The broadcast date of Cem Yılmaz’s new series, Erşan Kuneri, has been announced!

The release date of the Erşan Kuneri series, which the famous comedian and director Cem Yılmaz has prepared for broadcasting on the social media …

The release date of the Erşan Kuneri series, which the famous comedian and director Cem Yılmaz has prepared for broadcasting on the social media platform, has been announced. New frames from the project have also been released. Here are the details and photos…

Cem Yılmaz shared his highly anticipated series Erşan Kuneri. Sharing the moments when he rehearsed with the actors, Cem Yılmaz excited his fans.

The broadcast date of Cem Yılmaz’s new series Erşan Kuneri, which has been shooting for a while, has been announced.

The leading actor of the series, Cem Yılmaz, announced on his official Twitter account that the series will be broadcast on 13 May.

The first season of the series, which will meet the audience on Netflix and will be about Erşan Kuneri’s experiences in the late 1970s and early 1980s, will consist of 8 episodes. .

Cem Yılmaz, who shared the poster of the series on his social media account, also published a letter written by the character of Erşan Kuneri.

Erşan Kuneri’s letter includes the following statements: “I’m at the typewriter again. I’m at the office. Our movie ‘I Can’t Get Enough’ did an amazing job. It seems like we’ and got it together. Mami is happy too. Miki Bar is doing very well. What a 2 years, bitter and sweet. We made 7 movies, this is 2 years in total. I exist, there is Muammer, Alev, Seyyal, Feride , Tumtum, Altın and Payro. What did I say to Alev when I was talking about Kuru Murat, what do we lack, we make the most beautiful ones. “I met with Payro Kemal only yesterday, he is mischievous on the sets. Brother says, you used the Blue Box first in Erman, everyone said they are now looking for flying. Comedy, adventure, love, revenge.. 7 movies… We shot some in 3 days, some in 40 days. Sometimes.” You work for 40 days, 40 years will not be forgotten.”

“I am Erşan Kuneri, I am a cinema worker as much as I am a star. I would be happy if someone finds out 40 years later and watches our films and remembers these days. Think about it, it’s 2022. Maybe we don’t exist. But our film is playing somewhere. It would be nice. Make a note of it. It appeared on the star chart of Alev last May 13, 2022, maybe that day is today. I loved and love you all, I will love you. Watch me wherever you see me. There is no better gift for me than this. Your star is not in the sky, but next to you. Ersan Kuneri. 1982/ Istanbul”

Starring Cem Yılmaz, Ezgi Mola, Çağlar Çorumlu and Can Yılmaz shared the first footage from the set.

Here are the frames from the Erşan Kuneri series…

Ezgi Mola, one of the leading actors , also shared from the first set day.

erşan kuneri sharing from ezgi mola

Yılmaz shared his rehearsal moments with his followers on both Instagram and Twitter.


While the exact publication date of the project, which Cem Yılmaz’s fans are eagerly waiting for, is unknown, the photo shared by Yılmaz was flooded with comments . Here is the photo shared by Cem Yılmaz;

cem Yılmaz erşan kuneri

Yılmaz’s post received thousands of likes and comments in a short time.

frames from erşan kuneri rehearsals

Cem Yılmaz’s post, which he shared on Instagram with the note “Renaissance: renaissance in serialization :))”, received close to 150 thousand likes. . Necip Memili, who is in the staff of Erşan Kuneri, drew attention with the comment “Of course, you can read without me, wow beeee”.

Hadise, engaged to Mehmet Dinçerler, silenced her with one word!

Hadise, who was engaged to Mehmet Dinçerler, who came to the fore due to debts belonging to the family company, was photographed walking with …

Hadise, who was engaged to Mehmet Dinçerler, who came to the fore due to debts belonging to the family company, was photographed walking with her future husband.


Hadise and Mehmet Dinçerler caught the lens while on the beach in Bebek in the evening. Questions were asked to the famous couple who were preparing for marriage. Hadise did not want to answer questions about the wedding. He was silenced Mehmet. Hadise answered the question “Is it true that you had the Imam’s wedding ceremony?” He replied, “I don’t go into private matters.”

Hadise, who never wanted to answer the questions asked about the wedding date, did not let her lover Mehmet Dinçerler talk.


“Will the wedding be in Turkey?” to the question, “It’s nobody’s business.” Answering the answer, the famous singer underlined that she does not like to talk about her private life.


The famous singer said to reporters who asked her fiancee, “He doesn’t talk.” she said.


Hadise, who decided to marry Mehmet Dinçerler, takes all the steps in accordance with Turkish customs. Hadise put the engagement ring on her finger after the ceremony that happened yesterday.

hadith and its ring

Mehmet Dinçerler, who went to Hadise’s house in Göktürk with his father Burhan Dinçerler, mother Nezihe Dinçerler and his sisters, did not miss any details. according to the news of the calendar; Dinçers asked Hadise from her mother, Gülnihal Açıkgöz, who came from Belgium.

engagement photo of the event

Hadise, who gave a concert the previous day, made a big surprise on each stage. Looking into the eyes of her lover, who was watching her from the front row, Hadise said, “I want to sing this song for my lover. I recently rehearsed in the car. In the meantime, engagement photos appeared on the screen behind him


Mehmet Dinçerler and Hadise


By the way, the beautiful pop singer, who had every detail about the ceremony prepared with great care, had all employees sign a confidentiality agreement.

