What can we do for body care as we move towards summer?

Dry brushing The brushing method is an excellent way to exfoliate your body. The first thing you need to do to apply this method is to buy a …

Dry brushing

The brushing method is an excellent way to exfoliate your body. The first thing you need to do to apply this method is to buy a body brush from a cosmetic store. Also, this method will help speed up your blood circulation. Its application is quite simple. Rub the brush on the area you want to apply from bottom to top. If you have skin that is prone to irritation, be careful not to press it and be gentle to your skin. It will be better if you apply it before taking a bath.

Pumpkin fiber

Pumpkin fiber is a method that includes the same application as dry brushing. While helping you get rid of dead skin, it also prevents and helps to reduce the ingrown skin.

Body scrub

Body scrub is a type of care before bathing. While it is good for cellulite, cracked and dry skin, in addition to other methods, it has the feature of moisturizing the body. Before the application, the body should be softened with water.

Body firming

First of all, if you want to tighten your body, it is useful to drink plenty of water and move around. In addition to these methods, you should use body firming creams that you can apply by massaging your body.

Open a sun shield

The most essential of all methods is to use sunscreen. The sun is a source we need for vitamins, but it also has harmful rays that damage our skin. Therefore, you should not neglect to protect your skin with sunscreen.

A first in Turkey! ‘The world’s smallest non-surgical pacemaker’ from Medipol

Medipol Mega University Hospital broke new ground in Turkey. The patient, who was transferred to the hospital with a zero pulse, held on to …

Medipol Mega University Hospital broke new ground in Turkey. The patient, who was transferred to the hospital with a zero pulse, held on to life with a pacemaker inserted with the non-surgical angiography method.

Medipol Mega University Hospital Cardiology Department added a new one to its achievements in the national and international medical arena. Cardiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Fethi Kılıçaslan and his team broke new ground in Turkey. For the first time, a wireless pacemaker, which enables the heart to work in sync, was inserted into the heart through the groin using the angiography method without surgery.

Fikri Sekin, 73 years old, living in Edirne, stated that his heart rate dropped to zero when he was brought to the hospital. Dr. Kılıçaslan said on the subject, “Because the patient’s chest was inflamed on both sides, it was not possible to put a normal pacemaker under the skin again. A surgeon had to open the heart under general anesthesia and the cord of the pacemaker had to be stitched on the heart. The only way to get rid of this surgery was to replace the wireless pacemaker with the new method from the groin. “After evaluating the age of the patient and all his tests, we decided to use a new method, which is limited in number in the world. We fitted our patient with the newest and most advanced model of the wireless battery. This new wireless battery provides synchronized contraction of the heart.”

Cardiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Fethi Kılıçaslan


Stating that the pacemaker inserted through the groin and inserted into the heart without surgery provides significant advantages for both the patient and the physician, Kılıçaslan added the following words to his statements:

” Infection is an important and life-threatening problem in patients with normal wired pacemakers. When infection occurs, the battery and cable must be completely removed and the patient is given a serious antibiotic treatment. In addition, there are problems such as erosion in the battery cable and the area where the battery is inserted. With new wireless batteries, such complications are reduced by 60-70% and the risk of infection is minimized. The patient returns to his normal life one day after the surgery. Wireless batteries are 18 mm long and weigh 1.75 grams. Since the battery is placed directly into the heart, there is a wound in the chest. there is no scar, there is no battery under the skin and there is no need for dressing. Delleri detects the movement of the back of the heart and thus ensures the synchronized operation of the heart. This feature is called AV sync. Fikri Sekin is our first patient in Turkey with a wireless pacemaker with AV synchronization. This battery is the smallest in the world.”

The world’s smallest pacemaker


Kılıçaslan is responsible for the operation processes. He summarized as follows:

“In a short operation, we inserted the wireless pacemaker by inserting it through the groin painlessly as if performing an angiography under local anesthesia. The process was completed in about 20 minutes. After this procedure, we followed our patient overnight and decided to discharge him the next day. In the post-discharge control, we made the settings of the battery in the same way as the normal battery adjustment, from outside the heart. These batteries, placed inside the heart, have a lifespan of about 10 years. Since the battery is wireless, our patient returned to his normal life with a more comfortable process. Otherwise, open heart surgery under general anesthesia would have been necessary for our patient. Our patient regained his health quickly due to his trust in us and the new method we used.”


Fikri Sekin, a 73-year-old patient who went through the process, said, “Up until this age, I had an active and active life. I was driving a tractor until the age of 73. One day I suddenly fainted on the table. We couldn’t understand what was going on. At first we suspected that I might have a disorder. But we learned that my heart rate was dropping to zero. I didn’t want to have surgery. When the places where they had a pacemaker in the hospital I went to before got inflamed twice, they recommended Medipol to us. I had a painless, more comfortable medical process here. I am doing my daily routine now. I went back to my normal life. I would like to thank my doctors and healthcare workers with all my heart.”

Bizarre trends from Tiktoker girls!: Does it work or is it bullshit?

On the Tiktok platform, where young people produce crazy video content, more and more strange trends are emerging every day. While some of …

On the Tiktok platform, where young people produce crazy video content, more and more strange trends are emerging every day. While some of these ingredients actually work, some are pretty ridiculous or even dangerous. Weird make-up trends have been coming our way, especially lately. If you are ready, let’s take a closer look at these crazy content that has gone viral!

Bigger lips

Not happy with your small lips? If your answer is yes, Tiktokers has two solutions for you. I’m telling you right now! Here’s the first method: use your lip liner to outline above your lip line. Then, choose a suitable color lipstick with your lip liner and gently apply it to the parts that you did not go through with the pencil. This will make your lips look fuller and larger than usual. This method is somewhat acceptable, but the second is beyond awful.

Second method: Apply glue to the top of your lip, then lift your upper lip and press the glued part. Welcome botox meatball lips! These trends may please those with small lips, but it is a real disaster for people with large lips to start applying them.

Bathrobe thread for wavy hair

Making hair waves with robe thread is very common these days. It became quite fashionable especially after the American youth series Euphoria. This method is recommended after a shower for easier styling of the hair. After the shower, divide your slightly damp hair into two and gently wrap it around the robe. This method is said to work quite well. In our opinion, this trend is perhaps the most reasonable one among them.

Fake freckles

Freckle fashion is indeed very common. It is really interesting that freckles, which were tried to be covered with foundation in the past, are now fashionable and even faked! The only thing you need for the fake freckle trend on Tiktok: Henna. First, mix the henna with water and leave small dots on the sides of your nose and cheeks with the tip of a pin or a toothpick. Now you have freckles too!

Waving hair with a heating pipe?

Perhaps the most absurd of trends.. Tiktokers have chosen the heater as another method to wave their hair. Sorry indeed! All you need for this is a warm heater. But you use tongs instead..