How to easily remove dust from the house? 7 easy ways to completely eliminate dust

One of the most common complaints of housewives is dust flying in the air. Exposure to airborne particles, namely dust, in the house also …

One of the most common complaints of housewives is dust flying in the air. Exposure to airborne particles, namely dust, in the house also affects people who are sensitive. So, how can dust be easily removed from the house? Check out the content of our news for 7 easy ways to completely eliminate dust…

If you are constantly encountering dust particles in the air even though you clean every part of the house, this may also negatively affect your health. . Dust in the air may seem harmless because it is a small, invisible substance. However, this can cause your allergies to worsen. Experts say that dust accumulation can also trigger diseases such as asthma and house dust mite allergy. Do not forget to apply these tricks to prevent this and get rid of all the dust in the house. Here are 7 easy ways to completely remove dust


While it is impossible to completely eliminate dust, there are ways to minimize its presence and effects. Consider the rooms and areas that generate or harbor the most dust. Closets, bedrooms, carpeted areas and rooms with electronics tend to attract dust. Try to keep these areas clean by using the appropriate tools to remove dust.

how to remove dust from home


Air purifiers are effective in reducing dust, allergens and pollutants in your home. Humidifiers, dehumidifiers and UV germicidal lights used in conjunction with filtration and purification provide maximum benefits for allergy sufferers. Air conditioners dust in the house is the most household appliance. Take care to change the filters regularly so that the air conditioners do not spread dust around.


It has become a tradition for all of us to open windows to ventilate your home or because of the heat. However, this situation invites many dust molecules into your home. You should also make sure that any windows or doors in your home are closed properly. Otherwise, dust can get into the house through the gaps in between.

Wash the mosquito net you have attached to the window regularly. Since the mosquito net catches dirt and dust very quickly, it can cause dust to enter the house.

how to remove dust


Place mats in all entrances of your house. one into the door; place the other outside the door. This way, you can prevent dirt, mud and dust from entering your home. Don’t forget to place the back door, balcony, or any other door to the outside of your house the same way. Also, do not forget to wash the mats you place regularly.


Your pet friend may be the cause of dust and dirt on the floor or window sills of the house. Especially cats love to settle on the window sill. At such times, they leave their feathers where they are. That’s why you should clean your pets with the help of combs and get rid of their excess hair. You should also check and shoot those sections with the vacuum cleaner.

how to prevent dust from accumulating


To prevent the dust from falling to the lower sides, which easily accumulates in some high areas, always dust from above Try to get it down. Before you start dusting, you should make sure that all surfaces are dry. You should remember that wet cloths are not suitable for all surfaces. For example, when you use a wet cloth, the wood may warp or stain may remain on it.

how to dust


Clean dust regularly every 2 days. Do not forget to use the right products to clean the dust comfortably and beautifully. Use a microfiber cloth for smooth, flat surfaces. Ignoring when there is dust in the house and delaying the cleaning causes dust in the air.

the best method for dust removal

Keeping shoes inside the house will cause the house to trap dirt and dust in it. Therefore, air pollution will occur. It is possible to get rid of this problem by placing a shoe cabinet outside of the house or on the balcony!

Should paint or wallpaper be used on the walls? Advantages of wallpapers

Coloring, which is the key issue in wall decoration, can often cause confusion. So, are dynamic and lively walls that come with paint, or …

Coloring, which is the key issue in wall decoration, can often cause confusion. So, are dynamic and lively walls that come with paint, or wallpapers with dazzling textures and patterns more advantageous? To answer this question, you need to research both your needs and the advantages of paint and wallpapers. Here are the differences between paint and wallpaper…

When decorating our homes, such as the facade of the house, the style of the furniture , the texture of the floors, the colors we use, the sizes and shapes of the rooms. We take care to consider many factors. In addition to these elements that change the atmosphere of the house in an instant, we can sometimes experience indecision between the two options. for example; Should a shower cabin or a bathtub be preferred in the bathrooms? Or which is the most useful choice for kitchen counters? Such questions as “Paint or wallpaper on the walls?” The question is one of the issues that many people cannot decide. Let’s find an answer to this question, which is curious about wall decoration, together.


