Avoid these 3 misconceptions for healthy and pleasant eyebrows!

Do your eyebrows look thin and lifeless instead of full and heavy? Weak eyebrow structure can have various causes. In our content, we have …

Do your eyebrows look thin and lifeless instead of full and heavy? Weak eyebrow structure can have various causes. In our content, we have listed 3 misbehaviors that you should avoid because they damage your eyebrows;

Not everyone has naturally full and bushy eyebrows. Depending on various factors, such as facial care and our diet, we can affect the healthy appearance of our eyebrows. As we age, our hair follicles produce less hair, and our eyebrows and hair weaken. Apart from this, some hormonal reasons or reasons such as Hashimoto, diabetes and various skin diseases may trigger the weakening of eyebrows and hair. Certain habits are responsible for thin eyebrows and hair loss in more than one situation.

1. Wrong Nutrition
“You are what you eat”
We all know this word, and this is true for our eyebrows, scalp, eyelashes and hair. Various nutrients are necessary for our eyebrows to grow, so a deficiency manifests as brittle or shed hairs, among other things. The most valuable nutrients for our eyebrows are omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and E and Zinc.

2nd Tension
We all go through stressful stages in our lives. However, if we are always under pressure and tension, if we cannot cope with the tension, this can harm our health in the long run and weaken our immune system. As a result, the risk of contracting various diseases may increase. Moreover, during mental tension and tension, our body releases more norepinephrine and other messenger elements, which among other things affects hair growth.

3. Wrong eyebrow plucking
Many women use tweezers to shape their eyebrows. However, if you do this too often and heavily, too much stimulation can disrupt and even stop the production of hair follicles. For this reason, be careful not to pluck facial hair too often and in an abrasive way. In this middle, if you rub your eyebrows too hard while removing makeup or washing your face, your eyebrows can be damaged greatly.

7 signs of mental fatigue

What do you do when you catch a nasty cold or an nasty gastrointestinal virus? You are sick and you are healing yourself at home. But what do …

What do you do when you catch a nasty cold or an nasty gastrointestinal virus? You are sick and you are healing yourself at home. But what do many people do when they are not mentally straight? Or when they feel tired or exhausted? You reject these complaints as nothing, you continue by trying to get yourself together. Psychologist Ilona Bürgel says it is wrong and dangerous at the same time to continue in this state. Mental fatigue has nothing to do with individual incompetence, but it is a valuable warning sign that you are overwhelmed. It can turn into a burnout and then go on for a long respite.

What is burnout

There is no definitive medical definition for the term “burnout”. It summarizes the symptoms of physical and mental fatigue triggered by long periodic demands. However, many psychologists say that burnout, if left untreated, can turn into true depression and is a preliminary stage of depression.

When should I go to the doctor

When you start to feel tired and long for rest and relaxation, you should take action and make an appointment with your doctor. Even in times of Corona!

How to tell if I have burnout

You should recognize these 7 strongest signs of burnout and know how to best counter them…

1 If you feel very tired and cannot sleep

Mental work can cause physical fatigue. Especially when you work hard and the to-do list never gets shorter. Tension triggers all “fight or flight” reactions from time immemorial. It gives signals to the border system. Among other things, the body releases the hormones adrenaline and cortisone, which puts your body on alert. “The autonomic boundary system is subconsciously controlled and our opinions are inaccessible,” explains Libby Weaver. So if you are under tension all day, it will be so adrenaline filled that your body will fight until late in the evening. Even if you tell yourself you want to sleep now, you won’t be able to. To avoid insomnia, you should not drink coffee after 2 o’clock and do light exercise only in the evening. According to expert Weaver, light exercises like walking or yoga can release adrenaline. Heavy exercise, on the other hand, creates tension for the body and stimulates the production of adrenaline again.

2 If you’re more anxious than usual

You’re not actually the anxious type, but have you been getting symptoms like fear or even panic attacks lately? Beware, then you are on the road to burnout. Now is the time to incorporate relaxing measures such as yoga and meditation into your daily life. A few deep, conscious breaths will help with panic attacks. “Nothing makes body cells feel more confident than breathing,” Weaver said.

3 You cannot concentrate

When your attention shifts from intent to opinion, it is inevitable that you err or forget valuable things. This causes tension. Take a whole day off. Completely disconnect from your daily life for 24 hours. Not to get things done, but to concentrate entirely on yourself. Take a real time to meditate, take a long walk, and take care of yourself!

