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Take care of yourself at home without spending money on cosmetics!

Girls, you know that the prices of cosmetic products are increasing day by day. While prices are increasing so much, it is not possible to keep up with care products. Did you know that you can do your own skin care at home without investing your fortune in cosmetics? I have some care suggestions for you that you can easily apply at home. Let’s go to the details…

Skin cleansing

No matter what skin care method you apply, the first thing you will do is to purify your skin from dirt. If you want to do this job without spending a lot of money on skin cleansing products, soda will be beneficial for your skin in terms of the minerals it contains. After washing your face, moisten a cotton ball with baking soda and rub it gently into your skin. While this method cleanses your skin of dirt, minerals will be good for your skin.

Friendly milk for all skin types

Another skin cleansing method: Milk. Whether you have combination or dry skin, milk is a great cleanser. Soak a cotton ball in warm or cold milk, and then rub this cotton wool soaked in milk on your skin. Repeat this process twice a week!

Fight the black dots!

The black spots that disturb us with their appearance are quite annoying. Get your supplies ready because we’re waging war on them! What you need for this: One tablespoon of cocoa, one teaspoon of honey and two tablespoons of yogurt. That’s it! Application: Put all the ingredients in a bowl, taking into account the measurements given, mix and apply to your skin. I recommend applying this method before going to sleep at night. You will wake up like a baby in the morning!

Let your skin shine with Aloe Vera!

Would you like to grow herbs for your skin care? The magnificent aloe plant, which is used especially in medical fields, has recently come to our ears. In the field of cosmetics, this plant is used for various creams and skin cleansing products. Instead of buying these very expensive products, you can grow your own aloe vera plant at home. Its application is quite simple. Cut the leaves from the root. Gently peel off the green layer on top with a knife and remove the gel inside. Finally, apply the gel to your skin with the help of cotton. After waiting for half an hour, you can wash your skin. Here is a clean glowing skin!

Coffee grounds for exfoliation

High caffeine content of coffee has the effect of rejuvenating your skin. did you know? You can use the coffee you drink with great pleasure, which is indispensable for conversations, as a peeling to purify your skin from dead skin. What you need to do for this: first prepare yourself a nice foamy Turkish coffee, then massage the coffee grounds into your skin. After waiting for a while, wash your skin with warm water. It’s done!

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