadan, all the wives were in a hurry to clean. Comprehensive holiday cleaning is done in the houses before each holiday. Since a deep cleaning is done at home, it is usually tiring to do holiday cleaning. How to do the most practical Ramadan holiday cleaning, which will make the work of working women easier? Here are the cleaning suggestions to be done in the corner of the Ramadan holiday…

The comprehensive cleaning done in the houses before each holiday is called holiday cleaning . During the preparation process for the Ramadan Feast, when crowded tables are set, the ladies attempt to clean the whole house from top to bottom. In order not to be caught unprepared while hosting the guests during the holiday, it makes your job easier to be practical in order to clean all sides in order. Particularly when cleaning the bottom corners, which meticulous housewives pay more attention, division of labor and planning will allow you to finish the cleaning quickly. Here’s how to do the easiest cleaning before Eid al-Fitr, we’ve listed all the details for you…


Let it be your first step to start by tidying the house at this time when you can do both spring cleaning and Eid-al-Fitr cleaning at the same time. Put everything in a basket or, if it has a place, directly there.


  • After collecting the mess in the house, sweep the carpets on the floor and send them to be washed.

How to clean Ramadan


  • Then, starting from the living room, throw the curtains in the house into the washing machine and wash in curtain program.
  • To wash your curtains, you can add lemon salt and baking soda to your machine to make the curtains white.
  • If you want the curtains to be ironed after washing, you can hang them directly as soon as they are wet from the machine. Thus, you do not have to deal with a process such as ironing.


  • It is useful to start cleaning the windows after you have the general order of the house. You can choose cream cleaners or white vinegar to clean the raindrop stains on the windows and the dirt caused by the birds.
  • When you put some vinegar in the glass cleaner, you will see that the glasses are easily cleaned of dirt and are clean.

how to clean on holiday


  • After you take care of the windows, you can start cleaning the cabinet. If your cabinet is wooden, you can eliminate fingerprints and possible stains on the surface with protection spray products specially designed for wooden surfaces.
  • Clean curtains play an important role in making an environment look clean and beautiful and illuminate the room it is in. At least, if you wash your curtains in a short program and hang them wet without waiting in the machine, your curtains will not wrinkle and your room will smell as good.


  • Windows, curtains, furniture are not affected much by dusting that will occur during the sweeping process. However, you should definitely do the dusting process after the sweeping process.
  • It is the living room section where we spend more time sitting at the top of the most polluted areas in the house. Especially the seats are exposed to a lot of dirt and dust over time.


  • If you have stubborn stains on your sofas or carpets, you can easily get rid of all stains when using white vinegar and Arabian soap.
  • After all the dust around is removed, you can dust it with a damp cloth as the last step.

how to make the easiest cleaning


  • The most important place in kitchen cleaning is kitchen cabinets You can remove stubborn oil stains on kitchen cabinets with a degreaser. Here, you can ask for help from your spouse and relatives at home.
  • After cleaning the inside and outside of the cabinets well, open the aspirator part and clean it. Finally, you can clean the kitchen walls and floors and get out of this area.


  • First of all, remove all dirty linens and replace them with new ones, put them in the dirty basket and wash them in the machine in order.
  • After you have the windows and curtains done, you can sweep and wipe the floors.

bathroom cleaning


  • The last step of cleaning is bathroom, toilet and kitchen cleaning. Start your bathroom and toilet cleaning by cleaning the floor first.
  • Next, clean soap residue and limescale stains inside your bathroom. If you want to get rid of limescale stains very quickly, you can use lemon salt.
  • Put lemon salt directly on the lime stains formed in places such as faucets and showers and rub it. Let it sit for a while and rinse it off. You will see that the limescale on the faucet comes off easily and the faucets shine.


Emine Erdoğan met with families who care for their elderly and disabled relatives at iftar

President Erdoğan’s wife Emine Erdoğan met with families who care for the elderly and disabled at home for iftar. First Lady Erdoğan said …

President Erdoğan’s wife Emine Erdoğan met with families who care for the elderly and disabled at home for iftar. First Lady Erdoğan said: “They carry love, not a burden on their shoulders.”

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s wife, First Lady Emine Erdoğan, hosted the families who care for the elderly and disabled at home at the iftar program held at the State Guesthouse in the Presidential Complex.


Making a statement on the Social Networking Site Twitter account, Emine Erdoğan stated that families who care for the elderly and disabled at home are role models for the society.


