Words of praise from the EU for Emine Erdogan’s Zero Waste Project!

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s wife, Emine Erdoğan, met with Frans Timmermans, Senior Vice President of the EU Commission, who is in Turkey to …

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s wife, Emine Erdoğan, met with Frans Timmermans, Senior Vice President of the EU Commission, who is in Turkey to attend the European Union (EU) High Level Climate Change Meeting, at the Presidential Complex. Emine Erdoğan shared those moments on social Twitter.

During the meeting of Emine Erdoğan with EU Commission Senior Vice President Timmermans and her delegation, the issues of environment and combating climate change were discussed. During the meeting, First Lady Erdoğan underlined the importance of local Zero’ ownership of the environment and Waste and the importance of international cooperation on the environment.

emine erdogan

EU Commission Senior Vice President Timmermans said that they followed Emine Erdogan’s leadership on the environment and zero waste with admiration. Timmermans also described Turkey’s signing of the Paris Climate Agreement as a historic decision.

In the meeting, where the issue of reducing plastic use on a global scale was also on the agenda, EU Commission Senior Vice President Timmermans was informed about Zero Waste, Zero Waste Blue projects, and EU Commission Senior Vice President Timmermans explained the projects they carry out on organic fertilizers.

emine erdogan

Emine Erdogan shared those moments on her social media account. Erdogan shared, “We came together with @TimmermansEU, the Vice President of the EU Commission for Environment.
We talked about our #ZiFirAtik project. We touched on the importance of international cooperation on the environment. We exchanged ideas on various issues from bottom sea cleaning to environmentally friendly agricultural techniques.” she said she.

Timmermans presented Emine Erdogan with natural room fragrances from Isparta, designed in local production workshops supported by the EU-Turkey delegation, and a shawl made of Ankara mohair.

Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Murat Kurum, Deputy Minister and Chief Climate Change Negotiator Mehmet Emin Birpınar also attended the meeting.

Emine Erdoğan: The Zero Waste Project went far beyond my dreams

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s wife, Emine Erdoğan, said that the Zero Waste Project, which was launched in 2017 under her auspices, went …

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s wife, Emine Erdoğan, said that the Zero Waste Project, which was launched in 2017 under her auspices, went beyond her dreams and achieved international success.

Emine Erdoğan gave her first interview to Anadolu Agency Yeşilhat, due to the establishment of Environmental Editorial Office within the media organizations for the first time in Turkey.

Pointing out that they have an important goal of being among the leading architects of a livable world, as well as leaving a clean and developed Turkey to future generations, First Lady Erdoğan said that she is proud of the results achieved with the Zero Waste Project, which has become a world brand by crossing borders. she stated.

Expressing that women play a leading role in the dissemination of zero waste and making it an integral part of life, First Lady Erdoğan told the leaders’ wives to carry out a joint project to combat climate change, which has become the most important issue in the world. he called.

Emine Erdogan’s answers to the questions of AA correspondent regarding the latest situation in Zero Waste Project are as follows:

Question: “Turkey’s largest environmental How do you evaluate the point reached by the Zero Waste Project that you have become a “movement”?

Emine Erdoğan: The Zero Waste Project went far beyond my dreams. Today, I witness that the project is known by almost everyone from 7 to 70 in our country. This is an important achievement for our country, which makes us very happy. The concept of zero waste has now entered our lives. We have a goal to expand the Zero Waste Project across the country by 2023. We follow the efforts of our Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change with appreciation. Our publications are also very interested in this issue. Many institutions are collaborating to promote zero waste. Our Ministry of National Education provides education on zero waste, environment and climate change to students at all levels, starting from pre-school. Both our ministries and all institutions have very important duties in this regard. We met many targets ahead of time. I think we are doing an exemplary job as a country. We have a very important goal to be among the leading architects of a livable world, as well as to leave a clean and developed Turkey to the next generations. From the beginning of our project in 2017 to January 2022, 16.5 million tons of paper-cardboard, 4.1 million tons of plastic, 1.7 million tons of glass, 0.4 million tons of metal, 1.5 million tons of organic and other recycled materials. Approximately 24.2 million tons of recyclable waste, including recyclable waste, was brought into the economy.