According to the agreement; No employee will share any photos or leak any information about this special day on social media. receive a large amount of compensation. 703) hadith and her fiancee


Hadise and Mehmet Dinçerler hosted guests from Belgium at a restaurant in Etiler. At the end of the night, the Hadise-Mehmet Dinçerler couple, who came out of the venue hand in hand, kept their silence. Reporters asked Hadise, “What is your reason for not speaking? Did Mr. Mehmet forbid it?” he asked. The famous pop singer said, “There is no such thing,” laughing from inside the car he was in.

Hadise’s fans, who saw the news, shamed her for preferring outside instead of hosting guests from Belgium at her home.

valentine’s day SHARE!

Famous singer Hadise was frequently on the agenda of the magazine with businessperson Mehmet Dinçerler. The couple, who first appeared on the news with rumors that Mehmet Dinçerler was in debt, was later talked about with a marriage proposal.

The couple, who often talked about the price of the ring and the stealing of Mehmet Dinçerler’s account, now became the agenda with Hadise’s sharing. The singer, who could not wait for Valentine’s Day, shared a romantic post on his social media account.

Hadise shared her photo with her lover Mehmet Dinçeler with the note “Why should I wait for Valentine’s Day even though you are my lover every day”.


It was claimed that Mehmet Dinçerler, who talked a lot with his marriage proposal to Hadise, had troubled days in his business life. The ring Mehmet Dinçerler bought for his future wife confused the family. It was claimed that the famous singer, who received a marriage proposal with a solitaire worth 40 thousand dollars, was bored with the debts of his fiancée. The management and control authority of the three companies was given to the trustee appointed by the court.

the ring of the incident


Mehmet Dinçerler, the lawyer of his uncle who is the founding partner of the company, “40 thousand dollars Let him pay his debt instead of getting the ring. He reacted with his words.

Business person, “My person and my company have no debt.” Following his words, Dinçerler’s uncle’s lawyer, Hicran Akkaya Şenoğlu, made a statement. Speaking on the program “I Don’t Tell”, Şenoğlu argued that the debt belonged to Mehmet Dinçerler.

mehmet dinçerler

Attorney Şenoğlu, related to the subject, “Mehmet Dinçerler had his uncle’s house sold. He is in debt. He did not pay the installations but does not know his debts. The ‘Muhammet’ one He changed his name to ‘Mehmet’. At the last stage, the ring he bought for Hadise can be confiscated…”


Mehmet Dinçerler, who is said to have had a difficult time in his business life, made a statement. Saying that he owes no money to anyone, Dinçerler shared the following message:

“As a young person who has been involved in trade since my childhood and grew up in a family with endless experiences, the most basic value I learned about business life is to never compromise on business ethics. Unfortunately, my father Hacı Sayid Food Industry and Trade Inc., which Burhan Dinçerler and his brother Mehmet Dinçerler are partners in, is going through an economically difficult period.Although I have no commercial obligations like any child who feels responsible for some bank debts, family and surname, during this difficult period. Unfortunately, I was the guarantor. For this reason, our company had to enter the concordat process in 2019 in order to protect our investors and employees, due to some of our sureties, together with Hacı Sayid’s request for a concordat for the restructuring of the debts.

I myself and complied with all payment schedules approved as my company I do not have even a single follow-up debt. In addition, in 2021, we closed almost all of the debts that my company and myself are sure of (although I and my company do not have any debt). I have never had a partnership with the company other than the outstanding debts that were in the news or family ties to the company.

Hadise and Mehmet Dinçerler


I believe that I have done my part as a son, and from now on, I have done my part. and I will do whatever it takes; however, companies are purely legal entities and no one’s debt binds anyone. The process we have reached today is of course sad, I am sure that producing magazines and assassinating unfair reputation based on this sad event does not suit any morality…

My business life, which I started at the age of 23, has turned into a business where thousands of people eat their bread today and I am carrying it to tens of thousands. It is my greatest desire and goal.”


Hadise unfollowed her lover Mehmet Dinçerler, whom she had recently received a marriage proposal from, on social media. This development was ‘Did they break up?’ The fact that Dinçerler’s social media account was closed also confused them. The 3 million solitaire that Hadise received as a gift in her marriage proposal caused a crisis in the Dinçerler Family and was the subject of the bankruptcy case

Hadise unfollowed groom candidate Mehmet Dinçerler from her Instagram account. The followers, who noticed this step, brought up the question of “did they break up?”

This is what happened. After the development, ‘Is there a problem in your relations?’ However, it was revealed that Mehmet Dinçerler closed his account. The other day, Hadise had accepted the marriage proposal of her lover Mehmet Dinçerler and watched her brother-in-law leave the house in a wedding dress, accompanied by drums and horns, and Had a lot of fun with her future mother-in-law

She went to Mehmet Dinçerler’s sister’s wedding at the weekend. Hadise, who attended, played with her sister-in-law to the accompaniment of her own song

Dancing to her own songs, Hadise also took part in the family photo taken at the end of the wedding

Hadise and Mehmet Dinçerler decided to get married. or on his account. Hadise dropped the note “Let our section begin” on the video she published. Hadise’s post received hundreds of thousands of likes in a short time. Famous names such as Seda Sayan , Burcu Esmersoy and Demet Şener also commented on the beautiful singer’s video.

Hadise shared the images in question from the Instagram stories section with the note “I said yes”.


