A decision was made about the person who insulted Fatih Terim and his family!

Galatasaray’s minus coach Fatih Terim, who was sentenced to a judicial fine of 1,940 liras on the grounds that he insulted his family, decided …

Galatasaray’s minus coach Fatih Terim, who was sentenced to a judicial fine of 1,940 liras on the grounds that he insulted his family, decided to pay 37 thousand 500 liras in compensation. Here are all the details…

Galatasaray’s former coach Fatih Terim sent Anıl Sözer to his daughter Buse Terim Bahçekapılı and son-in-law Volkan Bahçekapılı on social media. alleged insult. With this justification, the Terim family, who went to court, filed a lawsuit for compensation. Sentenced to a judicial fine of 1,940 lira for ‘insult’, the person was later convicted as a result of the cases filed by the Terim family. Terim and his family, who applied to the Istanbul Civil Court of First Instance through their lawyer Candaş Gürol after the criminal case, this time filed a lawsuit against Anıl Sözer for non-pecuniary damage of 60 thousand liras. Terim and their lawyer, Candaş Gürol, were present at the decision hearing at the Istanbul Civil Court of First Instance, representing Terim and his family. The lawyer represented the defendant Anıl Sözer, who did not attend the hearing.

Fatih Terim and his daughter


His lawyer, Candaş Gürol, said, “Anıl Sözer’s words to the clients are extremely serious, a violation of personal rights. I want our case to be accepted so that it can serve as a lesson for the prevention of such insults to well-known people.” Defendant Anıl Sözer’s lawyer requested the court to dismiss the case.

Fatih Terim’s daughter and son-in-law


Announcing its decision, the court ruled for Fatih Terim to pay 7 thousand It has been decided to collect the non-pecuniary damages of 500 liras for his daughter Buse Terim Bahçekapılı and his son-in-law Volkan Bahçekapılı, and a total of 37 thousand 500 liras , including 15 thousand liras each, from the defendant Anıl Sözer with interest.

First in Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s million-dollar trial! Violence images shared

The marriage of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, which lasted about a year, ended in divorce. However, the lawsuits between the two are still …

The marriage of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, which lasted about a year, ended in divorce. However, the lawsuits between the two are still ongoing. Names such as Elon Musk and James Franco will participate as witnesses in the lawsuits filed for violence. The trial began in the state of Virginia. Photos of violence were shared with the press for the first time. Amber and Johnny’s behavior in court did not go unnoticed.

defamation arguments between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard began hearing today. Amber Heard filed a $100 million argument against Johnny Depp’s $50 million lawsuit. The attitudes of the duo in the courtroom did not go unnoticed. Amber was heard before the court. Despite Amber’s claims, the court showed Depp’s images of violence.

amber heard in court

Statements in court were kept confidential, but according to rumors, Amber claimed that the projected photos were not real. Johnny Depp also stated that Amber caused the cancellation of projects in which her reputation was damaged because she influenced the press with the words ‘violence against women’.

johnny depp

Stating that Amber lost many of her jobs due to her taking over the public, Depp said that they had a mutual discussion and that there was no one-sided violence.

johnny depp


Cases between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, which have been continuously delayed due to the pandemic, will begin to be heard in the US state of Virginia. Details of the cases have leaked to the press. The duo, who slandered each other heavily, created a list of witnesses for the case. Amber’s witness list included Elon Musk and James Franco, while Johnny’s witness list included Paul Bettany.

amber heard and johnny depp


Johnny Depp won the reputation war. The violence case of his divorced wife, Amber Heard, turned out to be a lie. Heard, who received compensation from Depp, claimed to donate. Depp, who pursued this situation, investigated that there was no document that the famous actor did not donate. The research has been correct. Heard did not forgive the compensation he received after his situation to attract public attention. It was said that the player who received $ 3.5 million was all advertising.

In 2016, amber heard filed for divorce claiming that she was subjected to violence


Amber Heard, who claimed that Johnny Depp had inflicted violence on her, received jet denial from the lawyers. He supported the lawyers who claimed that Heard had set everything up and played the victim, with his investigations in the police. It was stated that Heard will be sentenced to prison if it is discovered that he lied. Now the police are expected to complete the report and submit it to the court.

this time amber heard is accused

According to the news of the Daily Mail newspaper, Amber Heard, who filed a divorce case from Johnny Depp because of violence, claimed 7 million dollars as compensation. He said he was going to donate the $5,000 compensation to a hospital.


The 34-year-old Hollywood star was going to donate 3.5 million of the $ 7 million she received from Depp, whom she divorced in 2016, to the children’s hospital in Los Angles.

was seen while shopping recently

However, it was claimed that no donations other than 100 thousand dollars were made in the documents that emerged. Depp’s lawyers said the donation news was a spectacle.