First Lady Erdoğan said: “They carry love, not a burden on their shoulders. What a great luck for a person; to have a devoted lover, to protect and watch over him. Real life is super. We shared our iftar table with our heroes, our citizens who take care of their sick, disabled or elderly loved ones at home.”

Emine Erdoğan


Wishing healing to sick and elderly citizens, Emine Erdoğan said, “Our government provides financial support to our families who undertake home care. continues to support it with its spiritual services in every sense. I sincerely thank our citizens who set an example for the society, and wish healing to the sick, elderly and disabled relatives.”

How to easily remove dust from the house? 7 easy ways to completely eliminate dust

One of the most common complaints of housewives is dust flying in the air. Exposure to airborne particles, namely dust, in the house also …

One of the most common complaints of housewives is dust flying in the air. Exposure to airborne particles, namely dust, in the house also affects people who are sensitive. So, how can dust be easily removed from the house? Check out the content of our news for 7 easy ways to completely eliminate dust…

If you are constantly encountering dust particles in the air even though you clean every part of the house, this may also negatively affect your health. . Dust in the air may seem harmless because it is a small, invisible substance. However, this can cause your allergies to worsen. Experts say that dust accumulation can also trigger diseases such as asthma and house dust mite allergy. Do not forget to apply these tricks to prevent this and get rid of all the dust in the house. Here are 7 easy ways to completely remove dust


While it is impossible to completely eliminate dust, there are ways to minimize its presence and effects. Consider the rooms and areas that generate or harbor the most dust. Closets, bedrooms, carpeted areas and rooms with electronics tend to attract dust. Try to keep these areas clean by using the appropriate tools to remove dust.

how to remove dust from home


Air purifiers are effective in reducing dust, allergens and pollutants in your home. Humidifiers, dehumidifiers and UV germicidal lights used in conjunction with filtration and purification provide maximum benefits for allergy sufferers. Air conditioners dust in the house is the most household appliance. Take care to change the filters regularly so that the air conditioners do not spread dust around.


It has become a tradition for all of us to open windows to ventilate your home or because of the heat. However, this situation invites many dust molecules into your home. You should also make sure that any windows or doors in your home are closed properly. Otherwise, dust can get into the house through the gaps in between.

Wash the mosquito net you have attached to the window regularly. Since the mosquito net catches dirt and dust very quickly, it can cause dust to enter the house.

how to remove dust


Place mats in all entrances of your house. one into the door; place the other outside the door. This way, you can prevent dirt, mud and dust from entering your home. Don’t forget to place the back door, balcony, or any other door to the outside of your house the same way. Also, do not forget to wash the mats you place regularly.


Your pet friend may be the cause of dust and dirt on the floor or window sills of the house. Especially cats love to settle on the window sill. At such times, they leave their feathers where they are. That’s why you should clean your pets with the help of combs and get rid of their excess hair. You should also check and shoot those sections with the vacuum cleaner.

how to prevent dust from accumulating


To prevent the dust from falling to the lower sides, which easily accumulates in some high areas, always dust from above Try to get it down. Before you start dusting, you should make sure that all surfaces are dry. You should remember that wet cloths are not suitable for all surfaces. For example, when you use a wet cloth, the wood may warp or stain may remain on it.

how to dust


Clean dust regularly every 2 days. Do not forget to use the right products to clean the dust comfortably and beautifully. Use a microfiber cloth for smooth, flat surfaces. Ignoring when there is dust in the house and delaying the cleaning causes dust in the air.

the best method for dust removal

Keeping shoes inside the house will cause the house to trap dirt and dust in it. Therefore, air pollution will occur. It is possible to get rid of this problem by placing a shoe cabinet outside of the house or on the balcony!

Müge Anlı reacted to the Syrian national: If you are interested in guns…

Hosted by a Syrian national, Celal Seyit, who participated in the Müge Anlı program, got angry when he said “Everyone has a gun in their house …

Hosted by a Syrian national, Celal Seyit, who participated in the Müge Anlı program, got angry when he said “Everyone has a gun in their house” and went viral on social media with his response, “If you’re into guns, go protect your country”.


The disappearance of 13-year-old Celal Seyit started in the program of Müge Anlı and Tatlı Sert, broadcast on ATV screens. Speaking with people who might be related to the disappearance, Anlı could not control his nerves in the face of guest Bülent Tuna’s words.


Explaining what he knows about the incident, Müge Anlı learned that there was a shotgun in her house and said , “Where do you find this gun?” he answered. Stating that it is normal to have a gun at home, Bülent Tuna said, “I bought it from the internet, it has been at home for years. Even when the police came to search about the incident, they bought it. Today, everyone in Turkey has a gun in their house.”


