Kanye West’s decision not to appear in public!

World-famous star Kanye West’s stage performance at the Grammy Awards was also canceled due to his “social media behavior”. It was learned that …

World-famous star Kanye West’s stage performance at the Grammy Awards was also canceled due to his “social media behavior”. It was learned that West, who had an eventful separation with his ex-wife Kim Kardashian, decided not to appear in public and to walk away to heal.

Rapper star Kanye West has “gone to get help” after he recently harassed ex-wife Kim Kardashian and her boyfriend Pete Davidson on social media. “explained.

kanye west

A source close to the Kardashians told JustJared, “Kanye told Kim that he will not appear in public, for the sake of the children, He said he would not make provocative statements in the media and would go somewhere to recover.”

Jason Lee, a spokesperson for the 44-year-old rap singer who officially changed his name to ‘Ye’, also made a statement, saying, “Ye watches all the headlines about himself and his family on a daily basis. “Most of it is circulated in the media by ‘sources close to the Kardashians,’ who make a false narrative that is not only untrue but jeopardizes the goal of making a healthy environment for the beautiful children she shares with Kim.”

kanye west decision to walk away

“Kanye was focused on taking care of himself, being a loving father and a creative genius long before all the false headlines we’ve seen lately. “If you do n’t hear it from him, if you read it on his social media or if you get it from a press release, it’s wrong,” the spokesperson said.


It has been learned that Kanye West, whose stage performance at the Grammy Awards was also canceled due to his “behaviors on social media”, decided not to appear in public and to walk away to heal.


West’s stage performance at the 2022 Grammy Awards was canceled due to his harassing posts. With 75 Grammy nominations and 22 Grammy nominations to date, West is nominated for the 2022 Grammy Awards for Album of the Year, Best Rap Album, Best Rap Song, and Best Rap Collaboration.

Tülin Şahin’s ex-wife Pedro was shocked by the court decision!

Pedro de Noronha filed a lawsuit against her daughter’s mother, Tülin Şahin, on the grounds that she did not comply with the custody order …

Pedro de Noronha filed a lawsuit against her daughter’s mother, Tülin Şahin, on the grounds that she did not comply with the custody order, demanding jail time. The court decided to reject the requested prison sentence for Şahin.

Portuguese businessman Pedro de Noronha, who was born in 2019 after marrying her daughter, decided to divorce with a statement of violence. After the divorce, the couple entered the custody case and it was decided to stay with Tulin Şahin.

Pedro de Noronha, who is constantly in litigation because of his daughters, finally applied to the Family Court and filed a lawsuit demanding that he be sentenced to up to six months in prison on the grounds that he did not show his child to him.

tulin şahin and pedro

At the decision hearing of the case at the Istanbul Family Court, both parties were represented by lawyers. Announcing its decision, the court rejected Pedro de Noronha’s case to explain its reasoning later.

Sports style of 77-year-old Nebahat Cehre, who stoned the youth!

Actress Nebahat Çehre, who has been in front of the camera with the same weight for years, enjoyed the heavy snowfall that came with the cold …

Actress Nebahat Çehre, who has been in front of the camera with the same weight for years, enjoyed the heavy snowfall that came with the cold weather that has been effective in Turkey for the last few days. Admiration and comments rained on Çehre’s snow pose. The home state of Çehre, who was seen buying bread the other day, also impressed. The sports style in the last post was talked about a lot.

Nebahat Çehre, who has been maintaining her physique and beauty for many years despite her age, continues to impress with her social media posts. 78-year-old Face admired her sports style at home.

nebahat çehre home state

Nebahat Çehre, who made a name for herself as Firdevs Hanım with a phenomenal series such as Aşk-ı Memnu , is fashionable and snowy. she shared the pose. Cehre, who rarely shared on social media, once again won the admiration of her fans with her fit form.

nebahat çehre

Fans of the actress, who has been in front of the cameras with almost the same weight for years, poured comments. Saying in an interview that she owes her stay the same for years to healthy nutrition and regular sports, Çehre advises her followers that they should do these frequently.

nebahat çehre snow exposure


Çehre, who is on the agenda with snow poses, was photographed while buying bread the previous day. The famous actress, who likes to cook at home, said, “There is a war somewhere, we have been in a health war for two years. As it is known, it snowed, he cleaned the whole place, I hope it will be fruitful.”

nebahat face

Master player Erdal Özyağcılar great success!

Successful actor Erdal Özyağcılar received a standing ovation from the audience at the end of the play “Welcome Painter” and received the Honor …

Successful actor Erdal Özyağcılar received a standing ovation from the audience at the end of the play “Welcome Painter” and received the Honor Award.

