İlber Ortaylı announced the bad news! Mikhail Meyer passed away

Mihail Meyer, one of the important Turkologists of Russia, died at the age of 86. Announcing on his social media account, Prof. Dr. İlber …

Mihail Meyer, one of the important Turkologists of Russia, died at the age of 86. Announcing on his social media account, Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı said, ‘We are living a sad day of leaf fall’.

Turkologist Mihail Meyer passed away at the age of 86. Meyer had built his academic career mainly on the Ottoman Empire and Turkey.

Mihail Meyer, who graduated from Moscow State University in 1960 and was the head of the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​for years, has many articles on the Ottoman Empire and Turkey.

Mihail Meyer died

“He was a close friend”

Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı said the following about Meyer, whom he called “his close friend”:

“Mihail Meyer left the world of Turcology and his Turkish friends at the age of 86. We live in a sad day of leaf fall . Meyer was known for his uniqueness in personality and friendship. He was born and raised in the most difficult times of the Soviet Union. He had a successful education. Because the great teachers of Russian Turcology were still standing. Meyer grew up under their auspices. His own students are more distinguished. If the discipline of Turkology in Russia was able to renew itself and adapt to the times, both Meyer’s personality and hard work have a great share in this. He has always supported Turkey’s rightful arguments. He used to come to Turkey since the late 1980s. He was my very close friend. I taught at Moscow State University for three terms at his invitation. I know their demands. We used to organize courses in Ayvalık in the summer. I hope this work of his will continue.”

“He was very upset because of the war”

İlber Ortaylı said that Meyer’s husband is also a South African historian:

“We were very close as a family. I hope that those who will come after him and his upbringing will also take care of this heritage. He spoke Turkish. His Turkish was very good. He was quite friendly. He was an exceptional man. He also had great love for Turkey and the Turks. I can also say that he is extremely sad about this last (Ukrainian) war. I am in the sudden sadness of losing a friend.”