Selcuk Bayraktar met with scholars!

Selcuk Bayraktar, who got married with President Erdogan’s daughter Sümeyye Erdogan in 2016, met with the scholars the previous evening. Here …

Selcuk Bayraktar, who got married with President Erdogan’s daughter Sümeyye Erdogan in 2016, met with the scholars the previous evening. Here are the details of the news.

Selcuk Bayraktar, the architect of the S/UAV System Bayraktar TB2, who got married in 2016 with Sümeyye Erdogan, daughter of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ‘ National Technology Move’. met with young people as part of the program. After his speech, Bayraktar played volleyball with the youth he defined as ‘Stars of Technology’.

Selçuk Bayraktar


S/UAV System Bayraktar TB2’s architect Selçuk Bayraktar, also referring to his work during his speech Motivated the youth with these words:

“What really gives meaning to matter, high-tech machinery and what you do is how and why you do it. If those reasons were not there, the whole story would be meaningless , soulless, a dark oasis like a dark oasis. When you look at such a wild and endless landscape like a valley, if we look at it as matter alone, if we value our work so much, it is actually nothing… That’s why it’s theoretically so precious. positive step for the benefit of humanity.”

Selçuk Bayraktar met the youth within the scope of the National Technology Move


Bayraktar, ‘M He met with young people as part of the ‘Movement’ program. Bayraktar, on his social media account, included the frames of the program organized with the note “We held our traditional @T3Vakfi iftar tonight at Özdemir Bayraktar National Technology Center. We met with the Stars of Technology who will build the Turkey of the future, our scholars and volunteers…”.


As summer approaches, it’s up to you to protect your hair from adverse conditions such as heat, sun and excessive chlorine with the right …

As summer approaches, it’s up to you to protect your hair from adverse conditions such as heat, sun and excessive chlorine with the right product… Hair care products brand Remington tells us what we don’t know about our hair dryers, which we don’t put down because we use the shower, pool and sea more often in summer. and summarizes in 4 items what you should pay attention to when choosing the right product.

Researches conducted in Turkey reveal that women define high temperature as the first culprit when they believe that their hair is damaged. Considering the variety of hair types, products with different properties are needed, even for drying. Wrong product selection can cause irreversible damage to the hair. Hair care device brand Remington offers solutions suitable for different hair types with hundreds of products equipped with new generation technologies. Dryers that make keratin care for the hair during drying or that can adjust the heat according to the type of hair are among the trends of the last period…

There are many things that we should pay attention to when using. Here are 4 key ingredients for proper hair drying…

Whether you’re battling frizz or need a regular hair treatment or hair color protection; Be careful that the product you use is not necessarily the highest, but on the contrary, it is designed with the wattage suitable for your hair type.

Make sure to choose devices with different speed and temperature settings. Since each hair type is different from each other, using the temperature and speed settings at different levels suitable for your hair type will allow you to dry in a healthy way.

When purchasing, it is necessary to pay attention not to the color or elegance of the machine, but to the ergonomics of use.

And most importantly, here are the new generation technologies used in hair dryers. Along with the developing technology, these machines now have numerous useful features. However, the most important of these are the technologies that protect the hair against wear and tear during drying and even care for the hair at the same time. For example, thanks to the Keratin Protect technology that Remington has specially developed to protect the hair from the negative effects of the dryer, it is possible to achieve 3 times more effective protection. The same technology, with 90% more ions, prevents the hair from fluffing and provides a smoother and more organized appearance. Keratin and almond oil in the body of the machine is transferred to the hair during drying and care is also performed. Remington Color Protect, on the other hand, has a unique color protection technology with its ceramic grid integrated with color protecting micro conditioner. Remington Hydraluxe Pro, which opened a new era in technology, has hydracare sensor technology that can automatically adjust the temperature according to the hair during drying. Moreover, with the bronze award it won in the best new electrical products category at the 20th Pure Beauty Awards held in London in 2021, it won the appreciation of consumers with its technology and design that surpassed the competition.

New generation spaces transformed by technology

XL Architecture+Engineering Founder Architect Arda Işık, who has achieved many national and international successes with his award-winning …

XL Architecture+Engineering Founder Architect Arda Işık, who has achieved many national and international successes with his award-winning projects and especially with his designs in technology buildings, explained from which sides the changing building typologies in parallel with technological developments affect the architectural sector. According to Architect Arda Işık, the technological transformation of the social system and the economy creates great opportunities in the architecture department for the formation of new generation places.

Architect Arda Işık, who states that in the new century, our world is testing a major paradigm shift with the phenomenon of the fourth industrial revolution or digital revolution, Architect Arda Işık said that all components of knowledge, including place, are under the representation and decision of countable knowledge. He emphasizes that he entered: “The costs that make up life; Social structures such as law, education, work, health and family are transforming and the sharing economy has permeated the entire economic system. Therefore, I think that this transforming social organization and economy offers great opportunities to the branch of architecture for discoveries and experimental arrangements, new wishes and places to be created.”

Architect Arda Işık, who mentioned that the academic studies he has done in the field of technology have had a great impact on the projects they have designed as XL Architecture+Engineering, conveys his experiences in innovative building typologies with the following words: “XL Architecture+ I can mention that my academic studies in the fields of science theory, technology and digital revolution have had a great impact on the projects we have designed under the umbrella of engineering. On the other hand, the design analyzes that we have produced as pioneering building typologies and their evolving variants in the last ten years have enabled us to gain significant experience in this field as an office. mixed-use closed site structures that we have designed more than one project, including design lab, living lab, gamers’ lab, shared office, SCADA building, recreation building, technopark b uilding, sports-shopping-commercial-hotel-housing-office functions. A vision that creates its own scenarios and gives direction for our transforming world… A vision that transforms the actors and audiences in Gamers’ Lab, the actors that watch and observe in SCADA, the users and works in Living Lab, into a monumental space of competition and sharing at every scale. …”