Turkish theater, cinema, TV series actor and voice actor Erdal Özyağcılar experienced great pride after his play. The actress, whose happiness can be seen in her eyes, was awarded the 27 March World Theater Day Honorary Award in memory of Vasfi Rıza Zobu, one of the monumental figures of the Turkish Theater, by YEKÜV (21st Century Education and Culture Foundation) under the auspices of encouraging the artist and supporting the arts.

erdal Özyağcılar

This year’s owner of the award, which was presented to many famous master actors, was presented to Erdal Özyağcılar at the end of his stage performance.

erdal Özyağcılar


In his speech, Özyağcılar said, “I received this award Here today. I want to buy and share with Berna Laçin and Gözde Çetin, with whom I played.

erdal Özyağcılar

After Özyağcılar, who raised his award with standing ovation from the audience, YEKÜV Foundation manager and vice president Ş. In her speech, Tülay Erkan said, “Turkish Theater has developed, grown and continues on its way thanks to you and great masters like you. This award is your right. Thank you for accepting it.”

Gündüz Şatıroğlu, the grandson of Aşık Veysel, is getting ready to share his grandfather.

Gündüz Şatıroğlu organizes an archive of audio recordings, letters and diaries inherited from his grandfather. It will be shared with the public …

Gündüz Şatıroğlu organizes an archive of audio recordings, letters and diaries inherited from his grandfather. It will be shared with the public in 2023, which is referred to as the “Year of Aşık Veysel” by UNESCO.

One of the grandsons of the famous folk poet Aşık Veysel Şatıroğlu, Gündüz Şatıroğlu is organizing an archive consisting of audio recordings, diaries and letters of his grandfather inherited from his father, Bahri Şatıroğlu. It is planned to be shared in 2023, which is declared as the “Year of Aşık Veysel” by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Educator and editor Gündüz Şatıroğlu, who settled in the Urla district of İzmir and named after the famous poet’s line “I’m going, day and night”, has a large archive on Aşık Veysel.

Gündüz Şatıroğlu expressed that he was always honored to be born as the grandson of Aşık Veysel, who has established a throne in everyone’s hearts, and such a public poet. Emphasizing that he did not know much of his grandfather in his life, he underlined that his bond of love was very strong.


Aware of the responsibility of being the grandson of such a person, Şatıroğlu said, “My feelings are the two scales that go back and forth between admiration for a grandfather and a public lover. Like. He gave me pocket money. I was very young. All I remember is kissing his hand and giving me money. He patted all of us on the head lovingly. His eyes were his hands anyway.” He used his expression.

Gündüz Şatıroğlu stated that UNESCO declared 2023 the “Year of Asik Veysel” and said that he was happy to be personally involved in the process.


Underlining that Aşık Veysel has a throne in everyone’s hearts in terms of the intensity of his emotions, Şatıroğlu underlined that his eyes are invisible but his heart is more open than anyone else. Veysel’s, “Let’s leave you and the self, let’s be united.” He stated that we can only shape our society with good examples. In this context, he explained that the most exciting part was to be able to add something to people’s lives with the documents in the archive.

1 million ‘Zabata’ from Leonardo DiCaprio was amazed!

World-renowned actor Leonardo DiCaprio bid $1 million for the work of Spanish artist Domingo Zapata in an auction held for the benefit of UNISEF …

World-renowned actor Leonardo DiCaprio bid $1 million for the work of Spanish artist Domingo Zapata in an auction held for the benefit of UNISEF.

St. Domingo Zapata’s work “Mona Lisa Bull Fighter” attracted great attention at the auction held at Barts for the benefit of UNICEF. Leonardo DiCaprio, who offered 1 million dollars for the work, could not buy the work. At the end of the night, the work was sold to an American business person for 1 million 27 thousand dollars, while the name of the person was still not disclosed.

domingo zabata


Artist Domingo Zapata, in his Instagram post after the auction, “On behalf of my career” A new record has been set! All proceeds will be donated to help children in need. Thank you God for giving me the opportunity to help others with my work!” made the statement.

Among the names that aspired to Zapata’s works were famous names such as Johnny Depp, Goldman Sachs and George Soros.

Kibariye: I fed my children halal money!

Kibariye, who took the stage with singer Haktan at a venue in Yeşilköy last night, made striking statements. Turkish arabesque and pop music …

Kibariye, who took the stage with singer Haktan at a venue in Yeşilköy last night, made striking statements. Turkish arabesque and pop music artist Kibariye, who left her mark on a period, met with her fans in a purple dress.

