Bengü celebrated her greatest new age: This is my reward in the world…

The famous singer Bengü, who took her second baby in her arms a few months ago, celebrated her new age by sharing a photo with her children on …

The famous singer Bengü, who took her second baby in her arms a few months ago, celebrated her new age by sharing a photo with her children on social media the previous day.

Having her first baby in her arms in 2019, artist Bengü continues to post frequently on social media. Bengü, who is a strict social media user during the pandemic process and is happy to be a mother for the second time, celebrated her new age with her husband and children.


Bengü, who turned 43 the other day, published a special photo for her birthday from her social media account, which has 1.8 million followers.

The famous name, who was in front of the lens with his children, wrote the message “You are the greatest reward in this world, my children. I am happy to be born, I am glad… ” on the frames taken with the cake.

bengü birthday

The singer’s post, which received close to 70 thousand likes in a short time, received hundreds of congratulatory comments from many of his followers, especially famous names.

Bengü shared the home pose with her children.


The famous singer, who frequently uses social media, made a new post today. Bengü shared with her children, “We are at home with everything!” she added the note.

bengü and their children

Bengü celebrated his wife Selim Selimoğlu’s birthday with this photo:
“Happy birthday my dear husband… , always be with us… We love you more than anything.”

This photo of Bengü was showered with likes by her fans.

The famous name, who was in front of the camera with his children, published their home situations.

The sharing of the famous singer’s daughter Zeynep touched everyone. Bengü, who is among the celebrities who actively use social media, shared his photo of the moment of his birth this time. The beautiful singer added the note “Smile so that life smiles at you”.


Bengü shared this note:

When I found out, “Zeynep is very young, how can I be enough for both of them, what if she is too jealous, I wonder if it’s too early”… I got used to the i dea and even started to dream… The day would come when the two of them would face life shoulder to shoulder back to back… Maybe we would leave early and they would both be the biggest supporters of each other… We would always love both of them , neither too much for one nor too much… I look at you and I am grateful for the blessing… You have been such a beautiful sister, my Zeyno… Your sisters are second mothers… I am sure you will always take good care of your sister, and we will always love you and her too!!! WE WILL LOVE YOU!!!”

The beautiful singer, who gave birth recently, shared her new family pose with her family babies, with The team note from her Instagram account

family pose from bengü

Bengü said, “It was a very easy birth. Thank goodness it was a healthy birth. Zeynep kissed and smelled her brother. He can’t fully perceive it, but he is somewhat aware. She didn’t get jealous at the moment, but then she can do it while sharing her parents like every child.”

daughter of the day

The famous singer said, “We have the rest from now on. We will show the same love to both of them, and even a little more attention to Zeynep.”

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Habibe Seyisoğlu, who gave birth on Monday, November 1, 2021, gave the following information;

“Baby Selim was born at 7.52 today. Ms. Bengü and her baby are in good health. Selim baby, who was born with a weight of 3760 g and a height of 53 cm, also met with breast milk. We wish her, her baby and her family a healthy life.” said.

sharing with baby bengü

Bengü shared the photo taken in the hospital room with the note “My son…Welcome to our family, son”

Bengü, who has been away from the stages for a long time because the industry has stopped during the coronavirus pandemic, said, “We switched from the pandemic to normalization, but I could not return to the stages because of my pregnancy. I’ll shoot my clip and get back as soon as possible. In this process, I continued to produce”.


Famous singer Bengü, who is 8 months pregnant with her second baby, had recently received a coronavirus vaccine. New pregnancy poses came from Bengü, who was going to hold her second child in her arms.

pregnancy poses from bengü

The singer, who is 34 weeks pregnant with her second baby, was at İstinye Park the previous day.

Wandering around the stores alone, Bengü said, “There are only 6 weeks left until the birth. I noticed that; I haven’t bought anything for our son yet. We have only just begun to prepare his new room, ”he said.

The singer, who will name his future son after his wife Selim Selimoğlu, shared his photo on Instagram.

“Bengü, “Last pregnant photos; He put a heart emoji by typing “Welcome 8th month”. The singer wrote “Baby is loading” as a hashtag. Bengü received thousands of likes in a short time.

Finally, Bengü shared the photo of her baby that was reflected in the ultrasound machine, and dropped the note “We went so we could see every last, but it’s okay. ”

bengü ultrasound photos


bengü is pregnant with her second baby

Bengü, who is 5 months pregnant with her second baby, shopped in Nişantaşı the previous day. Do you want to become one?”, “If it were up to my wife Selim, there would be 4-5, but I am stuck with the age limit. I’m thinking of saying goodbye to the fields with the second. One girl, one boy is enough.”

the gender of today’s baby has been determined

Famous singer who is still married to Selim Selimoğlu Bengü gave the good news to her fans. Bengü, who gave birth to her daughter Zeynep in the past years, announced that she would experience the joy of motherhood once again. Big love from us to all of you,” Bengü confirmed that she is pregnant.

The 42-year-old successful singer has been married to Selim Selimoğlu for a while. The couple had their first baby in their arms in the past years.

She announced the name of the baby Bengü, who was displayed in a shopping mall yesterday. Answering the questions of zetemakers, Bengü said:

“We were very happy when we heard the news for the first time. As our name, we think Junior Selim Selimoğlu because our surname is Selimoğlu. It was already a dream of my wife Selim. I named Zeynep, and we left it to Selim. We will raise two children at once, Zeynep will turn 2 years old, normally we did not think of a child for a year. They said ‘craving happens more in the second child’ but my son takes good care of his mother, he said, “There has been no situation so far.”