Hadise, who accepted the marriage proposal of her lover Mehmet Dinçerler the previous day, had fun with her future mother-in-law today. The beautiful has put an end to the singer of the unwanted bride. Hadise, who watched the bride leave the house accompanied by drums and zurna, side by side with her lover and future mother-in-law, had a lot of fun.

Nazlı Kayı, the bride of Sabancıs, fell ill! ‘When his mother was sick…’

Nazlı Kayı Sabancı, who sat on the wedding table with the famous businessman Hacı Sabancı last year, became the agenda of her social media …

Nazlı Kayı Sabancı, who sat on the wedding table with the famous businessman Hacı Sabancı last year, became the agenda of her social media account. Stating that she was ill, Sabancı’s bride shared the photo of her dog and dropped the note “It gives morale to her mother when she is sick”.

One of the richest families in Turkey, Nazlı Kayı, the daughter-in-law of Sabancilar, is among the most talked about names in social media. Kayı, who got married to Hacı Sabancı in October, often shares on his Instagram account.

Hacı Sabancı

Finally, Nazlı Sabancı, who shared her photo with her dog on her social media account, dropped the note “A baby that gives morale when her mother is sick”. The sharing of the famous name, who stated that he was sick for a while, received thousands of comments in a short time.

Nazlı Sabancı and her dog


Kayı’s style, who shared his poses on his social media account from an invitation he attended the other day, attracted attention. Nazlı Kayı’s bun hairstyle and gold detailed make-up, who she preferred to wear a strapless gold-embroidered long dress, were highly appreciated by each followers.

Nazlı Kayı


One of the favorite couples of the magazine world, Hacı Sabancı and Nazlı Kayı had quietly got married in October last year. The famous couple, who was expected to have a magnificent wedding at the Çırağan Palace, decided to postpone the wedding due to the death of Nazlı Kayı’s father and the pandemic.

Sabancilar, one of Turkey’s richest families, dreamed of having a wedding once again. It has been learned that Hacı and Nazlı Sabancı, who got married with a simple wedding ceremony, will hold a magnificent wedding on 25 June at the Çırağan Palace.

Haci and Nazli Sabanci’s wedding frames


Nazlı Kayı, who shared only her own photos from her social media account on February 14 Valentine’s Day, was asked by her followers, “Are they breaking up with Hacı Sabancı?” had raised questions. While keeping her silence on the subject, Nazlı Kayı decided to change her hair. Kayı, who has gained great acclaim with her blonde hair for many years, said that she now wants to use dark colors.

Nazlı Kayı Sabancı Instagram

Nazlı Kayı’s new haircut on the news of separation “Is she depressed?” brought questions to mind.

Nazlı and Hacı Sabancı


The photo of Kayı, who celebrated the Valentine’s Day of his followers with the post he shared the previous day, aroused a question mark in mind. The famous name only uploaded his own photo to his social media account instead of sharing his poses with his wife, Hacı Sabancı. Below the photo, Kayı’s followers asked, “Is there a problem in their marriage?”, “Why does n’t he take a photo with his wife on February 14?” made comments like

Nazlı kayı


Last year, Nazlı Kayı went to Mexico for her honeymoon with her husband, Hacı Sabancı, and this time she took the road to France with her husband. Kayı, who first went to Italy for the winter holiday, continues his holiday in France. The 29-year-old famous name, who prefers a place close to the Alps, presented the pictures he took with his yellow sweater and glasses in the form of “Mountain life part 1” to his followers.

Kayı’s Prada jacket worth 4500 TL, which had gone to Italy before, attracted the attention of his followers. Known for his fondness for luxury brands, the boots of the famous name were also known to belong to the Prada brand.


Nazlı Kayı, who changed the description of her Instagram account to “Zeynep Nazlı Sabancı” a month after the wedding, now changed the username of her social media account. The famous name who gave up the surname “Kayı” updated her username as Nazlı Sabancı.


Many social media users made comments such as “Your style is beautiful but your hair is always greasy”, “I don’t understand why you don’t care for your hair at all” to Kayı, who has been posted for her hair in the past months.

The famous name, who received criticism by ti, shared the frames he took with his new image on his Instagram account. Deciding to use her hair in a braided way, Kayı’s post with the note “My hairstyle for 2022” received thousands of likes in a short time.

posed with a 10-carat ring!

Kayı, who came together with his relatives for a New Year’s Eve celebration at his home in the past days, shared the frames of that day on his social media account with the note “Last day of 2021”. Nazlı Kayı, who is known to be interested in luxury brands, tried to show her 10-carat ring in her sharing.

Dazzling with her blue dress, wavy hair and huge ring, Kayı’s photos received thousands of likes and comments in a short time.


Nazlı Kayı, who became a bride to one of Turkey’s richest families by marrying the famous businessman Hacı Sabancı, recently appeared in front of the camera for the shooting of a magazine. Those frames that Kayı shared on his social media account, which was an event with his every move, were posted by his followers.

Kayı, who shared the photos he took while sitting on a chair in a blue denim dress, was photographed by his followers as “Hacı…Run for my blood pressure medicine”, “Today while I’m on the IV”, “I’m drunk”. There were comments such as “Pull some bread” and “I thought they took it while fainting”.


Nazlı Kayı, who married businessperson Hacı Sabancı in the past months, attracted attention with her 64 thousand lira Dior brand accessories at her invitation. Kayı, known for his fondness for luxury brands, has this time fallen into the language of social media users.

