Singer Murda is sentenced to 4 years and 2 months in prison for ‘encouraging drugs’!

Singer Mehmet Önder Doğan, nicknamed Murda, was sentenced to 4 years and 2 months in prison on charges of “encouraging drug use” in his songs …

Singer Mehmet Önder Doğan, nicknamed Murda, was sentenced to 4 years and 2 months in prison on charges of “encouraging drug use” in his songs, with the charge of “encouraging drug use”. The singer’s lawyer, Ümit Gürkal Egemen, stated that they will appeal the decision.

Istanbul 53rd Criminal Court of First Instance in the third hearing, Mehmet Önder Doğan was not present, while his lawyer was present. In his opinion on the merits, the prosecutor of the trial was told that the defendant admitted that the song in the indictment belonged to him, and that his songs, Smoke, Expensive and Eh Baba, contained words encouraging smoking marijuana. He was sentenced to imprisonment from 6 years 2 months to 17 years and 6 months on the charge of “encouraging drug use” in a chain, stating that the accused Doğan’s Youtube channel has a high following and his clips are watched and liked by a large number of people, and that it is clear that the accused is openly encouraged to use drugs by reaching a large number of people. he demanded punishment.


Lawyer Ümit Gürkal Egemen stated that they did not agree with the opinion and said:

” My client has two songs called Smoke. The song “Duman” mentioned in the indictment was not published on YouTube. It was also removed from its own channel. However, it cannot technically prevent it from being copied and broadcast by third parties at the time it was shared. The song in question was also not performed in any of his concerts. The song in question was not a licensed song and was anonymous at that time. it is a song he shared with his wife and friends because he is not famous .Although the crime is committed with general intent, it should be evaluated within the scope of freedom of thought, art and thought, in cases where it is not acted with the intention of committing a crime in accordance with Articles 26-27 of the Constitution and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The legal elements of the crime attributed to my client have not been formed. We demand a verdict of acquittal.”


The court ruled that the defendant was charged with “openly encouraging the use of drugs”, 190 /2 of the TPC. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison in accordance with the article. Considering the behavior of the accused Mehmet Önder Doğan during the trial, the court reduced the sentence to 4 years and 2 months in prison by applying a discretionary It was also stated in the decision that the decision could be appealed to the court of appeal. The song ‘Duman’ that I sing in Turkey is not the song on which the accusation is made. The songs ‘Expensive’ and ‘Eh Baba’ are also mine. The Netherlands’ “I grew up in the country. I grew up with the culture of that place. The use of these substances is free there. That’s why I didn’t think it was like that here. Rap ​​songs are close to street jargon. There is a very subtle nuance in between. It was not said to encourage anyone to commit crime,” he said.


Murda’s lawyer, Ümit Gürkal Egemen, upon questions from the press at the exit of the hearing, said, “The Constitution’s 26, 27, and European Convention on Human Rights. We said that it should be considered within the scope of artistic freedom and freedom of expression according to Article 10. My client has never acted here to openly encourage anyone to any bad habit, no matter what the name is, or to show that it is good. No artist can do such an act anyway. “We think there is a difference of interpretation. We will appeal the decision, we will have objections. We will see the result when the upper court evaluates,” he said.

Attorney Egemen said, “After the indictment was issued, a travel ban was issued. As you know, my client is a Dutch citizen. He is not a Turkish citizen, he does not have a residence here. After the indictment was evaluated, we took his statement and demanded that the ban on leaving the country be lifted. “This demand of ours was accepted. He was excluded from the hearings. Because of this, he was not here today. He will continue his concerts. I talked to him a little while ago. He has concerts in Turkey in the summer, we are fully assured of justice. We will follow the legal process,” he said. Stating that his client is a good family man, lawyer Egemen said, “You can see this from his posts. He does not have any bad habits in any way. He is a person in sight, a person trying to set an example for all young people and society. Of course, there can be some discourses in the songs. “It’s not just something that belongs to my client. This and similar things happen in all movies, TV series, all artworks. We don’t believe or think that any artist has any intention to mislead people, and we know them as much as we know them,” he said.


In the indictment, Dutch singer Mehmet Önder Doğan, known by his nickname Murda, took part in the songs “Duman”, “Expensive” and “Eh Baba”. It was claimed that some expressions encouraged the use of drugs or In the indictment, the singer Doğan was imprisoned from 5 to 10 years for the crime of “encouraging people to use drugs” in accordance with Article 190/2 of the Turkish Penal Code. in the interim session and the ban on her abroad was lifted upon her request.

