Health Minister Fahrettin Koca: We are removing the fear of the epidemic from our minds

Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca, stating that the Coronavirus Science Board held its last meeting yesterday, said, “We are experiencing the …

Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca, stating that the Coronavirus Science Board held its last meeting yesterday, said, “We are experiencing the peace of leaving behind difficult times. We take the fear of the epidemic out of our minds. Now we are safe. We have a vaccine, we have a medicine.” he said she.

Minister Koca made statements regarding current developments before his visit to Governor Hüseyin Aksoy within the scope of Aydın program.

  • Circular regarding the new era in the use of masks has been sent to the governorships
  • Students were happy to enter the classrooms without masks

Husband, in 2023, Aydın’s 1300 bedded Expressing that he will have a city hospital and that this investment will make the city the health base of the region, he noted that the health army in the city has grown 2.5 times in 20 years and reached 9 thousand 966 people.

Reminding that the Coronavirus Scientific Committee, which held its last meeting yesterday, was accepted by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Koca said that a very difficult struggle has been waged against the coronavirus for 2.5 years, the health army of 1 million 300 thousand people and every member of the nation made significant sacrifices. he stressed that he did.

Husband stated the following:

“Today, we are in the peace of leaving those difficult times behind. We take the fear of the epidemic out of our minds. Now we are safe. We have the vaccine, we have the medicine. As long as we have these weapons, the disease is no longer in our hands. It has ceased to be a major threat. From now on, we want to protect ourselves with personal protective measures and vaccinations and continue our daily lives. The use of masks will also continue on a voluntary basis, except for transportation and health institutions. We are obliged to protect the over 65 years old and other vulnerable groups. They should not neglect the reminders. Where they see risk “They should protect themselves with a mask. On the other hand, people who have any symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection such as cough, runny nose, and weakness should wear a mask to protect those around them. I would like to remind our citizens to be sensitive at this point.”


Stating that the number of cases decreased to 2,500 as of yesterday, Husband said that 14 citizens who lost their lives had chronic diseases, He stated that they were elderly people. services were closed one by one, and Aydın was one of the provinces that did not have any patients in intensive care. stated their aim.

Minister of Health, who also answered the questions of journalists, “Has the Scientific Committee completed its task?” Upon his question, he stated that the board held its last meeting with the acceptance of President Erdoğan yesterday.

also used the following expressions on social media:

Reminding that he said “the la st meeting of the Scientific Committee”, Koca said, “The Scientific Committee performed exceptionally for 27 months during this period. We have a Board of Directors. We are talking about a Scientific Committee of 35 people and 110 people with sub-working groups. At the point reached in this process, the Scientific Board held its last meeting as of yesterday. The Ministry has many scientific boards. Rare diseases, as in SMA.. “This kind of scientific committee will be closely monitoring this process within the body of Public Health. The Scientific Committee has held its last meeting. It can be decided to convene at any time when necessary, but I would like to say that there is no such situation at the moment, and the last meeting ended as a historic meeting yesterday.”

“Mask should be worn if there is a sign of infection”

Minister Koca, on the question of “whether the obligation to use masks also covers airplanes”, only until the number of cases in public transportation and health institutions is below 1000. He reminded that the use of masks continues, and that there will be no use of masks in any other area.

“Therefore, all institutions, including airplanes, education and closed areas, are included in this.” Saying that, Big pointed out that it has now been learned that the mask is protective and prevents the transmission of infection with the epidemic.

Emphasizing that influenza is not seen during the intensive use of masks, and those who feel the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection in the next period should definitely wear a mask, Husband continued:

” This must be our habit. It is the most risky at the moment. Age group, our citizens with advanced age and additional diseases. In other words, we are talking about elderly people with chronic diseases and suppressed immune response. Currently, the average age of those who passed away is 78. Therefore, if we have any signs of infection, we must wear masks to protect our elderly people. We care that our elders, those with chronic diseases and those with additional diseases, must wear masks when they enter closed, crowded and risky areas.”

Minister Koca noted that it is not a measure currently recommended by the Scientific Committee for tourists coming from abroad, and reminded that they removed the PCR test before. Emphasizing that this does not mean that there will be no precautions, Koca said, “The people coming from the relevant countries are followed up at regular intervals. Similarly, if we see a risk, it is always evaluated as a relevant Ministry from any country ” he said.

Minister Koca, who signed the Governor’s Honor Book and met with Governor Hüseyin Aksoy, AK Party Aydın deputies Mustafa Savaş, Metin Yavuz, Bekir Power Erim, Rıza Posacı, AK Party MKYK Member Seda Sarıbaş, Provincial Police Chief Suat Ekici, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Macit Engin, Aydın Adnan Menderes University (ADU) Rector Prof. Dr. Osman Selçuk Aldemir was accompanied by AK Party Provincial Chairman Ömer Özmen.

