Turkey is tense and unhappy

It is a fact that life gets harder from time to time. Especially in the last 2 years, the stability has changed a lot with the entry of the …

It is a fact that life gets harder from time to time. Especially in the last 2 years, the stability has changed a lot with the entry of the coronavirus into our lives. Well, how happy are we with our lives at the end of 2 years with the anxiety of the epidemic and the ever-changing country agenda?

In order to find out the answers to these questions, as NG Research, we conducted a public opinion poll, with the participation of 1938 people over the age of 15, in the middle of December 29–January 10, 2022 via Benderimki.com. Let’s examine the results together!

In our research, 52% of the participants stated that they are not working at the moment, while 48% stated that they are.

How satisfied are we?

The concept of satisfaction, which is sometimes thrown into the background in the intensity of life, is actually one of the most precious concepts that makes life livable. We asked the participants how satisfied they were recently.

4 out of 10 people feel neither happy nor unhappy. Could it be that the fact that people have been dealing with health and economic conditions in recent years, and their lives with ups and downs while dealing with various difficulties, have brought them to a point where they become numb? 3 out of 10 people feel unhappy. Unfortunately, the rate of those who are satisfied is in the minority.

While 3 out of 10 employees feel satisfied, 2 out of 10 employees feel happy. The small difference in the middle may indicate possible problems in business life. In our country, the effect of working status on happiness seems very small.

Are we stressed?

We look for many ways to avoid the effects of tension on our lives. Well, can we actually escape the tension? We asked the participants how tense they were in daily life. The answers are very thought provoking. When we examine the answers to this question, we see that tension is a module of many people’s lives. 6 out of 10 people feel tense.

When we examined the relationship between tension and the middle education level, we obtained surprising results. While 65% of university graduates feel stressed, this rate is 56% for primary school graduates. Young people try very hard to graduate from university, but the results make them question whether their lives are getting better.

When we examined the relationship between tension and satisfaction, we saw that there was a strong connection between them. Among those who say they are nervous, only 13% are happy. From this point of view, we can say that learning ways to work through tension will help us get closer to happiness.

What are the reasons that put it in tension?

We have seen how high the voltage ratio is. So, what are the reasons that put us in the most tension?

The biggest source of tension for 1 out of every 3 people is economic reasons. 1 out of 5 individuals would say about the future. While the coronavirus is the most valuable agenda item all over the world, it is quite thought-provoking that it is in the 4th place in Turkey. Economic reasons and worry about the future have become a source of tension even more than health!

What do we expect from the future?

We got an idea about the current situation of people. Well, what are their expectations for the future? Do they think they will be more enjoyable in the future? 45% of participants think they will be more satisfied in the future. Despite all the problems, nearly half of the society still looks to the future with hope. Half of the rest think it will be as good as it is now, and half think it will be less enjoyable.

When we analyze the answers to this question in detail, we see that women look to the future more positively. While 5 out of 10 women think that it will be more enjoyable in the future, this number drops to 4 out of 10 for men. What do you think might be the reason why women are more hopeful about the future?