History will be rewritten in Camlica! Museum of Islamic Civilizations opens tomorrow

The opening of the Museum of Islamic Civilizations in the Büyük Çamlıca Mosque Complex will be held by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tomorrow …

The opening of the Museum of Islamic Civilizations in the Büyük Çamlıca Mosque Complex will be held by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tomorrow.

The Museum of Islamic Civilizations, located in the Büyük Çamlıca Mosque Complex, will open its doors to its visitors tomorrow. The Museum of Islamic Civilizations, which will be opened in a 10 thousand square meter closed area to be opened by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, will watch specially selected pieces from the National Palaces Topkapı Palace and Palace Collections Museum, Turkish and Islamic Arts Museum, Istanbul Archeology Museums, Istanbul Tombs Museum and Foundations Museum collections. lay it out.

Museum of Islamic Civilizations

The museum, which hosts nearly 800 works reflecting the development of Islamic art from the 7th to the 19th century; Turkish Weaving Art, Hz. Works Attributed to the Prophet, Architectural and Decorative Elements in Islamic Art, First Temple Kaaba, Damascus Documents, Quran and Its Enclosures, Science in Islam, Berat and Fermans, Hüsn-i Calligraphy, Talismanic Shirts, Clothing in the Ottoman Empire It consists of 15 thematic sections, namely, Destimal Tradition, Coffins, Conquest in Islam, Turkish Tile Art, and Islamic Coins.

Museum of Islamic Civilizations located in the Great Camlica Mosque Complex

Representative footprints of Prophet Muhammad, Kaaba door curtain, talismanic shirts, sultan’s robes, Fatih The museum, which offers the chance to see the childhood notebook of Sultan Mehmet, coins from the Ottoman period, rosaries of dervishes, sultan’s swords and many other artifacts, aroused great curiosity in the citizens with unique works that bear the traces of 1200 years of history and many of which have not been exhibited before.

The most spectacular element of the Surre-i Hümayun Regiment, which the Ottoman Empire sent to Mecca and Medina every year before the pilgrimage season, Mahmel-i Şerif and the Prophet . Hilye-i Şerifler, describing the physical and moral beauties of Muhammad, managed to get his name written among the remarkable works of the collection. On the other hand, in the museum, the Cell-i Saadet curtain, Başmak-ı Şerif, Sakal-i Şerif, Hilye-i Şerif, Kaaba covers, Qurans, Hacer’ül Esved and Cardigan-i Saadet casings, Kaaba lock and key, It is also possible to come across rare examples of caftans and talismanic shirts, coins and tile art.

Sound stations are among the prominent presentation areas of the museum. In this section, the impressive melodies of Turkish musical maqams, which are known for their healing effects on many diseases, can be discovered.