Kayı’s hair, which became the center of attention with her expensive accessories, did not go unnoticed by her followers. Nazlı Kayı’s followers say that her hair is greasy, “Those accessories, that unkempt hair …”, “I wish she would take care of her hair instead of giving 64 thousand liras for this piece of junk.” and “Why is this girl’s hair always oily?” made comments like

7 suggestions to reduce spring fatigue

In these days when we say goodbye to winter and say “hello” to a brand new season, do you complain about the desire to sleep, fatigue, muscle …

In these days when we say goodbye to winter and say “hello” to a brand new season, do you complain about the desire to sleep, fatigue, muscle cramps and joint pain? Experts recommend making more use of daylight, exercising and socializing in the fight against spring fatigue, which is seen in 1 out of every 3 people.

Spring fatigue, not sickness

Contrary to expectations, in these days when we want the energy of nature, which is renewed with the turn of the season , to reflect on yourself, the desire to sleep, fatigue, muscle cramps and joint pain. You may experience pain. Don’t worry about getting sick right away. Nature has awakened, but one person out of three still has not adapted to the turn of the season and suffers from spring fatigue. Spring fatigue is not a disease. It lasts for a few days to a maximum of four weeks and goes away on its own. This situation, which can be defined as a mixture of physical and mental fatigue accompanied by sleepiness, is more common in young women and children than men and the elderly.

Cause of spring fatigue: Low amount of serotonin

In a study, it was revealed that low amount of serotonin hormone causes spring fatigue. In the dark winter days, your body was not able to store serotonin, on the other hand, the concentration of the sleep hormone melatonin in your body increased. In the body of people who find more outdoors in the spring, extra serotonin is produced until the hormones serotonin and melatonin reach the balance amount again. In addition, your body temperature is slightly lower in winter than in summer, and with the arrival of spring, your body cannot adapt to the new temperature immediately.

These suggestions will reduce your fatigue

The best therapy is daylight: Getting sunlight every day, especially in the afternoon, will reactivate your biological mechanisms.

Breathing exercises reduce fatigue: Breathing exercises done by breathing the fresh air of spring means more oxygen going to your brain and this reduces fatigue. If you work indoors, open your window often and do breathing exercises by breathing fresh air.

Exercise: Exercise has a special importance in overcoming seasonal fatigue. Use every opportunity to move more. In its simplest form, climbing more stairs and walking in the open air will fill your body with more oxygen and speed up your circulatory system.

Pay attention to your diet: Eating mainly vegetables and fruits against spring fatigue and consuming foods containing extra minerals and vitamin C will facilitate your adaptation. Drink lots of water, tea and unsweetened beverages, as fatigue can often occur with low fluid intake.

Very short nap: You can take a nap if you have the opportunity to gather strength, but be careful not to exceed 30 minutes. Otherwise, the release of melatonin, the sleep hormone, increases in your body.

Take a contrast shower: Hot-cold baths with cold water (opposite shower) on top of the shower with hot water in the morning will give you vigor. You can apply the opposite shower only to your arms and legs, only to your neck or to your whole body.

Meet with your friends: Don’t fall asleep and hide in the bed while nature wakes up. Going to bed early because you feel tired is the wrong way to beat seasonal fatigue. Best of; meeting friends, doing activities, going to a concert or a movie. Remember that activities and activities you enjoy increase the release of serotonin in your body, just like sunlight.


spring sun sickness health temperature advice cure fatigue wellness

2022 spring summer collection from world brands!

With the good weather approaching, world-famous brands started to introduce pieces from their spring summer collections. Different patterned …

With the good weather approaching, world-famous brands started to introduce pieces from their spring summer collections. Different patterned designs will be good for fashion lovers after a long winter. Here are the pieces from the 2022 spring summer collections of world famous brands!

The clothes, which are displayed with different designs every season, have completed their preparations to revive the combinations. The new season models of world-famous brands took their places on the showcases and shelves. These designs, colors and patterns that come out of the imagination of stylists also inspire visual presentation. The spring-summer collection of 2022 is rewriting the ‘best’ list of recent periods with its models that add splendor to the aisles of the stores. The designs that appeal to the ages from 7 to 70 and bring the scenes of the past to the present were appreciated on the catwalks before they were showcased.

We have come to a spring and summer season where we can see the other 6 colors chosen for this year, as well as the Very Peri color produced by Pantone for 2022. Here are the pieces from the 2022 spring summer collections of world famous brands…


Floor-sweeping long skirts

it seems to make women with hijab very happy. Long skirts, which have been frequently seen recently, have also taken their place among the collections of world-famous brands. These long skirts, which are displayed in the windows of luxury stores, are at the top of this year’s trend list. Enjoyable springs with long skirts that will revive our combinations with various alternatives…


Corset season has opened

Fashion in living standards shaped within the scope of the pandemic While the understanding of it has changed a little, we have become quite used to the comfort of loose clothes. Loose clothes, which are preferred both in the business environment and in the social life, have become one of the indispensable combinations with both their elegance and comfort. However, thanks to the ever-changing fashion, people can quickly give up their habits. When we find the modernized reflections of the past on our shoulders, we do not feel alienated. Now that living standards have started to return to normal, it is very possible to come across pieces that keep elegance in the foreground among clothing designs. Corsets, which are among these, are now appearing in the showcases to be worn on clothes.


