Ukrainian singer Jamala: Emine Erdogan’s strong will should be an example to the whole world

Eurovision 2016 winner, Ukrainian singer Jamala, who took refuge in Turkey, thanked First Lady; I find the phrase “We have a duty to stand up …

Eurovision 2016 winner, Ukrainian singer Jamala, who took refuge in Turkey, thanked First Lady; I find the phrase “We have a duty to stand up to the oppressor, no matter where and to whom the persecution comes”. All the first ladies of the world should embrace this strong will shown by the lady for women and children, and set an example to the world.” Jamala, the winner of Eurovision 2016, was one of the guests of Emine Erdoğan’s iftar for children who Singer Jamala explained her feelings:

“I am a refugee and they protect orphans in Turkey, where I am a refugee, I tell them everything. to see that they provide material and moral assistance; Emine Erdogan’s lady, us and her children; I was very touched to feel that she did not her from her own daughters and grandchildren. I find Emine Erdogan’s statement, ‘We have a duty to stand up to the oppressor, no matter where or to whom the persecution comes’. All the first ladies of the world should embrace this strong will of Ms. Emine and put a stop to this persecution. I think that this strong will that the lady showed for women and children from the very beginning should set an example for the whole world. We are aware of the great and unmatched support that Turkey has given us for peace in Ukraine. Turkey is a leading country in this sense. On behalf of the whole Ukrainian people, I would like to thank President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for his support to Ukraine and the Ukrainians, and to Ms. Emine Erdoğan for her belief in the goodness of Ukraine. “

It marked the 90’s! Surprising confessions from Tuğçe San after years…

The famous name Tuğçe San, who brought techno music to the public in the 90s, left music in 98 and settled in America. He explained how he …

The famous name Tuğçe San, who brought techno music to the public in the 90s, left music in 98 and settled in America. He explained how he lived in America, why he left music.

Tuğçe San released her first self-titled album in 1996, which would make techno music take its place in the mainstream in Turkey. The singer San, who debuted the album with “Where are you”, was engraved in the minds when he left his mark on that period when he danced with the python snake. The artist, who had the chance to dance on Michael Jackson’s stage before, confessed years later why he said goodbye to the music world.

tuğçe san

“Hot from the Sun” and “Tempo” songs attract attention, while San’s signature song “Ha Ha Ha” Tuğçe San is coming , ha ha ha,” the entrance where he laughed was the event.

tugce san


Making a statement about the family he grew up in, San said, “My mother and father are people of Central Anatolia and Black Sea origin. But they immigrated to Izmir during their youth. I was born and raised in Izmir. I am very comfortable, very happy, chirpy with my 5 siblings. We grew up in a family. They opened doors for our development. I noticed my voice in primary school years. Since we are a poor family, my teacher would help me with folklore, choir, and events on national holidays. This continued until high school after primary school. I was one of those who went.” expressed as.

tuğçe san


The famous singer explains the story of his discovery at that time as follows: ” “No one discovered me in İzmir. I tried to open some doors for myself. Because the 80s were very difficult years. There was only TRT and no private TVs. There would be rallies held by the oil offices on weekends. Dancers were needed for that place. I am Ogün Yıldırım” I found the dance group of . Afterwards, I accompanied many artists such as Mithat Körler and Nilüfer on tours. I became a professional in a very short period of time.”

tugce san


While Artist San continues his explanation about how the clip with the snake came about, when he was little, he saw snakes in his village house. He declared that he loved her. Expressing that his mother was not afraid either, San said that he said “Then let’s shoot a clip with snakes” is ok. Afterwards, San confessing that he stayed with a snake around his neck during the 18-hour shoot, stated that he was not afraid, but that he had a strange feeling. )

tuğçe san


Continuing his words, San continued, “My friend, why is it both dance and music together? He said, “You don’t offer music. We started experimenting. Because I like techno and underground music, we combined them. “You do extreme things. It’s too early for Turkey, don’t go to Turkey when even Europe is getting used to it.” I didn’t agree. I’m a bit of a dominant character. I’ve never been a coward. . I think that if I have to do good things, I have to take risks. From the moment I heard that Sony Music came to Turkey, I accelerated my work. I prepared about 5-6 sample songs and we came to Istanbul and presented them. but we ‘ll present it.’ she explained.

