Devotional Holy Fight has become a social media favorite!

‘Devotion Sacred Fight’, which was eagerly awaited by moviegoers for a long time, could not be broadcast due to the pandemic and attracted great …

‘Devotion Sacred Fight’, which was eagerly awaited by moviegoers for a long time, could not be broadcast due to the pandemic and attracted great attention from the audience after it was screened in cinemas on March 11 after 2 years, has also become a favorite of social media.

, which brings to life unprecedented action scenes in Turkish cinema and is praised by the audience, ‘Devotion Sacred Fight’, has led to the start of a new trend in social media channels such as Tiktok and Instagram. it happened. Audiences watching ‘Devotional Holy Fight’ started a new trend in social media with their videos referring to the fighting techniques in the movie.

Using the Hankando school of the inventor of the film’s producer Şenel İlhan in the action scenes, ‘Dedicated Sacred Fight’ redefined the action standards in Turkish cinema. The screenwriter and actor of the movie Baki İlhan, who brought this technique used in the striking action scenes of the movie to the big screen, is the son of Şenel İlhan, the creator of Hankando. In addition to Baki İlhan, who is a master in Hankando style, many names who were educated in Hankando schools also appeared in front of the camera as supporting actors in the movie.

‘Devotion Sacred Fight”s magnificent action scenes Kuzgun Academy founder İlker Can Karagülle and his team also worked. İlker Can Karagülle is also the action director of the movie.

‘Devotion Sacred Fight’ brings together star names such as İsmail Filiz, Esra Bilgiç, Baki İlhan, Serdar Deniz, Nevzat Yılmaz, Aslıhan Karalar, Turgay Tanülkü, Cenk Kangöz, Can Nergis, Ercüment Fidan and Dilek Özgür.

‘Devotion Sacred Fight’, which contains the most successful action scenes of Turkish cinema ever, tells the story of an ancient struggle of five hundred years. After the conquest of Istanbul, this breathtaking action movie, which is shaped around the map legendary that was left half in the noble Julius Family and half in the mysterious ‘Devotees’, sets the standards in Turkish cinema again!
