Giant project from Mustafa Uslu! Cem Karaca’s life becomes a movie

After Bergen, who broke the record on the big screen, Cem Karaca’s life becomes a movie. The script of the movie, which will be directed by …

After Bergen, who broke the record on the big screen, Cem Karaca’s life becomes a movie. The script of the movie, which will be directed by Mustafa Uslu, will be written by Timuçin Esen.

The Bergen movie starring Farah Zeynep Abdullah, who plays Bergen, one of the famous names of arabesque, was released in the beginning of March and aroused great repercussions on the agenda. Ayla, Müslüm and Naim films and biographical films such as Bergen had attracted great attention in the past years. The master of Anatolian Rock music, Cem Karaca, is among the names that have been brought to the big screen in the last few years.

Cem Karaca


Mustafa Uslu, who directed the films Ayla and Müslüm, which were appreciated by moviegoers, and Timuçin Esen He rolled up his sleeves for the project that will be the screenwriter of . Esen, who played the master in the movie Müslüm, will give life to the character of Cem Karaca in the new project.

Timuçin Esen

It has been learned that Good, who started intensive studies for the film, is in contact with Karaca’s last wife İlkim Erkan Karaca and his The last Emrah Karaca.