Health Minister Fahrettin Koca: We are removing the fear of the epidemic from our minds

Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca, stating that the Coronavirus Science Board held its last meeting yesterday, said, “We are experiencing the …

Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca, stating that the Coronavirus Science Board held its last meeting yesterday, said, “We are experiencing the peace of leaving behind difficult times. We take the fear of the epidemic out of our minds. Now we are safe. We have a vaccine, we have a medicine.” he said she.

Minister Koca made statements regarding current developments before his visit to Governor Hüseyin Aksoy within the scope of Aydın program.

  • Circular regarding the new era in the use of masks has been sent to the governorships
  • Students were happy to enter the classrooms without masks

Husband, in 2023, Aydın’s 1300 bedded Expressing that he will have a city hospital and that this investment will make the city the health base of the region, he noted that the health army in the city has grown 2.5 times in 20 years and reached 9 thousand 966 people.

Reminding that the Coronavirus Scientific Committee, which held its last meeting yesterday, was accepted by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Koca said that a very difficult struggle has been waged against the coronavirus for 2.5 years, the health army of 1 million 300 thousand people and every member of the nation made significant sacrifices. he stressed that he did.

Husband stated the following:

“Today, we are in the peace of leaving those difficult times behind. We take the fear of the epidemic out of our minds. Now we are safe. We have the vaccine, we have the medicine. As long as we have these weapons, the disease is no longer in our hands. It has ceased to be a major threat. From now on, we want to protect ourselves with personal protective measures and vaccinations and continue our daily lives. The use of masks will also continue on a voluntary basis, except for transportation and health institutions. We are obliged to protect the over 65 years old and other vulnerable groups. They should not neglect the reminders. Where they see risk “They should protect themselves with a mask. On the other hand, people who have any symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection such as cough, runny nose, and weakness should wear a mask to protect those around them. I would like to remind our citizens to be sensitive at this point.”


Stating that the number of cases decreased to 2,500 as of yesterday, Husband said that 14 citizens who lost their lives had chronic diseases, He stated that they were elderly people. services were closed one by one, and Aydın was one of the provinces that did not have any patients in intensive care. stated their aim.

Minister of Health, who also answered the questions of journalists, “Has the Scientific Committee completed its task?” Upon his question, he stated that the board held its last meeting with the acceptance of President Erdoğan yesterday.

also used the following expressions on social media:

Reminding that he said “the la st meeting of the Scientific Committee”, Koca said, “The Scientific Committee performed exceptionally for 27 months during this period. We have a Board of Directors. We are talking about a Scientific Committee of 35 people and 110 people with sub-working groups. At the point reached in this process, the Scientific Board held its last meeting as of yesterday. The Ministry has many scientific boards. Rare diseases, as in SMA.. “This kind of scientific committee will be closely monitoring this process within the body of Public Health. The Scientific Committee has held its last meeting. It can be decided to convene at any time when necessary, but I would like to say that there is no such situation at the moment, and the last meeting ended as a historic meeting yesterday.”

“Mask should be worn if there is a sign of infection”

Minister Koca, on the question of “whether the obligation to use masks also covers airplanes”, only until the number of cases in public transportation and health institutions is below 1000. He reminded that the use of masks continues, and that there will be no use of masks in any other area.

“Therefore, all institutions, including airplanes, education and closed areas, are included in this.” Saying that, Big pointed out that it has now been learned that the mask is protective and prevents the transmission of infection with the epidemic.

Emphasizing that influenza is not seen during the intensive use of masks, and those who feel the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection in the next period should definitely wear a mask, Husband continued:

” This must be our habit. It is the most risky at the moment. Age group, our citizens with advanced age and additional diseases. In other words, we are talking about elderly people with chronic diseases and suppressed immune response. Currently, the average age of those who passed away is 78. Therefore, if we have any signs of infection, we must wear masks to protect our elderly people. We care that our elders, those with chronic diseases and those with additional diseases, must wear masks when they enter closed, crowded and risky areas.”

Minister Koca noted that it is not a measure currently recommended by the Scientific Committee for tourists coming from abroad, and reminded that they removed the PCR test before. Emphasizing that this does not mean that there will be no precautions, Koca said, “The people coming from the relevant countries are followed up at regular intervals. Similarly, if we see a risk, it is always evaluated as a relevant Ministry from any country ” he said.