Renaissance breeze

The pandemic since 2020 has made fashion travel through time. We can feel the inspiration of a royal family in the designs created by world-famous clothing brands that form the main lines of the fashion world. Victorian blouses, huge frills, balloon sleeves and shoulders, dresses and skirts in the influence of this period dominate. Don’t be fooled by the new season; Fasten your seat belts, we’re traveling to the ancients.


Brilliant nights

There is no longer any distinction between day and night clothes. There are striking designs where we can find the sparkles of the night during the day. These designs stand out not only with sequins or crystals, but also with satin, patent leather or shimmering fabrics.


The innocent happiness of spring

Among the 2022 spring-summer collections of world-famous brands, designs that offer the opportunity to bring out the child in adults are also included. there is. The colors used are enough to keep spring alive with innocent happiness. Retro printed colored sweatshirts, chirpy plaid lines, toy figures detailed to the most cheerful teams will be with us in the new season.

XL Collars

XL collars

Big collars that offer a different look are opening the doors of a new trend. Fancy, fluffy, XL collars are among the iconic details that local fashion designers have started to use in their collections as well as world-famous brands. The most striking feature of these collars is that they convey stories from the renaissance period with sailor shirts.


Returning from the city to the countryside

With the effect of the current pandemic, not only the lifestyle choices but also the clothes we wear on our shoulders are turning from the city to the countryside. Flying dresses with white natural fabrics, embroidery, macrame and drapes are among the trends that we will embrace on hot days.

5 Daily Habits That Accelerate Skin Aging

There are many activities we do on a daily basis, consciously or unconsciously, without understanding how it affects our skin. A healthy …

There are many activities we do on a daily basis, consciously or unconsciously, without understanding how it affects our skin.

A healthy lifestyle can help you not only live longer, but also look younger. Most of us want to age gracefully, or at least not look or feel any older than we are. You may feel that it all comes down to genetics, but it is also possible to achieve with a lot of dedication and excellent habits. Here are some unhealthy behaviors that can speed up the aging process; Avoid them as much as possible for a healthy, beautiful.

5 Daily Habits That Accelerate Skin Aging​

Some indicators of aging include wrinkles, muscle wasting, pale skin, and fatigue. Once these relevant indications are noticed, it’s natural to worry and turn to anti-aging treatments that claim to reverse the aging process.

Observing and changing our daily behaviors can help slow the aging process and add quality years to our lives.

1. Washing Face with Warm Water​

The truth is clear: Washing with hot water is harmful to your skin. It consumes your skin’s natural oils. This can cause your skin to dry out, triggering a chain reaction: dry skin equals a damaged moisture barrier, which equals worsening skin problems.

A hot shower may feel good, but that doesn’t mean it’s kind to your skin. There is no need to argue about whether you should wash your face with hot or cold water. You should never wash your face with hot water. Cold water tightens and rejuvenates the appearance of your skin. It can also temporarily improve the appearance of your skin and helps increase blood circulation.

2. Using Soap to Wash the Face​

After a long day, pollutants in the air get on your face. All that dirt, oil, and dust can build up without a thorough cleaning. This can cause skin redness, irritation, and aging.

While many people don’t think bar soap is a good skin cleanser, others swear it is a good cleanser. The answer depends on the soap you use. However, most bars of soap are not designed to be used on your face. It can irritate and dry your skin.

3. Sleeping Less​

Remember that lack of sleep accelerates the aging process. Growth hormones help regenerate damaged skin cells during deep sleep. When you don’t get enough sleep, your skin’s daily breakdowns don’t have a chance to regenerate overnight. This can lead to more pronounced signs of aging over time.

Anti-aging serums and can be helpful, but wait 15 to 20 minutes before bed for these ointments to seep into your skin.

4. Not Wearing Enough Sunscreen​

helps reduce signs of skin aging while protecting against sunburn and skin cancer. Using sunscreen every day has been shown to help delay the skin’s aging process. The purpose of sunscreens is to protect your skin from the sun by filtering out harmful UV light. It is still the first and greatest line of protection against sun-induced aging.

A simple way to get a younger-looking look is to remember to apply sunscreen every day. Sunscreen not only protects the skin from UV radiation, but also protects the skin from some obvious signs of aging.

Sun exposure depletes the skin responsible for keeping it smooth and firm. It has the property of causing the skin to turn red by dilating the blood vessels. It also makes the dark pigment in the skin more prominent, giving the skin a blotchy appearance.

5. Being Overly Stressed​

If you haven’t laughed in a long time, watch funny videos or download a comedy movie. Insufficient laughter can lead to stress, which can reduce your body’s ability to fight infections within cells. Laughter causes the production of feel-good hormones that foster a general sense of well-being. Hormones released by your body in response to stress can cause physiological changes that have a detrimental effect on your skin.


Surprise for those wondering the secret of Jennifer Lopez’s glowing skin! With the launch of skincare line JLo Beauty in December 2020, fans …

Surprise for those wondering the secret of Jennifer Lopez’s glowing skin!

With the launch of skincare line JLo Beauty in December 2020, fans finally got the chance to shine like Lopez. The singer made her Instagram fans excited to learn about her entire morning skincare routine, use of the products in her line, and the check cards she reads every day.