tuğçe san


Tuğçe San quit music after her album “Continue Continue ” in 1998. Explaining the reason, San said, “There are several reasons. The first reason is the financial difficulties in the 90s. I could not earn from the albums. Because I had an extremely marginal image, the places to take the stage were also limited. Turkey was not ready for this. I had a sound that suited my techno music. “There was no place to meet my stage needs. The other reason was that I got married. I continued to stay in Germany and became a mother. My daughter was born and I moved to America when she was 2 years old.” expressed as.

tuğçe san and her daughter


Tuğçe San is currently living in America with her 2 children. The 50-year-old artist also owns a beauty center. San said, “Right now, I have a life with a little less energy in America. I have a very nice village house built for myself. We live there. I have a beauty salon on aesthetics. I am a business woman in America. I have sports and dance in my life. Making the statement that he was in high school 2, San said that he misses the stage, he misses Turkey the most, and tries to come often during the holidays.

İlber Ortaylı announced the bad news! Mikhail Meyer passed away

Mihail Meyer, one of the important Turkologists of Russia, died at the age of 86. Announcing on his social media account, Prof. Dr. İlber …

Mihail Meyer, one of the important Turkologists of Russia, died at the age of 86. Announcing on his social media account, Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı said, ‘We are living a sad day of leaf fall’.

Turkologist Mihail Meyer passed away at the age of 86. Meyer had built his academic career mainly on the Ottoman Empire and Turkey.

Mihail Meyer, who graduated from Moscow State University in 1960 and was the head of the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​for years, has many articles on the Ottoman Empire and Turkey.

Mihail Meyer died

“He was a close friend”

Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı said the following about Meyer, whom he called “his close friend”:

“Mihail Meyer left the world of Turcology and his Turkish friends at the age of 86. We live in a sad day of leaf fall . Meyer was known for his uniqueness in personality and friendship. He was born and raised in the most difficult times of the Soviet Union. He had a successful education. Because the great teachers of Russian Turcology were still standing. Meyer grew up under their auspices. His own students are more distinguished. If the discipline of Turkology in Russia was able to renew itself and adapt to the times, both Meyer’s personality and hard work have a great share in this. He has always supported Turkey’s rightful arguments. He used to come to Turkey since the late 1980s. He was my very close friend. I taught at Moscow State University for three terms at his invitation. I know their demands. We used to organize courses in Ayvalık in the summer. I hope this work of his will continue.”

“He was very upset because of the war”

İlber Ortaylı said that Meyer’s husband is also a South African historian:

“We were very close as a family. I hope that those who will come after him and his upbringing will also take care of this heritage. He spoke Turkish. His Turkish was very good. He was quite friendly. He was an exceptional man. He also had great love for Turkey and the Turks. I can also say that he is extremely sad about this last (Ukrainian) war. I am in the sudden sadness of losing a friend.”

Cem Küçük hit CHP’s Gülay Backup on live broadcast!

Turkish newspaper writer Cem Küçük, who was a guest of the “Açık ve Net” program broadcast on Habertürk, shot down former CHP Istanbul deputy …

Turkish newspaper writer Cem Küçük, who was a guest of the “Açık ve Net” program broadcast on Habertürk, shot down former CHP Istanbul deputy Gülay Yedekçi over the movie “Bergen”.

Turkey newspaper writer and TGRT commentator Cem Küçük was this week’s guest of the Açık ve Net program broadcast on Habertürk. Making evaluations about the inflation figures, Küçük turned to former CHP Istanbul deputy Gülay Yedekçi, who was among the guests, and said, “Look, there is a problem in Turkey. But there is no such thing as one cannot find or eat bread. Gülay says that one cannot go to culture. She is in Turkey at the moment. The cheapest movie ticket is 40 liras,” he said.

Turkey newspaper columnist and TGRT commentator Cem Küçük

Former CHP Istanbul deputy Gülay Yedekçi responded to Küçük’s words, “30-40 lira ticket money, of course you’re welcome. He tried to defend himself in the form of …” However, Cem Küçük expressed inconsistency in his own words, “7 million people watched the Bergen movie. It grossed 140 million. How is it that entertainment venues and movie theaters are full?” He was almost mad with his words in the live broadcast.