In the selection of paints that have an important place in wall decoration, it is necessary to focus on products that are healthy, have passed the necessary tests and do not cause physical discomfort by inhalation. Paints that are suitable for both the environment and human health allow you to have a long-lasting appearance in your home.

Wall paint

On the other hand, wipeable and less staining paints provide a great advantage in delaying the need for whitewash. Paints with water vapor permeability, on the other hand, help the walls to resist humidity and damp smell. Paints, which come to the fore with many features, are indispensable in wall decoration.

Wall paint advantages

If you like a clearer look in your wall decoration than patterns, you can choose paint. You can also have the chance to quickly change the walls you have designed with glossy, satin and matte finish paints at any time.

Details to consider when choosing a wall paint


If you want to create a decoration that will push the limits of your imagination indoors, the wall papers might be what you’re looking for. You can get an original perspective by perfectly reflecting all the textures and patterns you can think of on the wallpapers.

Patterned wallpaper

Especially wallpapers are preferred very often in children’s rooms. Sometimes with space-themed and sometimes animal figures-themed wallpapers, a concept-complementary look can be achieved in children’s rooms. Or, flower-printed wallpapers are used extensively in the living room decoration, where the country house style is dominant.

Children’s room wallpaper

If you want to bring a certain theme to your home perfectly, it would be better to turn to wallpapers instead of paint.

A living room decorated with patterned wallpaper

The most important advantage of wallpapers is in terms of cost. If we calculate that a house is painted every 3 years on average, the wallpaper has a minimum life of 8 years.

Nature-themed wallpapers

Wallpapers are also very successful in camouflaging possible visual pollution such as fading and cracks caused by paint on the wall.

Use of wallpaper in bathroom decoration


Valuable advice to home buyers

Investing in real estate is for many people in the middle of the valuable decisions they will make throughout their lives. Especially …

Investing in real estate is for many people in the middle of the valuable decisions they will make throughout their lives. Especially considering the increasing housing prices in recent periods, it becomes more attractive to invest in real estate. With the increase in housing prices, it became more difficult to own a house. That is why it is useful to take advantage of valuable advice when owning a house.

Decide on the location

The choice of location is one of the most important bets for first-time homebuyers to pay attention to. According to experts, it is beneficial for first-time residents to choose a location, while choosing a location, where housing prices do not lose their value, and even in areas that are expected to make a premium in the near future. In addition, factors such as social life expectancy, the distance of the residence to the workplace and transportation should also be taken into account.

Find out the age of the building

The age of the building stands out as a valuable clue for first-time real estate investors. In addition, the age of the building is in the middle of the most valuable elements that determine the value of the house. It is also necessary to consider the possibility of demolition of a building over the age of 25 within the scope of urban transformation with the aim of renewal and consolidation.

Pay attention to the square meter

The size of the house is another factor that determines its price. Those who will buy a house for the first time should decide by taking into account the difference in gross and net square meters. In this way, individuals who will buy a residence for the first time will both save costs and have the opportunity to use their living space better.

Research the company that built the house

Individuals who will buy a house for the first time should research the company that built the house in detail. At this point, it is beneficial to prefer known and trusted construction companies. It is also worthwhile for first-time residents to examine the previous projects of the company that built the building.

Allocate a budget for additional expenses

It is very valuable that first-time homebuyers should not neglect to allocate a budget for possible documents and renovation costs. At this point, before buying a house, the use of the house and its deficiencies should be carefully examined.

Do not miss the official inspections

Another issue that first-time homebuyers should pay attention to in the purchasing process is official inspections. Past period payments of subscriptions such as natural gas, electricity and water should be investigated. In addition, it is another obligation for those who will buy a house for the first time to pay attention to the title deed status of condominium ownership or floor servitude. In addition, if the area where the dwelling will be located in the earthquake generation, it should be checked whether the house/building is resistant to earthquakes, and if there is an earthquake resistance report, the report should definitely be examined.

Consider the building features

Before buying a house, it is necessary to consider the building features and calculate the expense items at this point. Individuals who will buy a house for the first time need to pay attention to the insulation of the building, dues expenditures, size and safety.