President Erdogan and his wife Emine Erdogan met with the healthcare community!

President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his wife Emine Erdoğan included healthcare professionals in their iftar program. Sharing photos of …

President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his wife Emine Erdoğan included healthcare professionals in their iftar program. Sharing photos of the iftar table on her social media account, First Lady Erdoğan talked about the healthcare workers as “Our Heroes”. Here are the details…

President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his wife Emine Erdogan did not forget the healthcare professionals. Health professionals who worked hard during the pandemic period met with President Erdoğan and First Lady Erdoğan at the iftar table held at Dolmabahçe Palace.

President Erdogan and his wife Emine Erdogan shared the fast-breaking meal with healthcare professionals


Iftar with healthcare professionals First Lady Erdoğan, who shared photos of the Ministry of Health on her social media account, also tagged the ministry of health and said, “We came together with valuable members of our health community at the iftar program. health heroes, the nature of their profession, brought the self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice of their profession to the top during the epidemic. The effort to save a life is worthy of all kinds of praise.” used the expressions.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with healthcare workers

Bad news from baby Nisa, who ATT Büşra is wet nurse!

Minister of Health Koca made a statement about the health status of baby Nisa, who was left by her mother in Pendik and was taken care of by …

Minister of Health Koca made a statement about the health status of baby Nisa, who was left by her mother in Pendik and was taken care of by nurse Büşra. Husband said that little Nisa was taken to the hospital due to a vital health problem.

29-year-old ATT Büşra Durmaz, who works at the Istanbul Health Directorate, reported a baby left on an empty field in Pendik on Tuesday last week. Durmaz breastfed the baby, whom they realized was hungry when they found it, and gave the 3-month-old baby the middle name of his own daughter. The baby, named Nisa Mihriban, was taken to the General Directorate of Child Services after the health checks.

Emergency Medical Technician Büşra Durmaz was found abandoned in Pendik, and after she was a wet nurse, baby Nisa was brain dead. Abandoned mother Ebru S. was taken into custody.

We researched the most skin diseases allergies and moles in 2021

According to the We Are Social 2021 report, the biggest reason why individuals go online is information search with a rate of 63%. In other …

According to the We Are Social 2021 report, the biggest reason why individuals go online is information search with a rate of 63%. In other words, almost two-thirds of internet users in the world use the internet to find information. According to the results of the Health Information Searching Behavior and Related Factors research on the Internet and Television, 95.37% of active internet users conduct health research on the internet. Health-related research accounts for 4.5 percent of daily searches made on the internet worldwide.

In this context, the largest online service provider in its field, Doctor Calendar, based on more than 59 million sessions opened by 39 million 129 thousand 386 users in 2021, its report, which diseases are searched most on the internet, how these searches are compared to cities and geographical regions. appeared to take shape.

The most searches were made in the dermatology branch

In 2021, skin diseases were in the first place with 18.8% in the most searched diseases and disease symptoms.

allergy with 13.8%,

moles with 13%

hemorrhoids 10.3%,

9.3% pediatric orthopedics,

7.6% herniated disc,

7.2% risky pregnancy,

6.8% varicose veins,

6.7% female diseases,

6% inflammatory rheumatism.

Dermatology branch searches made 32.2% in total with skin diseases and me categories; gynecology and obstetrics branch has a 13.9% share with the calls made about risky pregnancy and gynecological diseases.

Istanbulites made the highest number of health calls

The city with the highest number of health calls is Istanbul with 22.06%.

took Ankara with 15.10% and Izmir with


Looking at the provinces, the most searched diseases and symptoms in Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir are skin diseases, pediatric orthopedic diseases and hair loss after hemorrhoids, moles, hernia, obsessive compulsive disorder, varicose veins, gynecological diseases and inflammatory diseases. rheumatism took place.

Black Sea people and Southeast people searched for allergies, Mediterranean people I searched

Marmara ranks first with 31.9% in health searches compared to their geographical regions.

Central Anatolia with 28%,

Aegean with 13.2%,

Eastern Anatolia with 2.36%

in the Marmara Region. Afterwards, searches were made mostly for pediatric orthopedic diseases and allergies. Skin diseases were followed by mole and hemorrhoids in Central Anatolia, and mole and allergy in Aegean.

When looking at the most searched diseases and disease symptoms compared to geographical regions, skin diseases ranked first in each region. The most sought after issue in Marmara, Aegean, Central Anatolia and Eastern regions are skin diseases; Allergy occurred in the Black Sea and Southeastern Anatolia regions. In the Mediterranean, I, a type of skin disease, was searched.