The case of Reynmen and Bircan Bali has been concluded!

Phenomenal singer Yusuf Aktaş, nicknamed Reynmen, was in court for allegedly threatening and insulting the famous presenter Bircan Bali. The …

Phenomenal singer Yusuf Aktaş, nicknamed Reynmen, was in court for allegedly threatening and insulting the famous presenter Bircan Bali. The trial against Reynmen was concluded. Here are the details…

Bircan Bali, who was a presenter in a magazine program broadcast on television screens, spoke to Yusuf Aktaş, known as singer Reynmen , with his lawyer on the grounds that he threatened and insulted him. They went to court together.

Yusuf Aktaş in his social media post “Your scribbles are endless. What is your qualification other than talking about people’s private lives? Share this with me, I’m wondering about it. I hope you will return these stories to me tomorrow in the program. I hope you will start people’s lives then, of course.” to talk. I will do whatever I can, legally,” he said.


Upon Bircan Bali’s complaint, a lawsuit was filed with the demand of 9.5 months to 4 years and 4 months in prison for threats and insults. However, the decision was made today at the hearing held at the Istanbul 48th Criminal Court of First Instance

Bircan Bali’s lawyer demanded that Reynmen be punished for ‘insult and threat ‘, while Yusuf Aktaş’s lawyer argued that the stated crimes did not occur and demanded his client’s acquittal



The court ruled not to punish Yusuf Aktaş on the grounds that he carried out his act in response to negative criticism of himself on the TV show. In addition, the phenomenon singer was acquitted due to the fact that the post in question was not fixed as

Bircan Bali


Reynmen, who could not digest what was said about him in a magazine program, said to Bircan Bali on social media, “You two disgusting people are cheap. What is your qualification? You will pay a heavy price for the comments you make about my values. I will do whatever I can. I will regret what you did. I will do it”, he made a video post with threatening and insulting content. Thereupon, Bircan Bali and her lawyer filed a complaint with the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, demanding a prison sentence of 9.5 months to 4 years and 4 months for the phenomenon singer, on charges of ‘threat’ and ‘insult’.

Yusuf Aktaş


The hearing, attended by the lawyers of the, was held at the Istanbul parties Court of First Instance. Explaining his opinion, the prosecutor of the trial stated that the accused Yusuf Aktaş had used the statements “You are a scumbag, a disgusting person, you are cheap, you will pay a heavy price for the comments, I will make you regret” and that Aktaş partially accepted this in his defense.

Fenomen Reynmen

It is stated that the accusations are fixed by the video footage, and Aktaş is charged with ‘threat’ and ‘insult’ from 3 months 15 days to 2 years 10 months. he was sentenced to prison. After the deliberation, the case was adjourned to allow the parties to prepare their defenses.

Prison sentence sought for Reynmen

Surprising decision from the Supreme Court! “Spouses cannot force each other to live in village life!”

A new one has been added to the polemics between the spouses. When the wife of the official who was appointed to Konya did not want to move, he …

A new one has been added to the polemics between the spouses. When the wife of the official who was appointed to Konya did not want to move, he filed for divorce. A precedent decision came from the Supreme Court that overturned the local decision.

The problems experienced among families who are locked in their homes due to Covid-19 continue. While chaos continues among people who want to return to natural life, this time the issue came up with the issue of appointment.


Religious officer Ahmet K, who in Konya Meram district, filed a divorce lawsuit against his wife, who did not move with him .

Ahmet K.’s wife, Hamide K, stated that she did not want to go to the village and settled in their house in Meram District of Konya. After his wife did not go to the village, Ahmet K refused to come to the house in Konya, using his wife’s family as an excuse. Ahmet K filed for divorce because the foundation of the marriage union was shaken. The local court accepted the case of the man, accepting that the parties were equally at fault. It was decided to divorce them.

Thereupon, her husband Hamide K appealed against the decision of the first instance court in terms of appeal. Konya Regional Court of Justice 2nd Civil Chamber rejected all appeals of Hamide K.

The case that came to the 2nd Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals was concluded. According to the decision, which entered into the jurisprudence, it was stated that the man’s case was accepted on the grounds that the defendant woman was equally guilty in the events that led to the divorce, but the reasoning that “the defendant woman did not want to live in the village, so that the woman did not fulfill her union duties” was not a faulty behavior.


It was stated that the man was completely at fault on the grounds that Ahmet K. did not take care of her house, forced the woman to live in the village, and sold their house in Konya without the woman’s knowledge.

