Pinch is considered grounds for divorce

The divorce case, which was rejected due to ‘lack of evidence’ in the Sandıklı district of Afyonkarahisar, was moved to the Court of Appeal …

The divorce case, which was rejected due to ‘lack of evidence’ in the Sandıklı district of Afyonkarahisar, was moved to the Court of Appeal. The act, known as ‘pinching’, applied to the spouse, was deemed grounds for divorce by the higher court.

jaYAMother of 1 child, whose name has not been disclosed in Sandıklı district offyonkarahisar, filed a divorce case, stating that her husband had used physical and emotional violence and locked her in the room since 2016. A public case was also filed against the husband at the Sandıklı Criminal Court of First Instance with the allegation of “violence against the spouse”. The husband, who was on trial for ‘intentional injury to his wife’ was acquitted of ‘lack of evidence’.


The divorce case at the Sandıklı Civil Court of First Instance was also rejected due to ‘lack of evidence’. Mehmet Sait Gürdağ, the lawyer of the woman who was alleged to have been subjected to violence, took the decision to the Court of Appeal. The 2nd Civil Chamber of the Konya Regional Court of Justice overturned the decision of the local court to reject the divorce. The appeal court ruled that the continuous violence of the subject man against the woman was fixed, and decided to accept the divorce because the marital union was shaken to its foundations.


In the summary of the decision of the 2nd Civil Chamber of the Konya Regional Court of Justice, the divorce was accepted on the grounds that the man beat the woman by squeezing her feet, arms and legs intermittently and the action was continuous. given place. The 2nd Law Office ruled that the custody of the joint child from the marriage should be given to the mother.

Attorney Mehmet Sait Gürdağ said, “We filed a divorce case because my client was repeatedly exposed to twisting his arms and legs by his wife and ‘pinching’ in public. The local court found the available evidence insufficient and rejected our case. The Court of Appeals. “Pinching and locking the room was considered violence and overturned the decision, and ruled that the parties should divorce. The seemingly simple act of pinching and locking the spouse in the room was considered a reason for divorce,” he said.

Source: DHA

Experts explained! Online dieting hits young people too

Recently, young people who emulate the lives and appearances of celebrities on social media resort to unhealthy diets on the internet just to be …

Recently, young people who emulate the lives and appearances of celebrities on social media resort to unhealthy diets on the internet just to be like them. Experts warn about these methods, which are used for those who want to lose weight fast. According to studies, unconscious diet in adolescence causes permanent health problems.

With the pandemic, which has been affecting the whole world for about 2 years, the duration of stay at home has increased. Young people staying at home became more addicted to the screen. As a result, young people started to lose their weight with the “super diet lists” they found on the internet. Experts, who say that “dangerous weight loss formulas” that have been circulating extensively on social media lately, threaten the health of young people, warn young people in their development period not to diet unconsciously.


Noting that the age of dieting is decreasing due to the decrease in the age of obesity due to malnutrition and inactivity, dietitian Burak Hançer said, ” Adolescence is a period in which physical characteristics of people change rapidly, “It is a period when the perception of the child becomes more important. Especially girls, due to the changes in their body shapes, compare themselves to their friends and people who are shown as an example in the media, and unconsciously tend to diet. Adolescents may resort to extreme and extreme practices in order to lose weight,” he said.


Stating that popular diets with rapid weight loss cause permanent health problems and invite diseases in young people in their developmental period, Hançer said, “In young people with insufficient and unbalanced nutrition, height growth slows down and even stops. “There are deficiencies in growth, development, muscle and bone development. Goiter due to iodine deficiency, anemia due to iron deficiency, especially in girls. Sometimes, there are nutritional disorders called anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, which can lead to death,” he said.

Wrong diets made on the Internet


The diet must be done with the support of a specialist, regardless of age. reminding Dt. Dagger warned parents that they should take their children’s desire to diet seriously and guide them in the right way. Dyt said that staying hungry and skipping meals are at the top of the wrong practices among young people. Hançer “The thought of “the faster I am hungry, the faster I lose weight” is very common among adolescents. Diets that are starved cause the person’s nutrition to be far below the daily needs, fatigue, various vitamin-mineral deficiencies, and focusing problems. A correct diet should meet the daily needs of the person, “It should offer a regular meal balance and not cause painful hunger. It is the best practice to start the day with a breakfast, to have at least one, preferably two more main meals.”

DO NOT Skip Dinner

Burak Hançer said that one of the most important mistakes made in the diet is to think that all the things eaten in the late hours are stored as fat and to completely exclude dinner from the diet. In addition, long hunger causes fatigue, disruption of sleep patterns, weakening of metabolism. A correct diet should meet the daily needs of the person, offer a regular meal balance, and prevent painful hunger. It should not be the reason. It is the best practice to start the day with a breakfast and to have at least one, preferably two more main meals.”


Popular or one-sided diets, which are frequently seen on social media and on the internet, also attract the attention of young people. Explaining that these diets are highly preferred with the idea that they will get results quickly, Dyt said. Burak Hançer says that one-way diets, which come up with names such as pumpkin detox, potato diet, orange diet, keep adolescents away from adequate and balanced nutrition. dit. Dagger reminds that people who are in the growth and development phase should consume adequate amounts of all food groups in a balanced way.

No more greasy hair nightmare!

Do you wash your hair because it looks oily and notice that it gets more oily as you wash it? For the oily hair problem that requires you to …

Do you wash your hair because it looks oily and notice that it gets more oily as you wash it? For the oily hair problem that requires you to wash your hair every day and puts you in a nightmarish cycle, we will now share the care recommendations that will save you from that cycle.

What causes our hair to become oily?

First of all, let’s take a look at the main causes of oily hair, which causes a voluminous and unkempt appearance in our hair.

Fatty food consumption

Hamburgers, chips and potatoes that tempt us with their flavors are indisputable for most of us, but if you don’ t want to have to hide your hair, it would be useful to make some sacrifices. Consumption of oily food is one of the leading causes of oily hair, be careful!

Washing with hot water

Washing hair with very hot water is another important factor that causes oiliness. In addition, it is not recommended by experts to wash the hair with very hot water, as it dissolves the beneficial layers on the hair.

Frequent straightening

Using high-temperature hair devices will also cause your hair to become greasy quickly. If you are straightening your hair every day, it is also beneficial to reduce this amount. Let your hair stay a little natural, rest assured, you are beautiful as well.

Let’s come to the solutions that will save you from this nightmare..

Black tea

tea will be good for your hair. Here is the recipe: Add 1 teaspoon of black tea to 1 cup of water. Let it boil for 10 minutes, then strain and cool the tea. Your mixture is now ready to apply to your scalp!

Do not leave your hair with a towel for a long time!

Are you one of those people who are lazy to dry their hair after taking a bath and doze off in front of the phone? If your answer is yes, you should leave this habit behind and go to dry your hair right.

Take vitamins

It is possible to get a healthy look in your hair by taking vitamins B and E, which have a regulating effect on extra oil production . Foods with B vitamins: milk and dairy products, tomatoes, mushrooms, legumes are among the foods rich in B vitamins. Products containing vitamin E: Nuts, almonds, walnuts, spinach, cabbage, parsley..

Separate your hair differently

Separating the hair in the same direction continuously It causes lubrication more quickly. It will be beneficial for you to change the hair part from time to time. If you usually part your hair from the side, you can try parting it in the middle some days.

Dry shampoo


Instead of washing your hair frequently, you can let it rest and apply dry shampoo when you go out. But let’s be warned, this method does not clean your hair from dirt, it only helps it to look cleaner.