A slap in response to perception news from Uğur Işılak!

Master artist Uğur Işılak made a video sharing recently, recommending frugality against expensiveness and criticizing opportunists with a fine …

Master artist Uğur Işılak made a video sharing recently, recommending frugality against expensiveness and criticizing opportunists with a fine language. However, Işılak’s video was distorted as if it was criticizing the government, part of which was cut by the counter media. Isilak responded to those who distorted their expressions with the same video.


People’s Poet Uğur Işılak, who is also a former AK Party Deputy, said, “What will happen, brother, these oil tails, this expensiveness? ” His post, which states that he answered the question with the verses of Neyzen Tevfik, was interrupted by the media and tried to be presented as if he was giving a message to the government.

In particular, the opposition media tried to make the perception that they targeted the government by cutting the part of Işılak’s video, “Bread would have been enough for everyone. The crows have invaded the field, a rat to the barn, a thief to the oven, a thief in the country…”. (980070) A part of his video was cut his government was perceived as being made, and the poet of Turkish music received a harsh response.

Işılak, who shared the video he first shared in its uncut form, on his Twitter account, said, “The whole video, cut by a few dishonest journalists and hoped for help by the poor of ideas, dishonorable people … Have a good time.” he gave the answer.

All of Işılak’s words in the video were as follows:

“I recently went to the gas station to refuel my engine. Before I asked if I was going to fill up with fuel, what will happen, brother, these fat tails, this cost.

I gave the answer to that reproach and question with the verses of Neyzen Tevfik, Bread would actually be enough for everyone. thief, thief in the country. I was silent, swallowed, what did I not think about.”

Uğur Işılak

Uğur Işılak’s response to ‘fake journalists’ like a slap!

Master artist Uğur Işılak recently shared about oil prices on his social media account. However, this post of Işılak was targeted by some pro …

Master artist Uğur Işılak recently shared about oil prices on his social media account. However, this post of Işılak was targeted by some pro-media organizations. The master name lashed out at the opportunists who made news about him.


The country’s economy has been targeted over the exorbitant increases in oil prices, which has been the main consumption item in our country for the last few months. Former AK Party Deputy artist Uğur Işılak shared a video about these defamation actions, which were carried out by ignoring all the economic packages initiated by the government as investment and the ongoing increases throughout the world. Some pro-media outlets cut the part of Işılak’s video, “Bread would have been enough for everyone. Crows invaded the field, a mouse in the barn, a thief in the oven, a thief in the country…” and carried out a perception operation that it was as if they were targeting the government. However, the master name made a statement about this perception operation on social media and threw an ‘Ottoman slap’ to the supporters.

Işılak expressed what he went through at the fuel station where he went to get gas for his car and how the video was cut and his words were distorted. The master artist continued his words in this way:

Sharing the entire uncut version of the video on his Twitter account, Işılak said, “The whole video cut by a few dishonest journalists and hoped for help by the poor and dishonest people for sedition… Have a good time.” he gave the answer.

Uğur Işılak

Uğur Işılak did not give the liars a chance! He proved the truth with evidence…

Master artist Uğur Işılak, who has been on the agenda with the distortion of his post on his social media account, lashed out at the …

Master artist Uğur Işılak, who has been on the agenda with the distortion of his post on his social media account, lashed out at the opportunists.


Former AK Party Deputy artist Uğur Işılak made a video post about oil prices, which has been frequently brought up on social media recently. Taking advantage of this sharing of the master artist, some media outlets distorted Işılak’s words.

The journalists, who cut and broadcast the video of Işılak describing what happened to him while refueling his car, did not take long to respond to the journalists. Işılak, who shared the video again in its uncut form, this time targeted opportunists.

Uğur Işılak


Işılak reacted to the fake news about him with the following words on his Twitter account :

“The whole video cut by a few dishonest journalists, and the poor of ideas and dishonest people hope for help for sedition… Have a good time.”