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Who is Bulent Parlak? The beloved writer Bülent Parlak has passed away!

Izdiham Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief, young writer Bülent Parlak passed away as a result of a heart attack.

Bülent Parlak, the founder and editor-in-chief of the culture, art and literature magazine called “Izdiham”, passed away as a result of a heart attack

The funeral prayer of the beloved writer Bülent Parlak will be held in Üsküdar Yeni Valide Sultan Mosque, after the noon prayer tomorrow (20 April 2022, Wednesday), and he will be buried in the Karacaahmet Cemetery.


Izdiham magazine announced the death of Bülent Parlak by saying ‘Inna Lillahi and Inna Ileyhi Raciun’

Who is Bülent Parlak


Bülent Parlak’s last post before he died was heartbreaking…

“Life begins with being born because there is a concept of time; it ends with death. Wherever there is no time and everything will meet eternity.”

Bülent Parlak


Writer Bülent Parlak was born in Malatya as the last child of a family of eight children.The poet has four older brothers and three older sisters.Bright lost his father at the age of 6 and his mother at the age of 19.

He attended primary, secondary and high school in Malatya’s Konak town. ere for a year. In those years, he worked in the advertising service of a newspaper where he went for internship. The poet, who finished first in the schools he attended, had to leave the Faculty of Communication due to financial inadequacies.

He started writing poetry during his primary school years. He sent his poem, which he scribbled on a bill, to the journal Dergah. Supported by Mustafa Kutlu, the poet’s first poem and more than one poem he penned since 2005 were published in Dergah.

Parlak opened a literature portal in 2007 with the address of izdiham.com. This portal, where texts, literary articles, stories and essays from Turkish and World literature were published, later turned into a magazine. The poet is the founder and editor-in-chief of the culture-art-literature magazine called Izdiham. Izdiham magazine has been in print since 2008, “We are all at the age to die.”, “There is no subscription activity in case of the apocalypse.” It began to be printed with many remarkable slogans such as The magazine, which is very popular with its content and layout, is among the most read magazines with its original cover articles. On the cover of the first issue of the magazine, “Living is harmful to health.” is writing. The covers and contents of the next issues contain very interesting and gripping topics. Izdiham Publishing has given many young people the opportunity to publish their stories, essays and poems, and in this respect, it has to be done the mission of a literature school. Young pens, who published their first book from Izdiham Publications, published their pen products thanks to the magazine and had the opportunity to gather them in a book.

In 2010, the poet brought together his poems, which he had published in Dergah until then, in his poetry book, My Dear Restlessness. He published his essay book called The Invention of Solitude, which he wrote in 2012, dedicated to his father, Ricakeş in 2014, and his poetry books called It’s Too Late for Everything in 2018.

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