Is your child ready for face-to-face education?

Children have been accustomed to online education at home for a long time due to the pandemic. Because of this, the idea of ​​going back to …

Children have been accustomed to online education at home for a long time due to the pandemic. Because of this, the idea of ​​going back to school too soon can cause fear in some children. So, what can you, as a parent, do about it? Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Dr. Muhammet Albayati made proposals on this issue.

Tolerance must be treated in the process of harmony

The pandemic process that has been going on for more than a year and a half has changed many of our habits. Adapting to these new changes can be challenging not only for adults but also for children. Especially the process related to schools affects children a lot. Returning to school very soon while the pandemic rules continue may cause harmony problems for some children who are accustomed to receiving education at home. Stating that this situation is extremely normal, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist. Dr. Muhammet Albayati made the following offers to parents: “First of all, we should continue to take Covid security measures without increasing the fear levels in children. You should make sure that these rules are applied properly in their schools, you should learn from school administrations at what level and how the Covid-19 measures are applied, and transfer them to your child in an appropriate language. Allow them to share about their rush, excitement, and worries in a meeting with all family members. Provide them with a faithful space to develop awareness of their own feelings so that they can share their thoughts. In this way, he will learn to share ideas and will not accumulate his worries. Try to regulate sleeping and eating habits; During the pandemic process, these orders have been lost in our children, as in all of us. In particular, the habits of children who spend a lot of time in front of the computer and screen have completely changed. During the return to school process, try to plan sleep and meal times at least one week before the school routine.

Saying that it is not easy for every child to switch to the new system, to change overnight and to achieve harmony, Albayati continued: “Even if this process seems short to you, there is a long and troublesome process in the world of children. Being aware of this, you should approach it knowing that your child cannot return to all routines at once. Do not neglect to be patient, moderate and tolerant towards your child throughout the process.”