Angry at these words, Anlı said, “Whose house has a shotgun here ? Did you come here to fight? In Antalya What are you doing with a shotgun? Let them search everyone’s house one day and collect the weapons they have. If you are so fond of shotguns, aren’t you also of Syrian origin? There is,” he replied.

5 ways to recycle at home

Today, the concept of recycling continues to gain value day by day as a result of the increase in consumption habits and the deterioration of …

Today, the concept of recycling continues to gain value day by day as a result of the increase in consumption habits and the deterioration of the natural balance of excessive consumption. With recycling, the amount of waste left to nature is reduced, while protecting natural resources and saving power. Well, is it possible to implement recycling in residences?

We have listed recycling ideas for you that will enable you to make a big difference with small changes in the residence…

1. Sort waste

Recycling starts at the residence. When it comes to recycling at home, the first thing that comes to people’s mind is the separation of garbage. However, there is still no conscious behavior in garbage sorting, and this sensitive issue is ignored. One of the most successful steps in residential recycling is zero or near-zero waste. It is possible to separate wastes and recycle them at home by making different waste bins such as glass, plastic, metal, paper and chemical. Or, plastic, paper and glass wastes can be sorted out in the residences and quickly left in the recycling containers on the street corners.

2. Use ecological artifacts

In recent periods, problems have been experienced in many parts of the world, especially due to the increase in the use of plastic and equivalent artifacts. Attempts around the world to overcome this problem continue at full speed. It is possible to contribute to both the protection of nature and the recycling of houses by choosing nature-friendly ecological works. In the production processes of ecological works, formulas and materials that can harm natural life from production to consumption are avoided. There are ecological alternatives to various and different categories of works such as cleanness products, sanitary pads, toothbrushes and coffee filters.

3. Evaluate the wastes

Separated wastes can be reused with various techniques and turned into goods. In this way, many materials, objects and toys are obtained, such as flower pots, colored boxes and decorations. It is possible to turn a glass bottle into a vase or a night light, a plastic waste vase or a flower pot, and a random cardboard waste into a toy that will stretch the imagination of children.

4. Earn income by collecting waste

Making money by collecting waste is one of the most well-known and most done jobs. A measure of income can be obtained by selling wastes such as copper, plastic, plastic bottles and iron to recycling factories. The income to be obtained by collecting waste completely depends on how much waste is collected. Cardboard, plastic pet bottles or paper are the most easily found and also the cheapest wastes.

5. Provide a basis for the collection of waste oil

Every 1 liter of waste oil spilled from the sinks pollutes 1 million liters of pure water. Hundreds of thousands of tons of waste oil is released into nature every year in our country. However, it is possible to collect oils and convert them into biodiesel. The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, which is sensitive to this valuable issue, answers the questions of the citizens about this issue 24 hours a day, with the unit it has set up at the ALO 181 Invitation Center.

5 most common accidents in residential areas

Among the causes of death in the world and in Turkey, home accidents are at the top. Accidents that do not result in death can result in …

Among the causes of death in the world and in Turkey, home accidents are at the top. Accidents that do not result in death can result in valuable permanent disability and damage. It is necessary to pay more attention to the safety of the environment, especially in residences with children. Taking precautionary measures against accidents that may occur in the house is valuable to save the life of you and your loved ones. Here are some of the accidents that occur frequently in residences;

1. Falls and crashes

The most common fall or crash accidents in the middle of residential accidents are mostly caused by furniture such as tables, sofas, stairs, bunk beds, balconies and It occurs as a result of falling from the window, slippery and unsuitable places. Generally, elderly individuals and children encounter falling accidents more frequently. It is possible to reduce these accidents by fixing large items such as televisions and bunk beds, by using handrails on slippery surfaces such as bathrooms, bathtubs and balconies or handrails.

2. Cuts and jams

One of the most dangerous and accident-prone areas of the residence is the kitchen. A significant number of injuries occur each year due to knives or sharp objects used in the kitchen. Not keeping sharp objects in the kitchen, storing sharp household items such as knives at a height where children cannot reach, using a non-slip cutting board, holding knives with non-wet hands, using thick gloves for dishes to be washed by hand, are among the practical measures to prevent accidents that may occur in the kitchen.

3. Drowning

It is possible for children who are interested in wet areas to experience the danger of drowning. To avoid such a situation, the bathroom and toilet doors should be locked at all times. Another choking hazard comes from the highly curious 0-3 year olds trying to swallow any object they find. Small or breakable toys, coins and nuts such as nuts, peanuts and seeds should not be kept away from children.

