What are the causes of hand cracking?

Although hand cracks are caused by external factors, it is an issue that needs attention. If the cracks on the hands are not treated, they can …

Although hand cracks are caused by external factors, it is an issue that needs attention. If the cracks on the hands are not treated, they can turn into eczema. If we do not protect our hands, these cracks both multiply and get bigger and deeper over time. Moreover, it causes problems such as soreness, pain, ache and redness, as well as increasing the risk of developing various infectious diseases.

What is good for hand cracks?

It is valuable to moisten the hand surface frequently during the day. In the meantime, the person should have moisturizing creams with him. When using a moisturizer, especially the nails should be moistened. Oil extracts such as sesame oil, tea tree oil, sweet almond oil are among the oils that are suitable for the skin. In particular, these oils can be used against hand cracks due to weight gain and loss and cold weather.

Conditions that can cause dry hands

– Cold weather: Low humidity and temperature are the most important causes of dry skin.

– Drug use: Some drugs have side effects such as drying the skin.

– Excess moisture: When the skin is constantly exposed to moisture, it can cause skin irritation and dryness.

– Use of chemical irritants: May contain many trace chemicals such as laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid. It should not be forgotten that these elements will cause damage to the hands.

– Hot water: Excessive use of hot water can help reduce skin moisture.