Backed up in a corner, unable to find a word to say, “Shouldn’t he go?” he said he When I heard that former CHP Istanbul deputy Gülay Yedekçi first said “the citizens have too much money to go, they can’t go” and then heard that 7 million people had left, “Shouldn’t they go?” His statement was interpreted by social media users as “He does n’t know what he’s talking about yet”.

TUIK researched! Half of all marriages in Turkey are arranged

Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) announced the results of the “Family Structure Research” for 2021. According to research, it turned out …

Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) announced the results of the “Family Structure Research” for 2021. According to research, it turned out that 56.8 percent of marriages in Turkey were arranged. In the research conducted by TURKSTAT, how married people choose their spouses was also examined.

The results of the “Family Structure Research” of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) for 2021 revealed that 56.8 percent of marriages were arranged. In addition, how married couples choose their spouses was also examined. 46.1 percent of the marriages were arranged and with their own consent, 34.9 percent of them were their own decision and with the consent of their families, 10.7 percent of them were arranged marriages without being asked for their opinion, and 5.3 percent of them were escape /kidnap and It was seen that 2.7 percent took place without their own decision and without the consent of their families.

Marriages in Turkey

  • While the rate of men and women who got married by their own consent is 45.9 percent, the rate of women is 46.3 percent. 8.6 percent of men and 12.5 percent of women marry by family decision without asking their own opinion.
  • 37.5 percent of men married with their own decision and with the consent of their families, 32.7 percent of women, 2.6 percent of men who married without their own decision and family’s consent, and 2 percent of women 8.
  • When the ceremonies during marriage are examined, it is seen that 89.9 percent of asking for a girl, 86.1 percent of interruption, 81.8 percent of engagement, 84.4 percent of henna night, 84.0 percent of Receiving a bride/ Groom’s bath was 8.4 percent, giving/receiving dowry 13.3 percent, weddings 87.7 percent, bachelorette party 3.0 percent, dowry laying 60.3 percent and bundle preparation 64.5 percent. The rate of marriage contract is 1.4 percent.


In the researches;

  • It was observed that 36.9 percent of first marriages took place in the 20-24 age range, 23.5 percent in the 25-29 age range and 16.5 percent in the 18-19 age range. When the age at first marriage is analyzed by gender, the rate of men who got married before the age of 18 was 4.4 percent, while the rate of women was 24.2 percent.
  • The rate of men who made their first marriage between the ages of 18-19 was calculated as 8.9 percent and the rate of women as 23 percent. While the rate of men who made their first marriage between the ages of 20-24 was 39.6 percent, the rate of women was 34.6 percent. When the age at first marriage, which individuals consider appropriate for men and women, is examined, it is stated that the age of first marriage considered appropriate for men is 51 percent, and the age of first marriage considered appropriate for women is 47.8 percent, with the age range of 25-29.

According to TURKSTAT research, half of the marriages in Turkey were arranged


TurkStat also investigated the joint decisions taken within the household.

  • It was observed that the most common type and place of vacation with 94.7 percent, activities such as eating, drinking and entertainment outside the home with 94.2 percent, and relations with relatives with 93.3 percent.
  • It was seen that the subjects that men decide more than women alone are giving priority to their expenditures with 8.2 percent and vacation style and place with 2.9 percent.


According to the researches, it was seen that household members mostly get together for dinner on weekends and weekdays.

The rate of household members getting together for dinner on weekends was 81.9 percent, while the rate of getting together for dinner on weekdays was 77.1 percent. It turned out that households come together for breakfast the most after dinner. While the rate of getting together for breakfast on the weekend was 70.1 percent, the rate of getting together for breakfast on weekdays was calculated as 45 percent.


The rate of married people who stated that they had difficulties with their spouses due to expenditures was 5.6 percent, 5.5 percent did not spend time together as a family, 4.9 percent While the income is not sufficient, 3.7% are responsibilities related to the house, researches show that 3.6% have problems due to issues related to smoking habit.

When the reasons for divorce were analyzed, irresponsible and irresponsible behavior ranked first with 32.2 percent. Based on gender, it was 41.2 percent for men and 24.2 percent for women. This is followed by cheating with 14.1 percent, not being able to provide for the house economically with 9.8 percent, beating and ill-treatment with 8.1 percent.