4. Poisonings

Along with the pandemic process, heavy use of cleaning equipment, which is preferred for hygiene in the house, increases the rates of poisoning. In particular, mixing bleach and different detergents causes a risk of poisoning for children, the elderly and other family members. It is valuable to use the cleaning agents in a way that they do not come into contact with the skin and in an appropriate amount. In addition, it should not be forgotten that the drugs that children lichen to small sweets cause irreversible poisoning. In such a case, 112 should be called without wasting time, or if it is in a close range, the nearest health institution should be visited.

5. Fires and burns

Fires or burns are mostly caused by forgetting a plug in the socket, leaving the stove on, touching a heated kitchen utensil such as pans and pots, or keeping lighters and matches within reach of children. . The first of the measures that can be taken is to have a fire extinguisher in the house. In addition, flammable items such as matches and lighters should be kept away from children. After use, the irons should be turned off immediately and the cords should not be left hanging.

Deep strainer for hair keratin care

If you’ve been hoping for smoother, frizz-free hair, you’ve probably heard of keratin hair treatments, or at least Brazilian blowouts. These …

If you’ve been hoping for smoother, frizz-free hair, you’ve probably heard of keratin hair treatments, or at least Brazilian blowouts. These one-of-a-kind conditioners are known for their ability to keep hair looking straight, smooth and shiny for up to six months. The only problem is that they are loaded with chemicals and often have a bad reputation as a result. For this reason and knowing very well how useful keratin can be as a hair care component on its own, the brands of beauty started to formulate products infused with keratin at home.

What is keratin?

Cosmetic biochemist Stacey Steinmetz says, “Keratin is a structural and protective protein that makes up hair and nails. It is responsible for preventing breakage, frizz and heat damage to the hair. It can be used to smoothen and remove frizz by applying keratin topically to your hair.” she explains.

Learn from the experts what you need to know about using keratin for hair, including the benefits, the different ways to use keratin, and who it’s best for.

There are two main ways to add keratin to your hair care routine, and the benefits will vary depending on which one you choose. Dermatologist Hadley King says, “Hydrolyzed collagen proteins, when applied topically to hair, can help fill in damaged areas of the hair shaft, increasing strength discontinuously. This is different from keratin treatments, which often contain formalin (formaldehyde and methyl alcohol) to straighten hair. These treatments can damage hair and produce dangerous fumes.” she says. Despite these potential dangers, many people still book keratin treatments at the salon. Ahead, learn the essentials of the ingredient, including how it works to strengthen your hair and the most adequate way to reap the full benefits of keratin.

Keratin for hair

Ingredient type: Strengthening smooth

Most important benefits: Repairs the hair shaft, smoothes the strands, adds shine

Who should use it: In general, keratin is most beneficial for those with thick, damaged, frizzy hair. People with thin, brittle hair may not be successful either.

How often can it be used: Keratin-infused artifacts can be used daily at home. However, in-salon chemical keratin hair treatments should only be scheduled every few months.

Works well with: Since keratin is a naturally occurring protein with smoothing benefits that minimize frizz and make hair shiny and manageable, other works can amplify the benefits of keratin. Natural oils such as argan help restore moisture to damaged skin. Hair and silicone-based products can help smooth the surface of the hair even more.

Do not use with: Trichologist Gretchen Friese says that if you have a salon keratin treatment on your hair, you should avoid sodium chloride, parabens, and sodium lauryl sulfates, and points out that doing so will help with hair resort. However, if you’re using gentler, residential keratin-infused artifacts, no ingredient is off-limits.

Keratin benefits for hair

Before we dive into the keratin benefits for hair, let’s be clear on what keratin is and how it affects hair. For starters, keratin is the cornerstone of hair structure. It is a fibrous protein that literally makes up each strand of hair. As the hair is damaged, it needs all the help it can get to repair and strengthen its natural structure. Keratin treatments and keratin treatments offer many benefits to your hair.

Strengthens hair: Whether you opt for a keratin hair treatment at the salon or at home, you can expect to see a difference in your hair. At-home keratin products help strengthen hair damaged by chemical and mechanical damage. In fact, studies have shown that keratin helps strengthen strands by 40%.

Smoothes hair and reduces frizz: Keratin artifacts, often found in oil or serum form, can result in a smoother, brighter and healthy looking mane.

Adds shine: Adds a lot of shine to your hair as keratin helps to soften hair cuticles and fill in damaged areas on the hair shaft. The results can be more striking with applications made in the salon, but the products used in the residence can also create shiny and healthy looking hair.