When the Zero Waste Project started, the recovery rate was 13 percent. Currently, this rate is around 22.4 percent. We aim to increase our recovery rate to 35 percent in 2023. As you know, with the paid bag application, a 75 percent reduction in the use of bags was achieved. To date, 354 thousand tons of plastic waste originating from plastic bags has been prevented. This reduction also prevented the import of raw materials required for the production of plastic bags and approximately 2.44 billion liras were saved. In addition, approximately 14 thousand 640 tons of greenhouse gas emissions were prevented. We are proud of these results. This effort is a great investment for the future of our country and our children.


Question: The Zero Waste Project has also received many national and international awards. Finally, it was awarded by the Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly. How do you evaluate these achievements?

Emine Erdoğan: As you know, our project was deemed worthy of special environmental awards from UNDP and UN HABİTAT, two important institutions of the United Nations, last year. The Zero Waste Project was cited as an ‘Promising Project’ in the OECD country report in 2019. These are all very important developments for our country. Finally, the best project was chosen in the competition in which 21 Mediterranean countries participated with many projects in the Mediterranean Parliament. We are also very happy with this award. Because Turkey is a leading actor in the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean is one of the regions most affected by climate change. The future of not only our country, but the entire region depends on taking the right and fast steps in the fight against climate change. We are leading the region in this regard. We do not deal with the Zero Waste Project only within the borders of our country. Combating climate change should be an area where the whole world should act together. Therefore, we strive for the future of both our country and the world.

Question: How can Zero Waste become our living culture? What are your recommendations in this regard?

Emine Erdoğan: Zero Waste is actually not a foreign concept to us. If we go back to the roots of our own culture and remember the codes there, we will understand that what we call ‘zero waste’ is actually a culture of life for us. We have reflexes such as consuming what we need and prolonging the life of things by repairing them before buying a new one. Of course, people are now presented with a world oriented to consuming more globally. At this point, establishing a nature-friendly life and making choices in this direction requires some individual responsibility. First of all, nothing should be considered as ‘waste’ or ‘garbage’. Preferring reusable products instead of ‘disposable’ products will greatly contribute to the future of the world. We can take simple but highly effective steps such as staying away from plastics and using water flasks instead of plastic bottles. In fact, the trick is to create as little waste as possible, and ideally not to create any waste. Because it is much more difficult to deal with after creating waste.

We have also established the Zero Waste system in the Kulliye and in all the institutions affiliated with the Presidency, no garbage trucks come here anymore. Again, the food scraps in the dining halls are sent to animal shelters. The garden of the Kulliye has been turned into a small animal shelter, and our volunteer animal-loving staff takes care of every stray cat and dog that takes shelter here. Also, ‘Chickpeas’, which we adopted from Yedikule Animal Shelter on Animal Protection Day, lives here with us, makes new friends and enjoys the garden.


Question: The Zero Waste Project is also referred to as a “women’s environmental movement”. How do you evaluate the role of women in the Zero Waste Project?

Emine Erdoğan: It is not a coincidence that the issues of women and the environment come together, on the contrary, it is an important partnership. As with all negative effects, women are the group most affected by the deterioration of the environment. Women are both consumers and influencers of the environment. By using and managing natural resources correctly, they ensure that food and other needs are met for both their families and society. All over the world, women are the main actors in this regard. Therefore, they directly experience the consequences of damage to nature and depletion of natural resources.

I believe that women are pioneers in promoting zero waste and making it an integral part of our lives. First of all, they know that their children’s future depends on the protection of nature. We always encourage women to participate in environmental projects, and they are participating in increasing numbers. For example, our female farmers contribute the most to the ‘Our Heritage Local Seeds’ project, which includes the protection of biodiversity, access to healthy food and the preservation of local seeds. After that, of course, new projects can be developed. We are in elbow contact with our women from all circles. I give particular importance to the projects developed by women. As women realize their indispensable role in making the environment livable and sustainable, I think that the zero waste project will move to higher levels.