The famous singer Kibariye, who appeals to the feelings of her fans with her albums ‘I Can’t Wither the Rose’, ‘You Can’t Understand ‘, ‘Smile Destiny’, was at a venue in Yeşilköy with her colleague Haktan last night. she took the stage. Kibariye, who gained acclaim with her performance after the famous singer, wiped the rust of her ears with the songs she sang. Despite the singers who have been on the agenda with their stage outfits recently, Kibariye spoke assertively.



Singer Kibariye, who appeared in front of her fans in a purple dress, said, “I took to the stage to show my height. “I’m not one to go out. I’ve only gotten somewhere with my voice. This is how I made my bread, and I made my children eat halal, not haram,” he said.

Kibariye took the stage with a purple dress

How did you find Kibariye’s dress?

Melis Sözen rebelled against the inequality between men and women in acting!

Actress Melis Sözen, who participated in the promotion of a cosmetics brand of which she is the face, made striking statements by referring to …

Actress Melis Sözen, who participated in the promotion of a cosmetics brand of which she is the face, made striking statements by referring to the equality of men and women in the acting industry.

Last day, actress Melis Sözen, who is remembered for her role as Alya in the TV series Red Room, participated in the promotion of a cosmetics brand that she is the face of the other day. Sözen, who made candid statements about his private and professional life, rebelled against the inequality between men and women in the industry.

Melis Sözen


The famous actress, who complains that male players are paid more than women, said, “Unfortunately, this is the case. inequality exists in our sector as well as in all areas of life. We are all fighting for it. I believe that we will find the right way with the attitudes of the producers, ” he said.

Melis Sözen

Phenomenon Taha Duymaz is back from the dead! ‘I was attacked with a knife’

Phenomenal Taha Duymaz, known for his cooking videos on social media, announced that he was attacked with a knife while walking on the street …

Phenomenal Taha Duymaz, known for his cooking videos on social media, announced that he was attacked with a knife while walking on the street the other day. Duymaz, who burst into tears while speaking, said, “I was just walking on the road. I was officially attacked with a knife.”

Phenomenal Taha Duymaz, who gained a great reputation by publishing videos of him cooking in his home kitchen, on his social media account, has returned from the dead. Duymaz, who was attacked with a knife while walking on the road, shared a video on his Instagram account and told about the incident.


“Hi guys, I’m so bad right now, I’m so angry.” The famous name, who said in tears, used the following expressions:

“Sorry for making videos, but now I think I have to start somewhere. I was just walking on the road. I was officially attacked with a knife. They literally pulled a knife on me. Not one, not two, not three.” I really don’t understand what you want from me anymore. At every step I take, someone is saying something, someone is doing this, doing this. Someone tell me what harm am I doing? For years I’ve been saying to shut up, but I can’t take it anymore. Every time I go out, someone teases me, pulls a knife. I’m so tired now. I am a young man trying to take care of his family. I am not harming any of you. No one knows what I went through. I’m hiding it from everyone. But now I’ve come this far.”

Taha Duymaz

The followers of the young phenomenon, who has 1.2 million followers on his Instagram account, poured support messages

A slap in response to perception news from Uğur Işılak!

Master artist Uğur Işılak made a video sharing recently, recommending frugality against expensiveness and criticizing opportunists with a fine …

Master artist Uğur Işılak made a video sharing recently, recommending frugality against expensiveness and criticizing opportunists with a fine language. However, Işılak’s video was distorted as if it was criticizing the government, part of which was cut by the counter media. Isilak responded to those who distorted their expressions with the same video.


People’s Poet Uğur Işılak, who is also a former AK Party Deputy, said, “What will happen, brother, these oil tails, this expensiveness? ” His post, which states that he answered the question with the verses of Neyzen Tevfik, was interrupted by the media and tried to be presented as if he was giving a message to the government.

In particular, the opposition media tried to make the perception that they targeted the government by cutting the part of Işılak’s video, “Bread would have been enough for everyone. The crows have invaded the field, a rat to the barn, a thief to the oven, a thief in the country…”. (980070) A part of his video was cut his government was perceived as being made, and the poet of Turkish music received a harsh response.

Işılak, who shared the video he first shared in its uncut form, on his Twitter account, said, “The whole video, cut by a few dishonest journalists and hoped for help by the poor of ideas, dishonorable people … Have a good time.” he gave the answer.

All of Işılak’s words in the video were as follows:

“I recently went to the gas station to refuel my engine. Before I asked if I was going to fill up with fuel, what will happen, brother, these fat tails, this cost.

I gave the answer to that reproach and question with the verses of Neyzen Tevfik, Bread would actually be enough for everyone. thief, thief in the country. I was silent, swallowed, what did I not think about.”

Uğur Işılak