Volunteer high school students are cooking meals for those in need in the school’s kitchen!

A group of volunteer students from Osmangazi Borsa İstanbul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in implemented the “Vocational High …

A group of volunteer students from Osmangazi Borsa İstanbul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in implemented the “Vocational High Schools Meet with Families” project, which emerged with the support of the Ministry of National Education. Students cooking in the school’s kitchen are delivered to those in need with their meals prepared for iftar.

9 young students studying Food and Beverage Services at Osmangazi Borsa Istanbul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, with the materials that their teachers collected and provided in Ramadan, prepares food for the needy. Meals cooked in the school kitchen under the supervision of teachers are taken one by one to the addresses of families in need before iftar in the neighborhood where the school is located.

“Vocational High Schools Meet with Families” project


The project, which started as part of the “Vocational High Schools Meet with Families” project of the Ministry of National Education, will continue until the end of Ramadan. Explaining that the families to be helped were determined by the teachers and students in the social assistance team of the high school, by contacting the headman of the neighborhood where the school is located, School Principal Nur Tutkun spoke as follows about the project:

“Our students competed with each other saying, ‘We want to take part in this project’. “This motivated us even more. 9 of our students are working on this project. We obtain the materials by raising money among our school’s staff, teachers, and ourselves. The meals are prepared by our students in the company of our field chef and teachers. The meals are packaged and delivered to families through our teachers and staff.”

Volunteer high school students prepare fast-breaking meals for those in need

Food and Beverage Services Area Chief Ahmet Azizoğlu, who explained that the teachers are very willing to finance, said, “Our budget is completed in one day. “Our teachers provide financial support when they are heartbroken. This gives us and our students a very good energy.” he used the expressions.

Bursa Osmangazi high school students

Azizoğlu stated that with the strength that comes from unity, very good and delicious meals emerge, “Students improve themselves a lot By cooking here, and their food is constantly As they do what they do, their learning becomes more permanent. In this way, their love and belief towards their profession becomes higher.”


11th grade student Tulin Gülen, on the other hand, emphasized that she is very happy to take part in this activity and said, “I brought the project to my family. When I said that, I took an approach like, ‘You should definitely participate, you should help people’, so I took part in this project thinking, ‘I should definitely be in this project, I should have some salt in the soup. ‘ We reinforce what we learned in the department, we cook together. Especially seeing people smile I think it’s the most beautiful thing in the world.” said.

Osmangazi Borsa Istanbul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School students

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