The Supreme Court ruled that the local court and the appellate court should dismiss the man’s case. The 2nd Civil Chamber, which annulled the decision of the court of appeal, also overturned the decision of the local court.

Pinch is considered grounds for divorce

The divorce case, which was rejected due to ‘lack of evidence’ in the Sandıklı district of Afyonkarahisar, was moved to the Court of Appeal …

The divorce case, which was rejected due to ‘lack of evidence’ in the Sandıklı district of Afyonkarahisar, was moved to the Court of Appeal. The act, known as ‘pinching’, applied to the spouse, was deemed grounds for divorce by the higher court.

jaYAMother of 1 child, whose name has not been disclosed in Sandıklı district offyonkarahisar, filed a divorce case, stating that her husband had used physical and emotional violence and locked her in the room since 2016. A public case was also filed against the husband at the Sandıklı Criminal Court of First Instance with the allegation of “violence against the spouse”. The husband, who was on trial for ‘intentional injury to his wife’ was acquitted of ‘lack of evidence’.


The divorce case at the Sandıklı Civil Court of First Instance was also rejected due to ‘lack of evidence’. Mehmet Sait Gürdağ, the lawyer of the woman who was alleged to have been subjected to violence, took the decision to the Court of Appeal. The 2nd Civil Chamber of the Konya Regional Court of Justice overturned the decision of the local court to reject the divorce. The appeal court ruled that the continuous violence of the subject man against the woman was fixed, and decided to accept the divorce because the marital union was shaken to its foundations.


In the summary of the decision of the 2nd Civil Chamber of the Konya Regional Court of Justice, the divorce was accepted on the grounds that the man beat the woman by squeezing her feet, arms and legs intermittently and the action was continuous. given place. The 2nd Law Office ruled that the custody of the joint child from the marriage should be given to the mother.

Attorney Mehmet Sait Gürdağ said, “We filed a divorce case because my client was repeatedly exposed to twisting his arms and legs by his wife and ‘pinching’ in public. The local court found the available evidence insufficient and rejected our case. The Court of Appeals. “Pinching and locking the room was considered violence and overturned the decision, and ruled that the parties should divorce. The seemingly simple act of pinching and locking the spouse in the room was considered a reason for divorce,” he said.

Source: DHA

4 million lira rejection to Metin Şentürk, who is in court with his ex-wife Fulya Kalkavan!

Metin Şentürk, who was on trial with his ex-wife Fulya Kalkavan, whom he decided to divorce in 2014, was rejected by the court. Musician …

Metin Şentürk, who was on trial with his ex-wife Fulya Kalkavan, whom he decided to divorce in 2014, was rejected by the court.

Musician Metin Şentürk, who got married to Fulya Kalkavan in 2006, decided to break up due to severe incompatibility. During this process, Kalkavan had his wife removed from him and stated in the argument that he had thyroid cancer.

Metin Şentürk and Fulya Kalkavan

The famous artist, on the other hand, reflected against his wife’s arguments and argued that he was not an aggressive person. The court, which decided to divorce the couple in 2014, decided that Şentürk should pay 150 thousand liras in compensation as well as 5 thousand liras of poverty alimony per month.

Metin Şentürk

The famous name, who took his breath in the Supreme Court not to pay alimony, even though his ex-wife got rid of alimony , filed a new lawsuit. Thereupon, the court decided that Şentürk should pay 4 million 337 thousand 793 liras to his ex-wife together with the legal interest that will be processed as of 2015.

Metin Şentürk and his ex -wife

Requesting a retrial, Metin Şentürk filed a lawsuit again. However, the famous artist’s request for trial was not accepted at the decision hearing of the case at the Istanbul Family Court. The court concluded by stating that the first decision was appropriate.

Metin Şentürk


Metin Şentürk’s ex-wife Fulya Kalkavan, whom he decided to divorce in 2014, came up with the court process again. Şentürk had paid 150 thousand liras to his wife in the divorce case, but after the divorce, Fulya Kalkavan again filed a lawsuit against Metin Şentürk for the “sharing of the goods gained in the marriage union”. The court decided that Şentürk should pay 4 million 337 thousand 793 liras to Fulya Kalkavan, together with the legal interest that will run from 2015.

Metin Şentürk objected to the court’s decision and took the case to the Court of Appeal. However, the famous name, whose objection was rejected, applied to the Supreme Court this time. When his objection to the Supreme Court was also rejected, the famous musician filed a new argument demanding “retrial”. Şentürk made the following statements in his petition:

“I provided all the financing of the real estate in Istanbul Sarıyer with the sales of personal properties that I obtained before my marriage and the loans I received. This real estate has We stated that designed this immovable property should be valued as a place where a disabled citizen can sustain his life rather than being a property acquired through marriage.