Minister Koca, who signed the Governor’s Honor Book and met with Governor Hüseyin Aksoy, AK Party Aydın deputies Mustafa Savaş, Metin Yavuz, Bekir Power Erim, Rıza Posacı, AK Party MKYK Member Seda Sarıbaş, Provincial Police Chief Suat Ekici, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Macit Engin, Aydın Adnan Menderes University (ADU) Rector Prof. Dr. Osman Selçuk Aldemir was accompanied by AK Party Provincial Chairman Ömer Özmen.

In which segments are the flavors used? Is it healthy?

Many products are offered to the market as flavor enhancers in the food branch. There is a wide range of artifacts, both as a sweetener and in …

Many products are offered to the market as flavor enhancers in the food branch. There is a wide range of artifacts, both as a sweetener and in terms of enlivening the flavors in the artifacts with aromas. Aroma is a work that is used quite a lot in all areas of our lives. It both adds pleasant flavors to foods and causes desirable odors. For this reason, people show a lot of interest. It is frequently used in food production in mass production. Let’s take a look at the food flavor uses, what tastes it appeals to and what they do.

Why are food flavors used?

Food options include foods that are highly preferred or not preferred by people. One of the reasons why people prefer and consume foods fondly is the taste of that food, that is, the aroma of food. The flavor of food has a great role in the emergence and support of local flavors and in the results suitable for the palate. Food flavors have very valuable missions in the emergence of delicious foods and the reinforcement of organic assays.

Are the flavors natural?

There may be chemical additives in many different foods. Aromas are divided into two as natural and natural equivalent aromas. If we ask a question such as whether the food flavors are natural, it is possible to say that the productions made on this subject are mostly organic. It is possible to encounter different nutritional components in some of the food flavors along with many additive nutritional materials. However, it is possible to say that the food flavors obtained by using plants such as fruits and flowers are 100% natural.

Uses of Food Aromas

The use of healthy food is a very valuable necessity. Especially in the international market, there are very strict practices and regulations on food supply and trade. Along with the regulations determined by the European standards, it is necessary to review the production and usage areas in accordance with these regulations.

Food flavors usage areas;

– Food Division,

– Pharmaceutical Industry,

– Perfume Division,

– Soft Drink Production,

– Tobacco Products ,


The use of aroma in the food sector

When we talk about aroma-based foods in the food sector, the first thing that comes to mind is ice cream, cake, desserts, cookie varieties , cracker varieties and bakery products. Many people want to see these natural flavors in these foods. At the same time, more aromatic flavors can be obtained by using nutritional flavors instead of discarding the fruit itself. It is also possible to obtain more delicious works in this form.

The use of food flavoring in the pharmaceutical department

Many compounds and chemical elements used in the drug compound are bitter. Food flavoring options with natural properties provide ease of use in pills, syrups and powdered drugs.

The use of food flavor in the perfume section

The scent of perfume speaks of precious meanings for people. While many people indulge in their own special scent, floral and fruit-flavored perfume options are among the precious choices here.

Use of nutritional flavor in soft drinks

Carbonated and still carbonated beverages are valued especially for their fragrance and taste. Finding a brand new flavor in soft drinks is directly related to the aroma used

The use of food flavor in tobacco products

While preparing tobacco products, different flavors are tried to be created especially for users . The flavor options used with tobacco lead to the emergence of products with very different tastes

The use of food flavoring in the production of Nbase and aalt base

Nbase and Salt Base are among the first class quality and qualified chemicals, Nbase works, the company It is offered to the market with a warranty and it shows that it is a wrong choice with a 1 year storage guarantee. Sigma Grade, Chemnovatic Grade, Merck Grade, Wilmar Grade and Carlo nbase appear as works produced with vegetable glycerin in this category. While producing NBase liquids, it is produced with the latest technology devices by chemists who are experts in this regard.

Mix aroma

Mix aroma: It is produced using many different flavors. Different kinds of mix and pleasant aromas used here lead to the emergence of very different and special smells. Available ingredients: It is produced using the most assertive varieties of aroma brands such as Flavor Arka, TFA, Flavor West, Capella and Inawera. The Gold Mix Aroma varieties, which arouse admiration in people who prefer these works, attract a lot of attention from users.