4 Mood changes

Are the pandemic, events at the office or at home weighing you down? Is your mood worse and lasting longer than usual with mood swings? Then you can turn to clinical depression. A psychologist can best explain whether your depression is a side effect of burnout or a harbinger of depression.

5 If you get angry easily

Quickly everyone has a blast or overreacts under pressure. However, if your daily demeanor is getting more and more aggressive, it’s time to apply the emergency brake. Remember: if you are mentally tense, you will be physically tense as well. Tip: get a massage. Because massages can help relieve both muscle and mental tension. A warm bath also relaxes the muscles.

6 You get an infection

The common cold and other physical ailments that never go away also make your body exhausted. Change your diet and sleep deeply enough to rest your body.

7 If you drink too much coffee and cannot focus

Do you think that drinking coffee in quick succession will give you more power in your hectic daily life ? Coffee increases tension and increases burnout instead of being more alert and fit. Instead, consume herbal teas. If you do not always fill your body with adrenaline, you will find that you will gain strength and calmness.

Note: Your body gives you many warning signs of burnout. Take these seriously and give yourself time to take truth measures. If a little time doesn’t help, don’t be afraid to honestly tell your doctor about your situation.

Turkey is tense and unhappy

It is a fact that life gets harder from time to time. Especially in the last 2 years, the stability has changed a lot with the entry of the …

It is a fact that life gets harder from time to time. Especially in the last 2 years, the stability has changed a lot with the entry of the coronavirus into our lives. Well, how happy are we with our lives at the end of 2 years with the anxiety of the epidemic and the ever-changing country agenda?

In order to find out the answers to these questions, as NG Research, we conducted a public opinion poll, with the participation of 1938 people over the age of 15, in the middle of December 29–January 10, 2022 via Benderimki.com. Let’s examine the results together!

In our research, 52% of the participants stated that they are not working at the moment, while 48% stated that they are.

How satisfied are we?

The concept of satisfaction, which is sometimes thrown into the background in the intensity of life, is actually one of the most precious concepts that makes life livable. We asked the participants how satisfied they were recently.

4 out of 10 people feel neither happy nor unhappy. Could it be that the fact that people have been dealing with health and economic conditions in recent years, and their lives with ups and downs while dealing with various difficulties, have brought them to a point where they become numb? 3 out of 10 people feel unhappy. Unfortunately, the rate of those who are satisfied is in the minority.

While 3 out of 10 employees feel satisfied, 2 out of 10 employees feel happy. The small difference in the middle may indicate possible problems in business life. In our country, the effect of working status on happiness seems very small.

Are we stressed?

We look for many ways to avoid the effects of tension on our lives. Well, can we actually escape the tension? We asked the participants how tense they were in daily life. The answers are very thought provoking. When we examine the answers to this question, we see that tension is a module of many people’s lives. 6 out of 10 people feel tense.

When we examined the relationship between tension and the middle education level, we obtained surprising results. While 65% of university graduates feel stressed, this rate is 56% for primary school graduates. Young people try very hard to graduate from university, but the results make them question whether their lives are getting better.

When we examined the relationship between tension and satisfaction, we saw that there was a strong connection between them. Among those who say they are nervous, only 13% are happy. From this point of view, we can say that learning ways to work through tension will help us get closer to happiness.

What are the reasons that put it in tension?

We have seen how high the voltage ratio is. So, what are the reasons that put us in the most tension?

The biggest source of tension for 1 out of every 3 people is economic reasons. 1 out of 5 individuals would say about the future. While the coronavirus is the most valuable agenda item all over the world, it is quite thought-provoking that it is in the 4th place in Turkey. Economic reasons and worry about the future have become a source of tension even more than health!

What do we expect from the future?

We got an idea about the current situation of people. Well, what are their expectations for the future? Do they think they will be more enjoyable in the future? 45% of participants think they will be more satisfied in the future. Despite all the problems, nearly half of the society still looks to the future with hope. Half of the rest think it will be as good as it is now, and half think it will be less enjoyable.

When we analyze the answers to this question in detail, we see that women look to the future more positively. While 5 out of 10 women think that it will be more enjoyable in the future, this number drops to 4 out of 10 for men. What do you think might be the reason why women are more hopeful about the future?