The Marry Me star started her skincare video with a white robe and wet hair fresh out of the shower. She shared that her first step was to wash her face in the shower with That Hit Single Gel Cream Cleanser. Right after getting out of the shower, she pulled out a confirmation card from a box full of more inspirational cards to start the day with positive energy. On that day’s card was a quote from Helen Keller. The quote reads: “Your success and happiness are in you. Be determined to stay happy, your joy and you will form an invincible army against difficulties.” After reading it, JLo answered, “I’ll decide to be happy no matter what”, which is something we can all try…

Then she applied That JLo Glow Serum to her face, neck and décolleté, which she said was essential for every morning and evening routine. . This product, which he swears is the “JLO shine in a bottle”, thus bears his name. And the evidence is clearly there because it looked radiant. She gave the serum some time to dry and work its way into her skin before her next step. She also emphasized the importance of not neglecting the neck and décolleté area.

She applied and rubbed Broad Spectrum SPF 30 Moisturizer, which moisturizes her skin and provides protection from sun rays. Sunscreen has been her beauty secret since her late teens and early 20s, she shared. Her last step was to gently rub That Fresh Take Eye Cream with her finger under her eyes, between her eyebrows and on her forehead.

“It will be a good day. I choose happiness” and she ended the video on a positive note. We’re sure she saw nothing but joy that day – and of course gorgeous glowing skin.

95-year-old Queen II. Elizabeth spoke about the covid process! ‘I’m tired and exhausted’

Queen of England II, who has not been on the agenda for a while with her health problems. Elizabeth made a statement for the first time about …

Queen of England II, who has not been on the agenda for a while with her health problems. Elizabeth made a statement for the first time about her Covid process. The 95-year-old Queen said she felt “tired and exhausted”.

Queen of England Elizabeth II has ruled both England and a remarkable part of the world for over half a century. The Queen, who is the longest reigning monarch in the world, has recently come to the fore with her health problems. In addition to the scandalous events in the royal family, the Queen, who had a difficult time after the death of her husband, Prince Philip, cannot attend many events.

Queen II. Elizabeth

The Queen, who caught Covid-19 in the previous months, decided to move to Windsor Castle to be protected from diseases and to be alone for a while. Speaking for the first time about the Covid process, the 95-year-old Queen made striking statements in her video conversation with the Royal London Hospital.

The Queen had a video call with the Royal London Hospital

Queen II, who said, “It was a really scary experience to live through the Covid process.” Elizabeth said the pandemic was ‘terrible’ and she felt ‘tired and drained’.

Queen of England II. Elizabeth


Queen II, who canceled almost all her events due to health problems. Elizabeth gathered her strength for her life partner of 74 years and attended a memorial service for Prince Philip held at London’s Westminster Abbey. The Queen, who appeared in public for the first time in 5 months, came to the ceremony with her middle son, Prince Andrew.

Sharing the same vehicle, mother and son did not neglect to greet the people along the way. Andrew, who survived the sexual harassment lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffrey from the USA by paying money, was interpreted as ‘his mother’s disgrace’ to be seen next to Elizabeth.

Queen II. Elizabeth’s wife, Prince Philip

The Queen, who was walking using a cane, had difficulty standing during the ceremony and her eyes almost turned bloodshot. The Queen, who could not control her feelings with the loss of her life partner, was accompanied by 30 royal family members, including Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and Spain, during the ceremony.

Queen II. Elizabeth


The 95-year-old Queen, who survived the coronavirus she caught on February 20, had to cancel another program. According to this; Prince Charles will represent Elizabeth on the show. “After discussing arrangements with the Royal Family, the Queen has asked the Prince of Wales to represent Her Majesty at St Peter’s Church in Westminster on Monday,” Buckingham Palace said in a statement to the Huffington Post. statements were included.

Queen II. Elizabeth

, who saw more than 150 prime ministers during her reign, is said to be in critical condition of the Queen.

Queen II. Elizabeth and Prince Philip


The Queen, who caught Covid in the past days, made a radical decision and announced that she would now live in Windsor Castle. The Queen, who has been doing her work remotely for two years due to the coronavirus epidemic, spent the quarantine period at Windsor Castle with her husband, Prince Philip, who died last year.

Buckingham Palace


The most important reason why the Queen, who left Buckingham Palace permanently, took this decision is the renovation works to be done in the palace. Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the monarchy since 1837, is currently undergoing a 10-year refurbishment costing £369m to renovate and replace some of its technical systems.

Queen II. Elizabeth Windsor Castle


The health of the Queen, who tested positive for the coronavirus on February 20, caused great concern in England. The Queen, who was spotted for the first time since being diagnosed with Covid-19, is back at work. The Queen, who avoids being with people physically, continues her work at Windsor Castle by making video calls.

Queen II. Elizabeth made a virtual call

Queen II, who did not quit her job even when she was sick. Elizabeth had a virtual meeting with Andorra Ambassador Carles Jordan Madero, Chad Ambassador Kedella Younous Hamidi and his wife Soraia Maria Valls Pinilla.

Queen II. While Elizabeth was making a video call

, it was learned that the Queen, who hosted her visitors at Buckingham Palace with her image on the computer screen, completely recovered from the coronavirus and will meet with Prince William , his wife Kate Middleton and their children at the weekend.

Queen of England II. Elizabeth


According to the new statements made from the palace; Queen Elizabeth II of England has fully recovered from the coronavirus. The 95-year-old Queen Prince William, who spent the weekend at Frogmore with his friends and family, had a pleasant time with Kate Middleton, Princess Beatrice and her baby.