Question: Within the scope of Zero Waste Project, cleaning of sea and water assets throughout Turkey , effective fight against marine litter Could you inform us about the current status of the ‘Zero Waste Blue’ project, which was launched in 2019 for

Emine Erdoğan: Seas and oceans are very important for the continuity of life. Our country is one of the richest places in the world with its biodiversity and underwater assets. For this reason, the cleanliness of our seas, lakes and rivers is a topic that we are very sensitive about. We can say that Zero Waste and Zero Waste Mavi are two sister projects. As you know, 80 percent of the pollution in the seas is of terrestrial origin. The Zero Waste Blue project aims to both clean up existing waste and prevent the creation of new waste. 760 organizations of our country gave the ‘Zero Waste Blue Promise’. They pledged to fight the pollution of the seas. NGOs, donations and volunteers also provide a lot of support. With the important work we carry out on the prevention of marine pollution, we see great improvements in sea water quality, which rapidly increases the number of our Blue Flag beaches, which are indicators of clean seas. Our country ranked third in the world with 519 Blue Flag beaches in 2021. Our goal for 2023 is to be the first in the world. In addition, as you know, within the scope of the Zero Waste Blue project, the work to protect the Salda Lake, which is unique in the world, was carried out. Visitors who had come to the lakeside with vehicles before are now prohibited from stepping on those special sands, even with shoes. In order to protect the lake area from cigarette butts, a smoking ban was introduced in the open area. The number of visitors was limited to protect the lake. We have started a great work for the protection of another natural beauty, Lake Van. I personally accompanied the cleaning activities of the shoreline of the lake, and we also visited on-site works to prevent land-based pollution of the lake with treatment plants. This was achieved thanks to the nationwide awareness of the Zero Waste Blue project.


Question: You share your sensitivity on climate change and the environment with the spouses of leaders in the countries you visit. What do you think should be the role of the spouses of leaders in climate change?

Emine Erdoğan: The most important factor for me in the projects I support is how much they serve humanity. That’s why I attach great importance to the Zero Waste Project, and I focus on it sensitively. All of us have very limited time and in this limited time we need to be busy with things that will lead to great good. I am first and foremost a mother and also a grandmother. I pray the same prayer for both my own children, grandchildren and all the children of this country. I pray for a livable world and a beautiful future for them. The Zero Waste Project is an effort that could be a cornerstone in establishing this future. All societies want to transfer themselves to the future. But imagine that in the future, natural resources will be depleted, water and food will become harder to find, and livable places will decrease due to climate change. Who wants to take their place in such a future world? Therefore, the most important message I will give here is to show the necessary common sensitivity in order not to put the issue of climate change at the back of the agenda.

Climate change is a common issue for all of us without exception. As the spouses of leaders, I believe in the necessity of carrying out joint projects in order to draw attention to this most important issue in the world and not to let the attention get lost.

We started a diplomacy with the spouses of the leaders, especially on the Zero Waste Project. Many countries contacted us to learn about the project and implement it in their countries, we are holding talks with the leaders of these countries. In addition, we came together with the spouses of African heads of state in Istanbul within the scope of the 3rd Turkey-Africa Partnership Summit. Here, too, I had the opportunity to share the importance of zero waste with the spouses of the leaders.


Combating climate change cannot be carried out only in a technical way. At the same time, we have a lot of work to do in the field of education and culture in order to re-establish our relationship with nature in a balanced way. We need to organize campaigns that will support us in building lifestyles that are in harmony with nature and that will communicate this on a global scale. I am open to all international projects and I am ready to contribute my best. I hope that the cooperation of the international community on environmental issues will increase exponentially in the future.


Question: Yeşilhat was established within the AA Environmental Editorial Office to raise social awareness on environmental issues. How do you evaluate our agency’s sensitivity to the environment and its news?

Emine Erdoğan: I sincerely congratulate the Anadolu Agency family for the environmental editorial work established under the name Yeşilhat. Making environmental news available free of charge, both in our country and around the world, is an internationally exemplary practice. The media has a very important role in the formation of social sensitivity about the environment. The more often this issue is covered in the media and the more it appears in front of people, the wider the circle of awareness. I am sure that with the news you will make, you will help a great awakening and create environmental awareness in all of us. The Discrimination Line established by Anadolu Agency in the new period to raise awareness against discriminations such as religion, language, race, and gender and the Confirmation Line mechanism for quick access to accurate information are admirable. In addition, I sincerely congratulate all the staff of Anadolu Agency, which has become one of the world’s well-known news agencies by increasing its visibility in the international arena with its well-equipped staff all over the world.

‘Environmentally Friendly 1000 Schools’ project from the Ministry of National Education!

