5 desserts that will remain on the palate for those who say they can’t give up on sorbet dessert

Sweets with syrup, which can take its place in celebration meals, special day invitations or Ramadan tables, are among the foods that attract …

Sweets with syrup, which can take its place in celebration meals, special day invitations or Ramadan tables, are among the foods that attract attention by many people. If you wish, you can also serve and share the sherbet desserts with your loved ones. If you can’t give up on sherbet desserts, you can try 5 different flavors that can stay on your palate.

  1. Semolina Dessert with Sherbet

Semolina and sherbet are two different flavors that go well with each other. Semolina dessert with syrup, which is a classic dessert, is the kind that can be enjoyed after meals. You can also prepare the classic dessert in an alternative way by using special shaped molds. Preferred by those who enjoy the natural form of sherbet, semolina dessert with sherbet allows you to add a great flavor to your tables.

  1. Baklava with Walnut

You can prepare baklava in many different ways, which is one of the first desserts that come to mind in Turkish cuisine. Baklava, which can be even more delicious when it is homemade and with walnuts, is a special taste that you can share with your loved ones. Baklava, which can be a little more difficult to make than other desserts, is a dessert that is worth the effort. You can adjust the sherbet ratio of the baklava you have prepared to suit your taste.

  1. Puff Pastry with Sherbet

You can also use puff pastry dough for making sherbet desserts. Suitable for those who like puff pastry dough and those who want to try crispy flavors, puff pastry with syrup is among the desserts you can practically prepare. You can sweeten the puff pastry leaves wrapped with hazelnuts with sherbet and have your dessert ready in about 20 minutes.

  1. Şekerpare Dessert

Şekerpare dessert syrup, which is another important taste of Turkish cuisine, is among the desserts you can taste in the best way. Şekerpare dessert is one of the desserts you can make with ingredients that can be found in every home. Before preparing Şekerpare, it is important to wait for the syrup to cool after preparing the syrup, in order to reveal more delicious recipes. It will be enough to pay attention to this point when applying the Şekerpare recipe.

  1. Lokma Dessert

Lokma dessert, which is one of the most special recipes for sorbet sweet lovers, is one of the desserts you can consume at any time of the day . You can prepare the traditional bite dessert with plenty of sherbet and eat it deliciously. You may need to pay attention to the cooking method while making the Lokma dessert.


sweet dessert with sugar syrup

Sherbet recipes suitable for diet! How to make sherbet that does not make you thirsty in Ramadan?

It takes its place on the tables with its sherbet flavor from the Ottoman period to the present day. We have prepared delicious and diet …

It takes its place on the tables with its sherbet flavor from the Ottoman period to the present day. We have prepared delicious and diet-friendly recipes for sherbet, one of the flavors that come to mind when Ramadan is mentioned. Here are the recipes of the miracle diet sherbets that the sultans and sultans drank..

The benefits of the sherbet that the sultans in the Ottoman period drank to relax are not counted. Today, if you want to consume the light sherbet prepared by our mothers in the markets and at home, you can try these recipes. Sherbet, which is the indispensable drink of the holy month of Ramadan, is on the tables as a nutritious and healing store with the ingredients put in it. We are here with diet sher recipes that can be easily applied by those who are careful not to gain weight. Here are those who are wondering:




  • 15 glasses of water
  • 275 grams barberry candy
  • 3 dried apricots
  • 3 dried figs
  • 3 meals brown sugar
  • 20 cloves
  • 4 sticks of cinnamon
  • 3 pieces of ginger
  • 1 piece of apple


– First of all, 275 grams of barberry sugar, 3 meals Take the spoon in a pot with 15 glasses of water. After mixing, take it to the stove and bring it to a boil.

– Then wrap the ginger, cloves and cinnamon in kitchen cheesecloth and put them in the pot.

– If you don’t want to use cheesecloth, you need to filter with the help of a wire strainer.

– In the meantime, add dried apricots, dried figs and apples and let it boil.

– After boiling, turn off the heat after 20 minutes.

– Serve cold and bon appetit. If you do not like to drink puerperal sherbet as sweet, you can dilute the sugar content by adding more water.

how to make sherbet that doesn’t make you thirsty in Ramadan


Tamarind sherbet, which has not compromised its taste from the Ottoman period until today, Consumed apart from hollyhock sherbet and mint lemon sherbet, ‘Weakening Ottoman Sherbet’ makes it easier to burn fat thanks to the ingredients in it.


SAFRAN: The reason why it is consumed in sherbet is that it suppresses the appetite and prevents hunger.

DRIED FIG: It facilitates digestion by working the intestines very well.

REYHAN: It prevents the formation of cellulite.

MINT: Perfect for getting rid of edema. It is one of the plants found in many detox drinks made today.

how to make tamarind sherbet


  • Half a liter of hot water
  • Half a teaspoon of saffron
  • 1 dried fig
  • A few leaves of basil (bacil)
  • A few leaves of mint


⇒ Clean Put saffron, fig, basil and mint in a jar, add water and let it brew.

⇒ After infusing for 1.5-2 hours, strain and consume.

Sherbet recipes suitable for diet


► You can consume twice a week.

Bon appetit…