According to men, irresponsible and irresponsible behavior, which is the most common divorce reason, is followed by the involvement of elders in family relations with 11.0 percent and the inability to provide for the household economically with 9.7 percent. According to women, after behaving irresponsibly and irresponsibly, the most important reasons for divorce are cheating with 19.3 percent and beating/mistreatment with 14.6 percent.

Kenan İmirzalıoğlu in Millionaire is infuriated! Who doesn’t know the capital of Turkey…

Asked in the new episode of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, the longest running quiz show on Turkish television, “Which is the capital of …

Asked in the new episode of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, the longest running quiz show on Turkish television, “Which is the capital of Turkey in the 1924 Constitution and the 1961 Constitution?” The question marked the night. Kenan İmirzalıoğlu said, “The capital city of Turkey has never changed, it has never been discussed.” he answered.

Phenomenal competition program Who Wants to be a Millionaire meets with the audience on ATV screens every week with questions in many fields from art to sports to literature. In the last part of the contest, which attracted great attention, the question “Which is the capital of Turkey is written in the 1924 Constitution and the 1961 Constitution?” The question of Name Çığra Coşkun, who said she was a medical student, had a difficult time.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Name Çığra Coşkun

The contestant, who was undecided between the cities of Istanbul, Ankara, Erzurum and Sivas, first used the right of the audience as a joker. Seeing that the audience answered to Ankara by 40 percent, Istanbul by 16 percent, Erzurum by 28 percent and Sivas by 16 percent, the contestant could not be sure and used his double wildcard right.

Name Çığra Coşkun

After using the Joker rights, the contestant who answered correctly said that she succumbed to her excitement. Presenter Kenan İmirzalıoğlu, who was shocked, said, “The capital of Turkey has never changed since October 13, 1923, it has never been discussed. I’m telling you, our audience will understand. Only 40 percent of the audience answered Ankara. I was very surprised at this.” he said.

Kenan İmirzalıoğlu

The answer to that much talked about question would be as follows:

Turkey in the 1924 Constitution and 1961 Constitution . Which is the capital of the writer?

A- Istanbul

B- Ankara

C- Erzurum

D- Sivas

The correct answer would be Ankara in Choice B.


Emine Erdoğan attended the ‘Women Energizing Turkey’ award ceremony!

The “Women Energizing Turkey” award ceremony was held in Istanbul with the participation of First Lady Emine Erdoğan, the wife of Turkish …

The “Women Energizing Turkey” award ceremony was held in Istanbul with the participation of First Lady Emine Erdoğan, the wife of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, organized for the 4th time this year by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.

The 4th “Women Energizing Turkey” award ceremony, organized by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources in Istanbul this year, was attended by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. It was held with the participation of his wife Emine Erdoğan. In addition to Erdoğan, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Fatih Dönmez, Minister of Family and Social Services Derya Yanık and many guests from the business and art worlds attended the ceremony. At the 4th Women Energizing Turkey Award Ceremony, held under the auspices of First Lady Emine Erdoğan, Fatih Dönmez stated that the energy sector will change the profile of energy workers in Turkey with human resource investments, not financial investments.

Women Energizing Turkey


4th “Energy to Turkey” held in Istanbul At the “Women Inspiring ” award ceremony, the 2020 and 2022 winners of the “entrepreneurship”, “business world”, “professional”, “academy”, “exemplary company in energy”, “special jury” and “inspiring women” categories were presented to their owners .

Emine Erdoğan

Erdoğan, Diyarbakır mothers Rahime Taş, Esmer Koç and İmmihan Nilifirka, winners of the Jury Special Award 2020, and 2022 winner TURKOVAC science team gave awards to its female members. Erdogan shared pictures from the “Women Energizing Turkey” award ceremony on his Twitter account.

Diyarbakir mothers receive their awards

Erdogan said, “Today, at the traditional #Women Energizing Turkey award ceremony, we came together with women who gave us energy and pride. I sincerely congratulate all the award winners, including the TURKOVAC science team and our national female athletes.”

Erdogan thanked the environmentally conscious citizens with the following words in his post on his social media account:

Emine Erdogan and national female athletes

“Energy Our women also have a signature in the change and transformation of the sector. All participants were the first in our hearts with their environmentally sensitive work.
We should never forget that women are the most effective actors in the fight against climate change!”