7 things you can do to protect the environment in everyday life

Small changes we can make in our daily life, some small steps we can take can have a big impact on protecting the environment. Situations such …

Small changes we can make in our daily life, some small steps we can take can have a big impact on protecting the environment. Situations such as fires, floods, increasing temperatures and pollution of the seas experienced in many countries and in Turkey show us that we need to defend and protect our surroundings more than ever. Here are some changes you can make in your daily life to protect the environment;

1. Stop billions of liters of pure water from being wasted

According to studies, each tap left open while brushing teeth causes up to 10-12 liters of pure drinking water to go to waste. causes. A little awareness to turn off the tap while brushing your teeth will prevent billions of liters of pure water from being wasted annually around the world.

2. Prevent environmental pollution caused by vehicles

It is one of the proposals that have been frequently spoken in recent periods that people who are close to their residence and workplace should walk instead of driving. Options such as making more use of public transportation for long distances, and having colleagues living close to each other travel to the workplace with a single vehicle are in the middle of other measures that can be quickly implemented in the name of protecting the environment.

3. Say no to wasted power

Turning off electronic items such as computers completely instead of putting them to sleep position, not leaving tea and coffee machines used in offices and residences on all the time , using power-saving light bulbs, low power consumption Preferring white goods, which are the most expensive, are easy but valuable steps that can be taken both to stop the waste of power and to protect the environment.

4. Use less paper

With the pandemic, the rate of food orders given to residences and offices has increased. It is possible to protect trees and the environment by not asking for plastic cutlery when ordering food to the residence or office, by making use of the back side of the papers when printing, and by not using paper cups.

5. End the use of plastic

Plastics, which have a practical use in daily life, cause environmental pollution because they do not enter into an easy transformation cycle in nature. To prevent this situation; It is possible to reduce the damage of plastic to the environment by taking easy steps to use cloth bags or baskets instead of plastic bags, to consume water using glass bottles instead of drinking from plastic bottles, to throw plastic items into a recycling bin close to the residence or workplace instead of throwing them directly into the trash.

6. Sort waste

Recycling starts at home. When it comes to recycling at home, the first thing that comes to mind is the separation of garbage. However, there is still no conscious behavior in garbage sorting, and this sensitive issue is not taken seriously. Sorting glass, plastic, metal, paper and chemical wastes at home and throwing them into recycling bins is another system that can be easily applied to protect the environment.

7. Do not pour waste oil into sinks

Every year, hundreds of thousands of tons of waste oil and chemical matters are released to nature in our country. It should not be forgotten that every 1 liter of waste oil poured into sinks pollutes 1 million liters of pure water. In order to prevent the damage caused by chemicals, natural cleaning agents such as baking soda and white vinegar should be preferred instead of chemical cleaners as much as possible.