Princess Mako of Japan, who left the kingdom, became an unpaid trainee!

It turned out that Princess Mako of Japan, who gave up her royal titles and left her financial rights in order to marry Komuro Kei, started to …

It turned out that Princess Mako of Japan, who gave up her royal titles and left her financial rights in order to marry Komuro Kei, started to work as an unpaid intern at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Japanese Princess Mako had married her boyfriend Komuro Kei, one of the people she met at university in the past few months. Princess Mako, who got married in the shadow of the protests in Japan and gave up her royal titles for love, decided to live in America with her husband.

Japanese Princess Mako and her husband Komuro Kei

It was said that the Princess, who stepped into financial independence from her family, wanted to play an active role in business life. It was learned that Princess Mako, who gave up both her title and money for her husband, started to work as a volunteer at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and assisted the Asian Art department of the museum.

Princess Mako

A former museum director on Princess, who studied art and cultural heritage in Tokyo, said, “She’s qualified and probably handles items from the collection. ” used the phrases.

On the other hand, ex-Princess Mako’s wife, Komuro Kei, still failed the New York State bar exam, which she took for the second time. It was announced that 30 percent of those who took the exam for the second time passed the exam, in which 45 percent of approximately 3 thousand candidates passed.

Princess Mako