Ministry of National Education initiated the Environmentally Friendly 1000 Schools Project. The project was introduced at a ceremony attended …

Ministry of National Education initiated the Environmentally Friendly 1000 Schools Project. The project was introduced at a ceremony attended by the Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer and the Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Murat Kurum.

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer stated that they are carrying out projects together with the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change in order to instill a sustainable world and environmental awareness in students. Minister Özer said that the subject of climate change has been added to the curriculum and that, for the first time, trainings on environment and climate change were given with the contents created in the Teacher Information Network (ÖBA), which started to serve teachers during the break. Özer stated that although there is no compulsory education, nearly 100 thousand teachers benefit from it. He emphasized that the ‘Environmentally Friendly 1000 Schools Project’ is one of the steps taken by the two ministries together.

Minister of Environment and Urbanization Murat Kurum


Within the scope of the project, they have determined a thousand schools, at least one in all districts. Minister Özer said, “We wanted to have at least one environmentally friendly school in every district. Administrators, teachers and students from other schools in that district will come here, see the applications and transfer them to their own schools. Our goal is to start

Stating that solar energy panels and rainwater storage units will be installed in the designated schools, Özer continued his words as follows:

“Libraries will be zero waste. Organic wastes in cafeterias and canteens will be converted into compost and our children will grow plants with these composts. will grow.”

Emine Erdogan


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s wife, Emine Erdogan, who pioneered many sustainable projects social media He announced the “Environmentally Friendly 1000 Schools Project” of the Ministry of National Education to the citizens with the following words.

“The “Environmentally Friendly 1,000 Schools” project, which aims to make our children experience environmental and nature awareness at an early age, is extremely valuable.
I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to the project where the proverb “The tree bends when it is wet” is fully met.”

What is recycling in weaving?

Weaving recycling companies basically reinforce the scope of production with some processes. These processes are basic recycling processes …

Weaving recycling companies basically reinforce the scope of production with some processes. These processes are basic recycling processes. The steps involved in the recycling process of fabric and other weaving products can be discussed in order:

– Collection

– Sorting (Color and Structure Classification)

– Process

– Sales

Weaving recycling sector contributes to both nature and economy by recycling weaving waste. Recent research shows that this branch is growing quite rapidly. Textiles, including clothing items, furniture, bedding materials, curtains, clean items, entertainment equipment, and many other items, have become a $1 trillion industry. Parallel to this great development, some countries import thousands of tons of textile waste.

Everyone needs to recognize the value and benefits of recycling textiles. These green recycling ideas are becoming more common day by day. Every year, more than 50 billion garments are produced on average in weaving production all over the world. It’s okay to assume the enormity of the costs involved in producing these garments. For this reason, it would be a more plausible choice to include it in low-cost recycling processes, even if the effort is completely lost. Let alone the economic losses of non-recyclable textiles, even the damage they cause to the environment is in motion.

Fabric Recycling Division

Almost half of all fabric fiber in the world is obtained from plants, animals and insects. This means that more than half of it consists of non-natural, synthetic (artificial) fibers.

While synthetic fabric types participate in recycling processes, they leave more wasteful waste around than natural fabric types. Now nowhere are steps taken to prevent these toxic chemicals, which could potentially endanger even the lives of sea creatures. Recycling processes that will help reduce waste with only small government incentives are tried to be expanded. In the midst of the main causes of environmental pollution, especially in countries such as China and India, weavings made of synthetic, petroleum-based polymer containing fabrics are shown.

In our country, waste fabrics are given names such as “fire fabric”, “scrap fabric”, “scrap fabric”. The most well-known jargon in the weaving branch is “fire fabric”. Those who collect, buy and sell fire fabric are called “fireci”. It is coordinated by these individuals that the fabrics in small cuts that emerge around the main production patterns in the slaughter garment workshops and weavinghouses are delivered to the recycling factories so that they can participate in the recycling processes. Fabric recycling factories classify waste fabrics and turn them into fibers again, thanks to the machines in their structure. Some waste (waste) fabric recycling factories not only turn them into fibers, but also produce “regenerated yarn” with other production systems.

Regenerated yarns are almost as good as ordinary yarns. Fabrics woven with regenerated yarns are also called “regenerated fabrics”.

