Yasemin Sakallıoğlu signed with eyeliner in the middle of the road!

Yasemin Sakallıoğlu, who was photographed while walking in Nişantaşı, signed her book, which was extended by her fan, with eyeliner when she did …

Yasemin Sakallıoğlu, who was photographed while walking in Nişantaşı, signed her book, which was extended by her fan, with eyeliner when she did not have a pencil.

Comedian Yasemin Sakallıoğlu said that her overseas tour went well and said, “I just got back from a tour. Hugging with our citizens there was a very special moment for me. I am the only name among female comedians who came together with the masses.” she made a statement.

yasemin saklioglu


Sakallıoğlu recently published his book titled “Forbid External Beauty, Let’s Move to Spiritual Beauty”.

yasemin Saklıoğlu


When a fan who came with her book during her speech asked for autograph, she stated that she did not have a pen and took an eyeliner from her bag. signed with. Then the cameras continued on their way with a smile saying, “If we edited it, it wouldn’t be like this”.

Müge Anlı changed her image and those who saw it were very surprised!

Müge Anlı, who meets with the television audience every weekday, impressed her with her last pose. Investigative journalist and …

Müge Anlı, who meets with the television audience every weekday, impressed her with her last pose.

Investigative journalist and presenter Müge Anlı, who met with the television audience every weekday with Müge Anlı and Tatlı Sert program broadcast on ATV screens, won the love of millions . Reaching a large fan base, Anlı made a name for himself with his social media account, which he opened with a radical decision last year, as well as his career.

Anlı, who draws attention with almost every pose he publishes on his social media account, has added a new one to his widely spoken Instagram posts. The famous presenter presented a pose she gave in the elevator with her sports clothes to her followers on her Instagram page.

Müge Anlı showed her different posted image with the last pose she on her social media account.

muge anlı

Burak Yörük attacked the bus driver he was arguing with in traffic!

Popular actor Burak Yörük attacked the bus driver with whom he had an argument in traffic. CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO OF THE NEWS WATCH …

Popular actor Burak Yörük attacked the bus driver with whom he had an argument in traffic.


Burak Yörük, who plays the leading role in TV series such as Dam and Aşk Logic İntikam and will take a role in the production of a Summer Series in the new season, will face the incident in traffic. It came up. The actor, who was on the road with his friend, attacked a bus driver with whom he was arguing.

Angered during the argument for an unknown reason, the player attacked the driver behind the wheel with fists. The security guards who came to the scene when the curses were flying in the air, on the other hand, calmed the young actor with difficulty.

The bus driver, who was attacked, said that he complained about the player. The player, who could not control his nerves despite the police, continued to punch the bus.

Beautiful actress Damla Sonmez caught coronavirus

Actress Damla Sönmez, who we know with her popular TV series and movie projects, announced that she was caught in covid-19. Sad news …

Actress Damla Sönmez, who we know with her popular TV series and movie projects, announced that she was caught in covid-19.

Sad news came from the 34-year-old beautiful actress Damla Sönmez, whose name is frequently mentioned on the agenda with her success, which we know from popular projects such as Pit, Aziz and the War of the Roses.

drops don’t go out

The beautiful actress Damla Sönmez, who now gives life to the character of Dilruba in the Aziz series, had a covid -19 test when she started to feel bad. It was announced that the beautiful actress quarantined herself after her test was positive.


New post from Gülşen Bubikoğlu, who defies time!

Gülşen Bubikoğlu, who does not use her social media account very actively, showed how she defies time. She managed to enchant everyone with her …

Gülşen Bubikoğlu, who does not use her social media account very actively, showed how she defies time. She managed to enchant everyone with her sharing.

The beauty who has enthroned the hearts has again managed to attract everyone’s attention. The beautiful actress Gülşen Bubikoğlu, who is known for not using her social media actively, broke this rule with her last post.

gülşen bubikoğlu

His followers posting a photo of himself after the charcoal images he shared on social media for a long time, “defies time! He is still the most beautiful…” comments took place.

gulsen bubikoglu

Engaged Hadise got her Maldives vacation free!

While preparing to marry the famous pop singer Hadise and businessperson Mehmet Dinçerler, he brought his holiday for free at the hotel for 50 …

While preparing to marry the famous pop singer Hadise and businessperson Mehmet Dinçerler, he brought his holiday for free at the hotel for 50,000 TL per night thanks to the sponsor companies for the Maldives.

The beautiful singer Hadise was on the agenda again like a bombshell. Hadise, who managed to keep her name constantly updated in the world of magazines with her use of social media, stage performances and projects, had answered “Yes” to the marriage proposal from Dinçerler in the past weeks.

hadise and mehmet dinçerler

The couple, sticking to their traditions, held the ceremony of asking for girls. The engagement, which took place at the house of Hadise’s family, was talked about a lot.

hadise and mehmet dinçerler

The couple, who continued their wedding preparations at full speed, did not refuse the sponsorship requests of the companies. A holiday after the wedding was arranged in the Maldives by companies that were in a race.

hadise maldives


She went on her honeymoon in the rooms of a luxury hotel in Maldives for 50.000 TL per night in return for the famous pop singer’s advertising from her 13.6 million account. It has been learned that Hadise, who continues to share on her account, almost brought her holiday for free.

Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ and Başak Dizer couple decided to name their children

Başak Dizer and Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ, who are counting the days to take their first baby in their arms, will have a son. It was learned that the …

Başak Dizer and Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ, who are counting the days to take their first baby in their arms, will have a son. It was learned that the name that the couple, who will become parents, will give to their children will be the name Kurt, inspired by the TV series Kurt Seyit and Şura.

Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ and Başak Dizer couple, who got married in Paris in 2016, become parents. Başak Tatlıtuğ, whose wife is beautiful, explained that they agreed on the name she will give to her children.


Designer Başak Dizer will give birth at a private hospital in Maslak at the end of this month. Inspired by the TV series “Kurt Seyit ve Şura” published in 2014, it was announced that the name they named Kurt would be Kurt.

Virgo dizer


Başak Dizer, who actively uses her social media account, recently talked to her friends Damla She shared the photo of Yılmaz and Zeynep Ünver holding her stomach, with the description “My baby. Her hands are always on me, it’s been 8 years for our girls”.

Sad news from Emirhan Şahin, son of Selami Şahin! At the traffic accident…

Emirhan Şahin, son of Selami Şahin, one of the important artists of Turkish music, was injured in a traffic accident. 4 people …

Emirhan Şahin, son of Selami Şahin, one of the important artists of Turkish music, was injured in a traffic accident.

4 people, including artist Selami Şahin’s last Fikret Emirhan Şahin, were injured when a minibus collided with a pickup truck in the Turgutlu district of Manisa. The minibus used by

Selami Şahin and his family

Kürşat Ö collided with the pickup truck led by Mazlum S.

moment of accident

Vehicles thrown in the accident hit the barriers, the pickup truck overturned. Minibus driver Kürşat Ö. and passengers Andreas Rangavis, Celal Gökhan Güldal and artist Selami Şahin’s last Fikret Emirhan Şahin were taken to Turgutlu State Hospital by ambulances.

It was learned that the health conditions of the injured who were transferred to Manisa City Hospital were good.

Hadise made Maldives holiday free!

While preparing to marry the famous pop singer Hadise and businessperson Mehmet Dinçerler, he brought his holiday for free at a hotel for 50,000 …

While preparing to marry the famous pop singer Hadise and businessperson Mehmet Dinçerler, he brought his holiday for free at a hotel for 50,000 TL per night thanks to the sponsor companies for the Maldives.

The beautiful singer Hadise was on the agenda again like a bombshell. Hadise, who managed to keep her name constantly updated in the world of magazines with her use of social media, stage performances and projects, had answered “Yes” to the marriage proposal from Dinçerler in the past weeks.

hadise and mehmet dinçerler

The couple, sticking to their traditions, held the ceremony of asking for girls. The engagement, which took place at the house of Hadise’s family, was widely talked about.

hadise and mehmet dinçerler

The couple, who continued their wedding preparations at full speed, did not refuse the sponsorship requests of the companies. A holiday after the wedding was arranged in the Maldives by the companies that were in a race.

hadise maldives


She went on her honeymoon in the rooms of a luxury hotel in Maldives, costing 50,000 TL per night, in exchange for the famous pop singer’s advertising from her 13.6 million account. It was learned that Hadise, who continues to share on her account, almost brought her holiday for free.

Esra Bilgic has been removed from the Fancy Scarecrow squad!

It was learned that Esra Bilgiç, the partner of Çağatay Ulusoy in the TV series Fancy Scarecrow, had a problem with the production company. A …

It was learned that Esra Bilgiç, the partner of Çağatay Ulusoy in the TV series Fancy Scarecrow, had a problem with the production company. A new player was sought to replace Bilgiç, who was dismissed from the squad.

It is known that an agreement has been made with Netflix for the Fancy Scarecrow series, which is said to be shared on TV. In the series, which could not achieve the desired success in the ratings, Çağatay Ulusoy’s partner Alina Boz was replaced and Esra Bilgiç became. However, a decision was taken that surprised everyone about the series.

alina boz


According to the news received; Çağatay Ulusoy’s first partner, Aline Boz, was removed from the series to be shot on Netflix, as there was only a TV series agreement. Afterwards, Esra Bilgiç took every place. Set quickly started shooting in Kırklareli.

esra Bilgiç


With the shooting of the project directed by Cem Karcı, new scandals came to the fore. Esra Bilgiç, who was preparing to play the role of Esvet in the project, could not agree on the terms of the contract with the production company. It was learned that the new female lead actress of Sülü Scarecrow has not been determined and the search continues.