Queen II. Elizabeth survived the coronavirus

No official statement has yet been made from Buckingham Palace that the Queen has survived the coronavirus.

Queen Elizabeth met with her family


It was learned that the Queen, who had difficulty walking, had recently caught the coronavirus. After the frightening news, it was announced that the 95-year-old Queen Elizabeth of Buckingham palace showed symptoms similar to the common cold.

Queen Elizabeth II

After Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, Queen Elizabeth’s catching coronavirus caused great concern all over the world. According to new information from the palace, the Queen’s condition is getting worse and worse. The owner of the British throne, who had bad days, canceled all phone and internet calls.

Queen of England Elizabeth II caught coronavirus

At the same time, it was learned that there was an epidemic in Windsor Castle, where the Queen was staying , but the number of people infected with the virus was kept secret.

Queen Elizabeth fell ill


The 95-year-old Queen sighed with relief after the ongoing lawsuit between her middle son Prince Andrew and the American Virginia Giuffre was resolved. Queen Elizabeth was spotted at Windsor Castle after sexual harassment ended in a £13m deal.

The Queen of England

met with the new Secretary of Defense Services Major General Eldon Millar and his predecessor Rear Admiral James Macleod, Elizabeth’s flowery dress and doctor’s advice for a while The walking stick he used did not go unnoticed. Welcoming her guests by saying “Good morning”, the Queen pointed to her left leg and said, “As you can see, I ca n’t move.”

Queen of England Elizabeth II

The weight of the Queen, who had a difficult time with her health, and the change in her stance upset the British .



Queen of England II. Elizabeth announced that she was canceling her traditional annual lunch at Windsor Castle. It was alleged that the Queen, who said she canceled the Christmas dinner for 50 of her family members “with great regret”, took this decision as a precaution against the spread of the Omicron variant.

According to the plan; After this special meal at Windsor Castle, the Queen would fly to Sandringham by helicopter and stay there on Christmas Day. The Queen’s cancellation of her plan, which attaches great importance to the Christmas dinner, brought up the health problems she had been experiencing for a while.


Queen of England Elizabeth II, who has been away from the public for a long time due to her alleged health problems, was photographed at Windsor Castle the previous day, as if denying the news. In the footage, the Queen had a meeting with the British Chief of Staff, Nick Carter.

However, in the photos that were made available to the public, the truth came out. While the Queen’s hands were seen to be purple, it was said that her condition was not good at all. In the news in the British media, Queen II. One of the reasons Elizabeth’s hands were purple was explained as her poor blood circulation.

Doctor Bertel Berendes, speaking to the German newspaper Bild, said, “These scars may have been caused by a shock or blood thinning method.” However, social media users started to worry after seeing the Queen’s black hands.


Queen of England Elizabeth II is among the most talked about names on the agenda due to her health problems for a while. The Queen, who started using a cane with the warning of doctors, had recently canceled her trip to Ireland.

After 8 years, Elizabeth II, who also spent a night in the hospital, will no longer attend royal duties alone after these events. According to this; The Queen will participate in the prepared programs on the condition that she is one of the senior family members.

A new work schedule will be established for Queen Elizabeth II, who has decided to do her lighter duties with online links from her residence in Windsor Castle.

The question that shocked Nihat Hatipoğlu! ‘Does ablution break if the deceased spouse is touched?’

Prof. Dr. Nihat Hatipoğlu appears in front of the audience every day with the phenomenon program of ATV screens, “Towards a Friend with Nihat …

Prof. Dr. Nihat Hatipoğlu appears in front of the audience every day with the phenomenon program of ATV screens, “Towards a Friend with Nihat Hatipoğlu”. Answering the curious questions, Hatipoğlu was asked the other day, “Does ablution break if the deceased spouse is touched?” The question became a hot topic on social media.

Prof., who met the audience on ATV screens with the coming of Ramadan. Dr. Nihat Hatipoğlu answers questions from the audience with his guests every day.

Prof. Dr. Nihat Hatipoğlu

A young man from Adana attended the program of Hatipoğlu, which clarified the curious subjects, and said, “The woman who washed my deceased aunt gave us permission, we kissed her goodbye, but she did not touch my aunt’s wife. She said that her ablution would be broken. Is this a sin in our religion? Does touching it invalidate his ablution?” posed a question.

The sahur program with Nihat Hatipoğlu

In response to the question that locked everyone on the screen, Nihat Hatipoğlu replied as follows:

“Nothing happens Here, both men and women are victimized. His wife is dead and he wants to say goodbye for the last time. Why is it haram? His marriage has not been canceled. It has a period of 4 months. The marriage continues. If he wants to see it, of course he will see it. This is farewell. Even in case of need, the husband can wash his wife . It could also be the other way around.”


Mother’s Day is the right time to show your mother a little more attention and appreciation. Fragrances have the ability to bring precious …

Mother’s Day is the right time to show your mother a little more attention and appreciation. Fragrances have the ability to bring precious memories to life. Gifting your mom a luxurious perfume from L’Occitane can be a glamorous way to give her something special.

Choosing the right perfume for your mother also means you know her well. This year you are head to head with a range of divine fragrances to choose from from L’Occitane.

Every woman has a unique scent, but there are some scents that strengthen a woman’s personality. This Mother’s Day, give your mom a special perfume she’ll remember. Meet the most extraordinary perfumes in the beauty world, from sustainably sourced scents to extraordinary blends, whether it’s a luxury bottle of cedarwood or orange blossom.