Regenerated fabric types are one step ahead with cheaper prices than original production fabric types. Thanks to the weaving recycling technology machines that have been developing rapidly recently, regenerated fabrics have succeeded in capturing over 75% of the original quality scale. Although regenerated fabrics are recognized in the domestic fabric market, they are still not able to fully meet the quality standards on an export basis.

How are the Prices of Fire (Scrap) Fabric Determined?

While the buyers and sellers of fire fabric determine the prices, technically they take the yarn prices as an index. With the increase in yarn prices, scrap fabric prices also increase. The fabric color that can be recycled most easily, that is, converted into fiber at the cheapest cost, is the color “white”.

Especially white color, lycra-free (without spandex), cotton combed (knitted) pile fabrics are the most easily recycled waste fabric type. Waste fabrics containing synthetic chemicals such as lycra (including elastane, spandex), polyester, polyamide can be recycled at a rate of 60%-70% with even higher

costs. For this reason, fabrics produced from natural and organic fibers such as white and black colors (no need to use paint remover

), cotton and linen have a higher price compared to synthetic fabric waste. Currently, types of scrap fabrics that do not contain white color polyester are much more valuable than the kilo price of scrap iron.

What are the Environmental Benefits of Waste Fabric Recycling?

Recycling other waste textiles, especially fabrics, benefits nature in the following form:

– Synthetic and natural fibers emit greenhouse gases after they have been waiting in nature for a while. With recycling processes, this situation can be reduced, if not eliminated.

– Costs such as power, labor and water usage are saved.

– Helps reduce environmental pollution.

– Provides extra employment.

7 things you can do to protect the environment in everyday life

Small changes we can make in our daily life, some small steps we can take can have a big impact on protecting the environment. Situations such …

Small changes we can make in our daily life, some small steps we can take can have a big impact on protecting the environment. Situations such as fires, floods, increasing temperatures and pollution of the seas experienced in many countries and in Turkey show us that we need to defend and protect our surroundings more than ever. Here are some changes you can make in your daily life to protect the environment;

1. Stop billions of liters of pure water from being wasted

According to studies, each tap left open while brushing teeth causes up to 10-12 liters of pure drinking water to go to waste. causes. A little awareness to turn off the tap while brushing your teeth will prevent billions of liters of pure water from being wasted annually around the world.

2. Prevent environmental pollution caused by vehicles

It is one of the proposals that have been frequently spoken in recent periods that people who are close to their residence and workplace should walk instead of driving. Options such as making more use of public transportation for long distances, and having colleagues living close to each other travel to the workplace with a single vehicle are in the middle of other measures that can be quickly implemented in the name of protecting the environment.

3. Say no to wasted power

Turning off electronic items such as computers completely instead of putting them to sleep position, not leaving tea and coffee machines used in offices and residences on all the time , using power-saving light bulbs, low power consumption Preferring white goods, which are the most expensive, are easy but valuable steps that can be taken both to stop the waste of power and to protect the environment.

4. Use less paper

With the pandemic, the rate of food orders given to residences and offices has increased. It is possible to protect trees and the environment by not asking for plastic cutlery when ordering food to the residence or office, by making use of the back side of the papers when printing, and by not using paper cups.

5. End the use of plastic

Plastics, which have a practical use in daily life, cause environmental pollution because they do not enter into an easy transformation cycle in nature. To prevent this situation; It is possible to reduce the damage of plastic to the environment by taking easy steps to use cloth bags or baskets instead of plastic bags, to consume water using glass bottles instead of drinking from plastic bottles, to throw plastic items into a recycling bin close to the residence or workplace instead of throwing them directly into the trash.

6. Sort waste

Recycling starts at home. When it comes to recycling at home, the first thing that comes to mind is the separation of garbage. However, there is still no conscious behavior in garbage sorting, and this sensitive issue is not taken seriously. Sorting glass, plastic, metal, paper and chemical wastes at home and throwing them into recycling bins is another system that can be easily applied to protect the environment.

7. Do not pour waste oil into sinks

Every year, hundreds of thousands of tons of waste oil and chemical matters are released to nature in our country. It should not be forgotten that every 1 liter of waste oil poured into sinks pollutes 1 million liters of pure water. In order to prevent the damage caused by chemicals, natural cleaning agents such as baking soda and white vinegar should be preferred instead of chemical cleaners as much as possible.