Seda Sayan’s son Oğulcan Engin opposed the marriage! it’s a mess

Singer Seda Sayan said ‘Yes’ to the marriage proposal she received from the musician Çağlar Ökten with whom she worked, and it fell like a …

Singer Seda Sayan said ‘Yes’ to the marriage proposal she received from the musician Çağlar Ökten with whom she worked, and it fell like a bombshell. A radical statement came from Sayan’s son, Oğulcan Engin.

8. Seda Sayan, who is preparing to become a bride for the first time, is getting ready to marry her lover Çağlar Ökten, who is 25 years younger than her, whom she addressed as ‘my husband’ before marriage. His son Oğulcan Engin reacted to Sayan, who could not see anything. Engin did not like the marriage of Ökten and his mother, who was almost the same age.

Çağlar ökten ve seda countan

Allegedly, Oğulcan Engin stipulated “Marry quietly” to his mother. Engin, 31, has decided not to attend the wedding that will be held in Prague on May 7.

Oğulcan Engin had his mother banned from speaking last year. She had silenced her mother, who was talking about their relationship. Seda Sayan told reporters, “Oğulcan is angry, I will not talk anymore.” he said.

seda sayan and his son


Seda Sayan, who is getting ready to marry Çağlar Ökten, was at the jewelery fair the previous day. Seda Sayan said, “I am a jewelery woman. Access to jewelery and purchasing power of women became easier. I am the Seda of years, I will not have such magnificent rings, but who will have them”.

“I am at the right address. I am a jewelery woman. Women’s access to jewelery and purchasing power has become easier!”

seda count and Çağlar Ökten

“Çağlar wore a full ring while proposing marriage. Other than that, I bought them. I am the Seda of the years, I will not have such magnificent rings, who will have them? It is well known that I am fond of jewelery.”


There are news about Seda Sayan’s future wife Çağlar Ökten that will leave her mark on the agenda. Seda Sayan also gave information about whether she had a marriage contract with Çağlar Ökten. The claim made about Seda Sayan’s future wife, Çağlar Ökten, shook the social media. It was claimed that 59-year-old Seda Sayan’s young lover Çağlar Ökten “promised an album in return for ending her 4-year relationship and marrying him”. Seda Sayan broke her silence.

seda Sayan and her future fiancée

, who was connected to the 2nd page program by phone, Sayan “It is both an insult to me to have promised an album in return for something, it is also an insult to Çağlar’s musician A great insult to his identity. For one thing, you don’t know Çağlar. He’s a very good musician and teacher at the same time. I’ve told the album not only to Çağlar before, I’ve also started the same album. DMC knows this too. Çağlar Ökten, Esra Özmen, Safiye Soyman and my own album.” said she.


Seda Sayan, who had been married 7 times before, received a marriage proposal from the singer Çağlar Ökten, with whom she worked, on February 14. Sayan responded to the marriage proposal in yesterday’s live broadcast. Confirming that he had received a marriage proposal, Sayan said, “Yes, I received a marriage proposal from Çağlar Ökten on February 14. Yes, forever! The testimony of those here is in question in this love.”

Seda Sayan “Çaglar did not convince me for marriage, I convinced him. There is a good energy between us. We were thinking about it in July, but we took it forward. We are at the wedding table in May. I have made a marriage contract until today, but there is no need for me to do it with Çağlar. I am a firm believer in the right time and destiny. Çağlar went beyond his own budget and bought me a diamond ring. I can’t stand him. I don’t wear a string veil wedding dress. I wear a calm dress and follow my man.”

seda sayan

Responding to Sayan’s statements with a song, Çağlar Ökten said that İrem Derici’s Heart’s He sang the song “One Owner”. Ökten came to the stage and danced the song while looking into Sayan’s eyes. The young singer, who had romantic moments, did not neglect to kiss Seda Sayan, who is 25 years older than him, on the forehead

Çağlar Ökten and seda sayan


A flash marriage to singer Seda Sayan, who made her first marriage to Rıdvan Kılıç in 1987 and later got married 5 more times. who received a marriage proposal from the musician Çağlar Ökten, with whom he worked, decided on this proposal. ayan started her marriage preparations with a musician who is 25 years younger than her.

