Why should sunscreen be used in winter?

Sunscreens, which are indisputable in summer, do not belong to only one season. Professor, who works at the American Hospital Dermatology …

Sunscreens, which are indisputable in summer, do not belong to only one season. Professor, who works at the American Hospital Dermatology Department, explains the importance of sunscreens from their effects on our skin to their seasonal use. Dr. Sibel Alper told me.

Internal and external aging

Skin aging occurs due to internal and external factors. Intrinsic aging depends on genetic characteristics. Collagen production decreases, the elasticity of the skin deteriorates. As a result, fine wrinkles, decrease in subcutaneous adipose tissue, collapse of the cheeks and sagging of the neck are observed. The most important factor in extrinsic aging is exposure to excessive sun rays. UVB is most responsible for skin damage, with the cumulative effect being UVA rays. The result is a yellow, dry and rough skin appearance. Vascularization increases and dark spots occur. Those who work outside, especially those with a tanning addiction, garden workers, farmers, are exposed to excessive sun rays.

Those with fair skin should pay more attention

90% of non-melanoma skin cancers and 60% of melanomas are caused by UV rays. Its incidence has increased by 3% per year in recent years. Melanoma is a type of cancer that can occur in anyone. But people with fair skin and sun sensitivity are more at risk. People with white skin, light-colored eyes, red hair, those who had severe sunburns in childhood, those with a family history of skin cancer, patients who had an organ transplant, those who spent and spent time in the sun without protection for a long time, those who sunbathed for a long time and those who entered the solarium are at risk.

Sunscreen selection

It would be a good idea to consult your dermatologist and choose a product. In addition, product selection should be based on age and purpose. It is necessary to use sunscreen throughout the year to reduce the risk of both aging and skin cancer. Provided the preservative is used properly, its effectiveness can be trusted. Sunscreens should be applied as 20gr per m2 (2 mg per cm2). Water-resistant, broad-spectrum (UVA and UVB) sunscreens with a factor of at least 30 are recommended.

When should sunscreen be applied?

It should be applied half an hour before going out, and it should be renewed every 4 hours on average. Today, there are preservatives in different forms (cream, lotion, spray, colored) according to skin type, healthy or those with dermatological problems. It would be appropriate to consult your dermatologist and choose a product. Product selection should be based on age and purpose. Studies have shown that using sunscreen every day for 4.5 years reduces the risk of skin cancer by 40%, skin thickening and darkening by 40%, and skin aging by 24%.


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