The most loved
Neroli & Orchidee
L’Occitane’s signature perfume, Neroli & Orchidee, celebrates the meeting of two special flowers with its renewed floral patterned bottle. This perfume, which leaves a powdery and pleasant scent with the soft transition of orange blossom and orchid, and makes spring feel like, has been L’Occitane’s most popular perfume for a long time. It is no accident that the mildly scented Orange blossom and the sensual Orchid meet. The scent of Neroli & Orchidee starts with fresh orange and tangerine notes that attract the attention of the nose. It slowly gives way to a charming sweetness. This irresistible combination is complemented by the seductive scent of Orchid that surrounds Madagascar. An innocent, romantic and sensual fragrance emerges.

Neroli & Orchidee
Mother’s Day Gift Set: 1775 TL
EDT 75 ml: 90 TL
Hand Cream 30 ml: 130 TL
Shower Gel 250 ml: 250 TL
)Body Lotion 250 ml: 405 TL

Dazzling, elegant and feminine
Rose Eau de Toilette
L’Occitane loved roses of all periods, like women all over the world. Using rose in her perfume lines and ancillaries for years, she has shown her dedication to this inspiring ingredient. Rose Eau de Toilette perfume is the rose itself, its center. Prepared to be one of the legendary perfumes of well-groomed women, Rose Eau de Toilette is also the most sensual gift option on Mother’s Day. It opens with pink pepper notes and is scented with raspberry and lychee fruit in the middle notes. It turns into a pink heart shortly after being applied. Obtained using a special technique, Okka Rose from Grasse, Bulgarian Rose and pure violet petals form the middle notes of the perfume. In the base notes, it leaves a warm and lasting trace with patchouli, amber and white musk.

Mother’s Day Gift Set: 1855 TL
Eau de Toilette 75 ml: 890 TL
Shower Gel 250 ml: 250 TL
Body Lotion 250 ml: 405 TL
)Soap 50 gr: 80 TL
Hand Cream 30 ml: 130 TL

Can you fit your feelings into a bottle?
Cherry Blossom Eau de Toilette
The cherry tree is part of the Provence landscape. It is common in the Apt area in Luberon and changes color with the seasons. This turns it into a source of inspiration for artists. Pure white in spring, bright red in summer, light green in autumn. It takes so long to bloom that it’s easy to miss. Cherry Blossom, which has a floral and fruity texture, will take you to the cherry tree-adorned hills of France with its delicate and refreshing feel… Cherry Blossom Eau de Toilette, obtained with cherry extracts from the Luberon region of Provence, supports the notes of freesia, cherry and lily-of-the-valley. and musk notes will allow you to express your feelings.

Cherry Blossom
Mother’s Day Gift Set: 1675 TL
Eau de Toilette 75 ml: 890 TL
Shower Gel 250 ml: 250 TL
Body Lotion 250 ml: 405 TL
Hand Cream 30 ml: 130 TL

A journey from the moonlight of the Guilin Mountains to the sunshine of Provence
Osmanthus Eau de Toilette..
Breaking the air with happiness and serenity A bouquet of velvet-textured, yellow flowers filling it with a velvet texture… The Osmanthus collection, which takes its essence from the Osmanthus plant that grows in the Guilin Mountains of China, is like a journey to a kind of plant treasures. Culturally iconic, the Osmanthus flower is included in the L’Occitane perfume collection from the heart of the Guilin Mountains, envisioning a woman who is in touch with nature but very passionate. Blossoming in autumn and exuding its fragrance at a time when many other plants stop blooming, the Osmanthus flower exudes tenderness, warmth, charm, sweetness and freshness. According to perfume gurus, a few drops of Osmanthus means a day full of optimism and positive effects.

Mother’s Day Gift Set: 1675 TL
Eau de Toilette 75 ml: 890 TL
Shower Gel 250 ml: 250 TL
Body Lotion 250 ml: 405 TL
)Hand Cream 30 ml: 130 TL

Imagine a perfume that embodies the wild beauty of nature
Herbae Eau de Parfum..
Even though daily routines make us feel overwhelmed, we continue to hug life with both hands But we also hide our desire for adventure in a deep place. L’Occitane embodies the wild beauty of nature and encloses these two states of life, both striking and elusive, in a simple bottle with a raffia bow. With L’Occitane Herbae Eau de Parfum, she wants to know women who can travel to their minds because it is preparing to give them tiny bursts of emotion with notes of wild rose, white nettle and prickly blackberry. The combination of spicy scents of bergamot and pink pepper represents courage. The unique scent of musk grains and the sharpness of the thorny blackberry bush, where the wild rose meets, fascinates the hearts. The perfume awakens all the scents that you can feel with a walk in the forest at first. With its warm notes covered with honey, it emphasizes spicy tones and warms the atmosphere. The last feeling it leaves on the skin is the softness of sweet grass.

Mother’s Day Gift Set: 2270 TL
Eau de Parfum 90 ml: 1485 TL
Shower Gel 250 ml: 250 TL
Body Lotion 250 ml: 405 TL
)Hand Cream 30 ml: 130 TL

Mother’s Day Special Mini Perfume Sets
Neroli & Orchidee Mini Perfume Set: 299 TL
Cherry Blossom Mini Perfume Set: 249 TL
Osmanthus Mini Perfume Set: 299 TL