Çağlar Ökten and Seda Sayan

Çağlar Ökten, after performing at Süreyya Teras in Beyoğlu on Monday night, 14 February, suddenly removing the solitaire from her pocket , He proposed to the artist.


In an interview he gave in the past weeks, Sayan said, “I don’t count my remaining marriages except for my child’s father. This is the time to get married. I have calmed down, now I would like to have someone by my side. ‘ he said.

Surprising ‘jewelry’ statement from Seda Sayan, who came to the agenda with the news of marriage!

Singer Seda Sayan said ‘Yes’ to the marriage proposal she received from the musician Çağlar Ökten with whom she worked, and it fell like a …

Singer Seda Sayan said ‘Yes’ to the marriage proposal she received from the musician Çağlar Ökten with whom she worked, and it fell like a bombshell. Sayan was at the jewelry fair the previous day.

Seda Sayan, who is getting ready to marry Çağlar Ökten, was at the jewelery fair the previous day. Seda Sayan said, “I am a jewelery woman. Access to jewelery and purchasing power of women became easier. I am the Seda of the years, I will not have such magnificent rings, but who will have it, ”said she.

“I am at the right address. I am a jewelery woman. Women’s access to jewelery and purchasing power has become easier!”

seda count and Çağlar Ökten

“Çağlar wore a full ring while proposing marriage. Other than that, I bought them. I am the Seda of the years, I will not have such magnificent rings, who will have them? You know, I’m fond of jewelry,” she said.


There are news about Seda Sayan’s future wife Çağlar Ökten that will leave her mark on the agenda. Seda Sayan also gave information about whether she had a marriage contract with Çağlar Ökten. The claim made about Seda Sayan’s future wife Çağlar Ökten shook the social media. It was claimed that 59-year-old Seda Sayan’s young lover Çağlar Ökten “promised an album in return for ending her 4-year relationship and marrying him”. Seda Sayan broke her silence.

seda Sayan and her future fiancée

, who was connected to the 2nd page program by phone, Sayan “It is both an insult to me to have promised an album in return for something, it is also an insult to Çağlar’s musician A great insult to his identity. For one thing, you don’t know Çağlar. He’s a very good musician and teacher at the same time. I’ve told the album not only to Çağlar before, I’ve also started the same album. DMC knows this too. Çağlar Ökten, Esra Özmen, Safiye Soyman and my own album.” she said she.


Seda Sayan, who had been married 7 times before, received a marriage proposal from the singer Çağlar Ökten, with whom she worked, on February 14. Sayan responded to the marriage proposal in yesterday’s live broadcast. Confirming that he had received a marriage proposal, Sayan said, “Yes, I received a marriage proposal from Çağlar Ökten on February 14. Yes, forever! The testimony of those here is in question in this love.”

Seda Sayan “Çaglar did not convince me for marriage, I convinced him. There is a good energy between us. We were thinking about it in July, but we took it forward. We are at the wedding table in May. I have made a marriage contract until today, but there is no need for me to do it with Çağlar. I am a firm believer in the right time and destiny. Çağlar went beyond his own budget and bought me a diamond ring. I can’t stand him. I don’t wear a string veil wedding dress. I wear a calm dress and follow my man.”

seda sayan

Responding to Sayan’s comments with a song, Çağlar Ökten said that İrem Derici’s Heart’s Okten came on stage and danced while looking into Sayan’s eyes. Having romantic moments, the young singer did not neglect to kiss Seda Sayan, who is 25 years older than herself, on the forehead

Çağlar Ökten and seda sayan


A flash marriage to singer Seda Sayan, who made her first marriage to Rıdvan Kılıç in 1987 and later got married 5 more times.

moments when he received a marriage proposal

Sayan, who received a marriage proposal from the musician Çağlar Ökten, whom he worked with, decided to accept this proposal. She said “yes”. ICI Seda Sayan started her marriage preparationio ns with a musician who is 25 years younger than her.

Çağlar Ökten and Seda Sayan

Çağlar Ökten, after performing at Süreyya Teras in Beyoğlu on Monday night, 14 February, suddenly removing the solitaire from her pocket , He proposed to the artist.


In an interview he gave in the past weeks, Sayan said, “I don’t count my remaining marriages except for my child’s father. This is the time to get married. I’ve calmed down, now I would like to have someone by my side. ‘ he said.