Reduces the appearance of split ends: Keratin helps strengthen and smooth the hair cuticles, which reduces the appearance of split ends. Stronger strands mean less breakage, which encourages hair growth.

Reduces drying time: Keratin treatment actually reduces the porosity in your hair, which means less water retention in the hair cuticles. This means that it can slightly reduce the blow-dry time.

Considerations on hair types

Keratin treatments performed at home or in the salon show the best results on people with dry, damaged and generally unruly hair type. Additionally, Steinmetz says that keratin treatments can be great for people who want to achieve a fuller appearance, as they are said to bind to fine hair and give a fuller appearance. That’s a bit of a double-edged sword, however, as as Steinmetz points out, brittle hair strands can be suffocated by the harsh chemicals in an at-salon keratin treatment, not to mention the heat damage required to seal it.

Steinmetz says that pregnant women and people with respiratory problems should stay away from who should not get keratin hair treatment at the salon. “Salon keratin treatments largely contain formaldehyde,” she admits. “Some hairdressers have reported breathing problems from using keratin treatment products and breathing in the fumes repeatedly over time. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid taking this treatment. People who are sensitive to formaldehyde or breathing problems should also avoid keratin treatments.”

This does not mean that you should avoid residential keratin treatments. After all, these are much more confident and do not contain the chemicals and fumes associated with salon techniques. However, Friese points out that there is such a thing as too much protein. “If hair feels dry after using a keratin treat, stay away from this type of treatment and use a damp one instead,” she instructs.

How to apply keratin for hair?

There are several ways to use keratin for hair to reap all the benefits, including stronger hair that is shiny and free of frizz. While keratin treatments at the salon may seem trendy and convenient, the sheer amount of damage they can do to your hair makes them not worth it. In conclusion, if you want to smooth and strengthen your hair for special events or even everyday events, opting for more faithful, gentler residential formulas is the right way to go.

Steinmetz points out that while the benefits are short-term, there are shampoos, conditioners, and finishing works that apply a layer of keratin to hair to keep it looking shiny and shiny while reducing frizz. This does not make home artefacts undesirable. After all, would you rather apply a daily or weekly treat and enjoy healthy-looking hair, or a one-time salon treatment with the potential to damage your hair and lungs? Motamot is just that.

Several ways to use keratin in your hair

Keratin treatments in the salon: In-salon keratin treatments (also known as Brazilian Blow Drys), keratin to lock protein into the hair, chemicals and uses high heat. Results are temporary and often last up to six months. As mentioned earlier, the problem is that to reap these benefits, you have to expose yourself to potentially harmful chemicals, which is why Brazilian blowouts often happen a lot. While in-salon keratin treatments are technically an option, more than one time is not recommended.

Smooth hair and add shine as a styling serum: Keratin-containing styling serum applied while the hair is still wet not only makes the hair shiny and smooth, but also shortens the drying time.

Moisturizing oil treatment: When used as an oil treatment, keratin is often mixed with other oils (like Abyssinian oil or Argan oil) to not only soften and dissolve, but also moisturize your locks.

Use as a benefits strengthening shampoo: You can also get all the strengthening and smoothing of keratin in one shampoo. Shampoos that you leave healthy and frizz-free and whose clean formula does not contain harsh chemicals will work very well.

Repairing hair mask: You can use a keratin-infused hair mask to help repair ultra-dry and damaged locks as well as color-processed or heat-damaged hair.

Top questions and answers

Can keratin make your hair grow?

Keratin doesn’t actually make new hair grow, but it strengthens your hair strands, which means less breakage, which in turn encourages hair growth.

Does keratin change hair permanently?

In-salon keratin treatments are considered semi-permanent hair straightening as they typically take about three to six months. Keratin-enhanced products, such as serums and hair masks, provide short-term benefits, but contain fewer chemicals and are much gentler.

Can a keratin treatment change the color of my hair?

Yes, a keratin treatment at the salon can change the color of your hair and it will often look lighter afterwards. Those with gray hair may find that their hair looks more yellow. A toner can be used to restore the hair to its usual color. Keratin-added artifacts that you frequently use at home do not change the color of your hair.

Can I have a keratin treatment to straighten my hair at home?

When you apply the work at home, there is a promise to have straight and smooth hair for up to five months, such as salon application, there are also keratin treatments that can be used at home, usually for about an hour. The combination of materials can be quite inconvenient. You should either do a treatment at the salon or stick to keratin-infused artifacts that have similar results, albeit more discontinuous.